Jan C.
on 4/15/07 2:18 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Well I guess I will have to be a little more specific about things I see. Lol No Janet you cant use Dog poop. You cant use any poop unless it is dried and composted for a while. Nothing that I know of anyway. Yeah you can use Chicken poop as long as it is dried and composted for a while. You wouldn't want to use it real fresh but you wouldn't want to use any of it like that. I take the dry manure I get from my brother and it is already been composted for some of it for years .I get the oldest he has. I bring it home and mix it into my compost pile about half and half and then I usually go get a truck load of top soil and mix that in with the other two. So does that clean the poop question up ? lol You don't want to use dog or cat or human . The very best in the world is worm castings. And that can be used right out of the worm beds. We had a big worm bed one year and every month Joe would sift all the worms out and would take all the worm castings and put in buckets for me to use. I had nothing but rocks at that place so I did nothing but potted plants and they were the best I have ever grown. It is like baby food for new plants. Hope this has cleared some of the things up about manure. What a subject lol TAMMY: hey thanks for singing the rain go away song. I think it worked lol We worked out in the front starting to put in the ponds that we bought from Melissa. I have it all planed out now if it will just work lol We are going this afternoon to get some good flat rocks to put all around them and around the outside of that I am going to plant some of my hardy geraniums I also have water plants to plant in the ponds, some tall pampas grass to plant on one side . I have it all in my mind I guess I need to put it down on paper so I don't lose it lol The trouble is that I know what I want but to try to explain it to others before I get it all done is hard. I wish I could draw what I see in my head lol Since no one else can see what I invision it makes it hard to get anyone to help me. Lol JANET: I think you will enjoy your pots of flowers the wave petunias will fill your pots and flow out and around them. Be sure and plant several in each pot if you want a full lush look. There are several little vines too that will look good in the pots. Well if it were me I would probably wait until May 1st for pots of flowers. Unless you have things you could cover them with if they say it is going to get below 35 at night. If you do I think it will be ok. Also get you a small thing of Miracle Grow to fertilize them about once a week. It is wonderful stuff. Don't know where you started at on the weight scale but it doesn't matter. You are doing a great job. I started at 262 . and was wearing size 22s at the time. Always felt like I couldn't breath like I was stuffed into everything, the car, a seat , a chair, even the bed felt uncomfortable and like I was stuffed in there too. In the car I couldn't turn around and get anything out of the back seat , not enough room. I was just miserable. Now I can even change clothes in the car lol Remember me telling you that. That was about as big of a wow as I could have imagined back last August. Well did you win any races today? That sounds like lots of family fun time. Maybe a little expensive with you running into poles and stuff but still fun . MELISSA; Oh sweetie I feel so sorry for you and wish I could help you in some way with your fil. I think that you and Terry are in for a long, long haul . I hope it is something else causing all of this. And there can be other reasons other than Alzheimer's. Did this all just start all of a sudden or did you all notice anything at all before you moved in with him. I know he couldn't pass the drivers test. But surely there had been little things before then . But not living with him you may not of seen it and he may have been capable of hiding a lot of it from you. I believe in caring for family members too but you will need to arrange for someone to give you some relieve once in a while. That isn't meant to be mean. I just know that you will need a rest some times. No so far I haven't seen any ants but then we haven't had the rain down here that you all have had there. Yeah chicken poop will burn plants if it isnt properly cured. It needs to be dried and composted well. If I can help you any with the privacy fence I will try. I have one really cute idea if you would like to try it with trailing plants and vines. Works really cute on a privacy fence and you don't have to dig and pull weeds. Get a lot of little metal buckets or big cans like shortening cans. Of course strip off the paper, and paint them all different bright colors if you want them to show , if not paint them all like a green that will blend in with the vines. Put them up on your privacy fence with screws, oh yeah before you do that drill a couple of holes in the bottoms for drainage. Put them on the fence in any pattern you want , staggered. Or in a straight row, or in a pyramid , how ever you want and what looks good to your eye. Fill them with a light potting soil and plant your flowers in them. Different green vines, sweet potato vines, wave petunias, morning glories even. Do you have any shade in that area at all? If it is all sunny most all the time you will need to make sure that what ever you plant in them can take the heat. Anyway that is just one little thing I can think of right now with the privacy fence. Send me the pictures if you want something in the ground and we will try to think of something to put in there. Ok. PAM: Wow your are almost there. 