stopped losing after hysterectomy
Marla...I have not had my surgery yet...BUT I had a hysterectomy after my second child was born, due to complications with the delivery and his size. I was 23 and they told me Hysterectomys do not make you gain weight....Well I think they are crazy!!!! I did gain weight afterwards and my best friend had one a few years ago. She has been a size 3 since we were in school even thru 2 pregnanacies she could not gain any weight....Then after the hysterectomy she jumped up from a size 3 to a size 9 with in a years time!!!! After trying all those years to purposely gain weight. I don't know that it's a drastic weight gain for everyone but I do believe you do gain some weight after having one.
I don't know if it will make it more of a chanllenge to loose again or not....I hope things go well for you.....take care....God Bless...Hugs....Tammy H.