9 days left. Can you believe it? We will be right here for questions that you might want to ask. Mel is a great Angel and will let us all know how you are doing and all. So keep up the spririts and we will all be waiting for another Loser to join us. SUGAR; OH no you are feeling bad again? That isnt fair is it. We get our hopes up so high and then it starts again. Have you found a way to get all of your meds down now? The summer Reunion is being taken care of by Janet. And most of the places haven't gotten back to her yet I don't think. Maybe you can help her some. She is so good about doing all of this but she has been so bad with her poor back that maybe it is too much on her. I think she was thinking about an August meeting up. Is that right Janet? BEL:My poor mother use to have them when she was a little girl and they continued into adult hood but I think she quit having them so very much after menopause. Well being a grandmother is fun fun fun., You can kiss and love and spoil all you want to and then hand them back to mama and say here you go. You take care of them for awhile now. Lol any way you have a while to get use to it already. Lol SHERR; Oh my girl I sure am hoping that you are feeling better and that most of your writing was about me. We love you and are sending you lots of prayers to you. ANDREW; Did you get lost in the paper work again? Are you all still planning on coming up next Sunday? Come on up am anxious to see you . Will put on a big pot of some protein something or other. Lol. SHAWN; Where are you ? Have you seen Julia? Anyone seen Julia? HELP!!! We would like to know how she is doing. And you too. I am trying to jump start my weight loss again. It has been at a stand still way too long. So today I have had 3 protein shakes. That is 90 grams of protein and I have had 96 oz of water and 2 protein balls. I want to do this for at least a week and see what happens if I can stand it. I think I have been slipping too many carbs into my diet with out realizing it so it is just a way for me to go back and see where I am doing something wrong. I got quite a bit of exercise today using the pick and shovel , we were working on putting in the ponds. We only got one really in and leveled and started on another one , My back gave out and so did Joes. After going and getting hair cuts in the morning we will come home and try to do the next one anyway. . I would love to get these done so I will be ready to plant some things out there soon. Well I think I am repeating myself so better get off while I still have some mind left lol. LOVE AND JOY AND PEACE ABOUNDS JAN .
Traci K.
on 4/15/07 8:22 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone My usual busy week is ahead for me. I'm feeling a bit better after some flu virus I had last week and my 5 year old had this weekend. We do all seem better this morning; only I'm soooo tired. I'm going tomorrow for my annual physical and bloodwork with my PCP - so I'm curious to see where my levels are on everything. Low on quite a few I'm guessing. Dog poop: being a hobby dog breeder, we've got some poop to scoop around here! LOL I have the materials to make my own doggy dooley-type septic system. It's going to be awesome, once my hubby gets the time to install it. You can use very well composted dog poop in flower beds and such, but never on food gardens. Have a blessed day everyone! Traci
Blondie **
on 4/15/07 8:47 pm - Mean People Suck, MO
Momma Jan & Company, I do lurk, and the sweet things I see you guys write to me, REALLY warm my heart. Mom used to say that "Blondie LIVES for drama".....now even SHE realizes it's too much for me to handle. I feel mentally fragile right now. With my parents having poor health, the whole house issues, ....had a "handyman" come yesterday to try to put in the required GFI outlets and he couldn't get them to work. Goodness!! Now I have a call out to a Master Electrician, it's looking like I need a total house re-wire. My dad has really stepped up to the plate to help me with the construction stuff....THANK GOD..... I know it will al work out, but right now I have a "jimmied" roof and more rain on the way this week. My new contractor can't do the install until NEXT week now.... Thur. Fri & Sat were not good food days for me. I couldn't keep anything down....booo... Better now. Momma J, the shingles are currently on my right side, on my back, back of thigh, and even one on my arm....I am a freak. LOL I am sure that it returned due to stress of the house stuff.... One thing that makes me happy....I bought some seeds, 10 packs for a dollar....and spend a little free time working with those....my squash and cukes are hardy....my tomatoes are fragile and tiny like strands of hair....I will be glad when the freezing weather is over...right now I have everything in the DEN under lights LOL Everyone please hang in there.....I am sorry I am so overloaded right now, and not much good at helping....I do think about each of you! Now, Ms. Sugar.....to quote my mom, "GET RIGHT!" lol Please :D
on 4/15/07 11:39 pm - Diamond, MO
Dear Jan and OH Peeps~ Good Morning-its sunny here again today-yeehaw~~ I am so ready for the sun and the warmer weather-as I am sure you are too!! Jan-so todays gardening tip was about poop-I bet you got a good laugh out of that-huh? You were probably thinking in the back of your mind.....no wonder she cant keep anything alive, huh? LOL....I was just comparing my Dozer dog to those horses across the field-the ONLY difference is the height! So-Im not gonna compost any dog, cat or human poop-trust me!~ Oh-and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the privacy fence idea-since we have a privacy fence that runs the south wall surrounding the pool~I WILL use that tip about the cans and get some morning glories probably since I LOVE them-they are so pretty and grow quickly. I will let the kids paint the cans in different colors to liven up that area-what a wonderful idea!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! I cant wait to see what you do with the ponds!! I know you will take pictures-I think you would be such a good landscaping artist, helping others with their planning and what to plant etc-what a gift!!! I bought a container of hooks for the hanging plants Mel gave me, and havent been able to get them outside yet-and I cant wait to be able to do that. So far, I just have my wind sock hanging out there~the plants are going to look awesome!! Ok-I was on my very first race of the day yesterday when my truck started to make the most hideous noise-I stripped one of the gears out in the back! It took Mike about an hour to disassemble and reassemle the truck. Thank God we had the parts here already.....I did end up winning 3 races and we had the "official" track yesterday with the lanes etc...It was a lot of fun-and enjoyable just to be out in the sunshine and playing. Mike is putting Crasher Basher on my truck, and then another saying "this end up" since I am constantly flipping over! I have a lot of practicing to do before I can enter the series races here. Not sure if I want to do that yet or not-will depend on my back and how much it can take. I went to Catherines yesterday since they sent me a $15 gift cheque in the mail-but my back was hurting so badly, that after about 20 minutes Steph and I left. I had to pick her up at work and Catherines was just a mile down the road. I did try on 3 tops-that were on clearance-but they were all too big-what a wonderful feeling!!! That would have never happened in the past. One of the shirts I tried on back the end of Feb/first part of March and it fit perfectly then!! YAYAY!!!! I told Mel that I thought it would be a good idea after they do the FIL testing to see if he would qualify for home health a couple of days a week or so-that way, they can get out and about and not have that constant worry! I watched my mom give up her life for 5 years caring for my grandparents at their home-and I would go on my days off from school and relieve her-and I saw the physical AND emotional damage that it did-its a 24 hour a day job. I think that Bob has been able to hide A LOT of things because they would go over often, but.....a lot of things can just be attributed to forgetfulness or old age. I am hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst-and will be there to help when and if they need me. Well, Jon and I have a busy day. We have to go get a few things for the stuff we are making you and Mel. Its the last step and then we are almost done! We have to have it done by Friday cause thats when Mels b-day is. I cant wait. I am really bad about keeping surprises that excite me from people-LOL...but...so far-all she knows is that Jon is making something for her-and it was his idea! I am getting the wheelchair hopefully today to take over for Terry.....and then have to run 2 errands and make some calls. I have some jeans and a skirt to take to Mel too, that my daughter doesnt wear anymore since she lost weight. My 16 yr old has lost almost 30# since I had my surgery. Think she was afraid I would get into her clothes and then she would have to share-LOL... **Andrew-any news on that little boy yet? I am hoping you saw them at church and got a good report-PLEASE let us know!! **ANYONE-Has anyone heard from Julia? ANYONE? Does anyone have the hospital phone number so we can call and see if she is still there or if she has been released yet? With a blood clot-they will not release you until your blood levels have straightened out for fear that the clot will dislodge and go to your heart or lungs. I spent 7 nights in the hospital with mine-and then Mel was in forever-so they are serious-but dont like knowing HOW she is doing and where she is..... **Anyone know anything about Carissa? I sent her a message telling her I would be her angel-but never heard from her-of course, that was on Saturday I sent it-I was hoping she would get it by now and email me back. Will pray for her today **Tammy Ammy-Will send you an email today. How are you doing? Hope you are great and things with the van got fixed and that the kids save for their own vehicles. It stinks to be a taxi to so many people...I know. Thought about you a lot yesterday. **Susan T-hope to hear something from you this morning while your answering phones. Glad you enjoyed yesterdays fairly decent weather and got to BBQ. Hope your infection/abscess is better and that you have pain relief. **Sherr, I am glad your dad is helping out.....Since he seems to know a lot of people and has the experience. I hope that mess with the house is minimal (wiring) and that it wont cost you an arm and a leg-since they are so skinny now-they may want BOTH. LOL LOL....I hope everything is good with the pups. At least I havent had any more bakery dreams where your dog kept getting me in trouble by nibbeling all the goodies! LOL! Well, I have some exciting news that I got over the weekend....when we leased this house-there was an older Nova I kept eyeballing and just fell in love with-kept telling Mike that I wanted that car-and to ask how much etc....I am a sucker for an old car! Well-the guy that owns it, we have known him for over 2 years now, but he really likes Mike-says he reminds him of his son (only better-LOL) and he originally said he didnt want to sell it (years back) and he told Mike over the weekend he would sell it to Mike for $300!!! OMG...I cant believe it! Now, its gonna take awhile to get the money saved up for the new tires and a little other work it needs-but none of it is major-it will run and the body is in perfect shape-along with the paint job-and I love the color-its a deep sky blue-and so its MINE, ITS MINE...YAYAYAYAYA!!!!! He even said we didnt have to pay for it all at once-so we can make pmts on it. Im so excited about it I cant hardly see straight. Of course, did tell Mike that the brand new engine we have in storage will have to be put in (for power, of course-LOL) because it has a straight 6 in it right now. By the end of summer, I should be driving in my new old Nova! I will be working on the reunion again this week, in the mornings. Susan T sent me a long list of places to check since she is around that area-she sent it a couple of weeks ago-and my back has just been bothering me so bad-that I put it on the back burner unless I got an email and a lot of places opened for the season the 1st of this month, so we are good to go. I may enlist Sugs help as soon as she is feeling her old better self-LOL...Cant wait for her to be 100% and hope she can make it to the meeting so we can give her hugs. Well, I am gonna get off here and do my vitamins and shake. I will tt you all later and you will all be in my thoughts and prayers. Love to you all~Janet
Tammy H.
on 4/15/07 11:44 pm - Holcomb, MO
Good Morning Guys and Gals..... Have not had time to watch the news this weekend so I don't know what's in store for later this week...But this morning the sun is out and brightly shinning down here in the bootheel!!! I wish so much I could get out and work in my yard.....Joe helps when he can but he works alot....and the kids....THEY HATE YARD WORK LOL LOL!!!!.....When I can get them to do it for me you can tell someone did it that didn't really want too.... Jan you are more than welcome for the song lol lol.....Seems when we need the stuff we can't get it and when we do get it, it seems we get a ton of it lol lol..... I hope your extra protein and stuff helps you to start loosing again!!!!! Janet....I bet your pool will look great by the time your done.... Mel....I hope things get better with your FIL soon.... Surgar...I hope your feeling better today..... Sherr...I hope things get better with all your house fixings soon!!! Hopefully we will hear from Shawn and Julia soon....Maybe they had really busy lately and have not had time to get on and post.... Well I hope you all have a great day and are getting sunshine like I am here.....God Bless each of you.....Hugs & Love ...Tammy H.
on 4/15/07 11:59 pm - Chesterfield, MO
I can't tell you how glad I met you all. I have a bad moment and come here and check the news, which I do very often now, and I see you all concerned about each other and what a family you are. The fact that people email me to see how I am and are interested in me, makes me smile. So I want to say Thank You to all of you. Thank you Thank you. I'm going to the seminar on the 3rd which is the last thing they require. Can't wait. My hubby said he will come with me. I was grocery shopping yesterday and 2 little soccor girls where pointing and laughing at me. Children can be so cruel. Just makes me more determined to go through with the surgery. The migraines are gone today! Cross your fingers no bounce back. Back on schedule for school is back in session and my little one is back to his routine. I used to hate being alone but now I love my me only time. Good thoughts and prayers for you all. Thanks for being here. Hugs, Bel
Susan T.
on 4/16/07 2:48 am - Saint Charles, MO
Hello all! Wasn't yesterday fantastic. I am so excited, my 13yr old daughter got baptized yesterday. I am so proud of her. I have been telling her since she was 10yrs that when she was ready to let me know. She came to me this week and said she was ready. I am so happy. My infection is almost completely gone, yahoooooo! I felt so bad but the antibotics really are helping fast. JAN: Okay, got the scoop on the poop! What is the easiest hanging vine plant to grow that is just about in full sun all day? Would like a flowering one if poss. Thanks for your help (you know I need it,lol) SUGAR: I was going to tell you I am glad you are feeling better and I seen that Jan said you are feeling bad again. I hope that you are feeling good again soon. TAMMY: How are ya doing? I have been waiting all week for my psy eval. to get to Dr. Scotts, finally my doctor called me back and said it wouldnt be until today. I have callled her two times this morning and left messages. already! oh well shes my regular psy. so she cant get mad for me bugging her, it aint my fault, Im crazy, hehe As soon as I can I will let you know when my next appointment is maybe same as yours! LANA: Have I missed something or have you not posted in a while. Where are ya, are you doing okay? Let us know. WINGS: Glad to have finally sent you a good e-mail this morning! Since it was kinda long I dont have a lot to say except thanks again. Ya know I love ya. I hope you read it already, it said something about comeing to a meeting there. If I can do anything on the reunion to help just ask. Easy to do searching on the web than typing lately with this corpal screaming at me! It has taken me almost 2 hours of in and out to type this post,lol! ((((((((((HOGS AND QUICHES))))))))))) Susan
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