Jan C.
on 4/11/07 2:12 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Another week almost gone again. Seems like I just typed this a day or two ago. Lol Maybe I did I have a hard time sometimes getting these posts started. If I were a novelist I would suffer from writer's block I think. Thank God I never thought I were a writer, tho I would like to have my life story written sometime. It would be a juicy bit of reading to tell you the truth lol Maybe that wouldn't be such a good idea after all. I am so impatient with this weather. I think it is making everyone sick. All this cold weather, wonder if it is because of the green house effect lol No I do believe that would make it warmer huh? I am just anxious to plant my flowers. At least this month will soon be over and we can get started on our gardens. Thursday is suppose to be sunny and warm so hopefully I can get out and get some things done. Several of you ask for the web site for the ever blooming lilac bu**** is www.parkseed.com and on the search block at the site look for Lilac Josee # 48662-TIG In the book I have it says it is $9.95 per bush,but for an ever bloomer that would be a really good buy. Rachael: Hey way to go on getting back down to pre baby weight. Did you get pregnate after you had wls? I keep wondering about that for girls . Do you have to learn to eat differently than other wise you would eat? I just think it would be difficult to get in enough food to nourish yourself and baby too after wls. Just wondering. Tammy: Happy Birthday Girl Hope today is one filled with wonder and all the love you could possible imagine. We will put your youngest step daughter on the prayer list. I know she has to be hurting and worried and embarrassed about doctors and all. How old is she? One of my granddaughters had that when she was about 12 and it was cysts on her ovaries. She had to have medication to take If im not mistaken it was birth control pills. Hey I am the same way about getting starts from People. I love to be able to walk thru my garden and say hello to all the people that have given me starts or seeds to different things. Makes it so much more peaceful and uplifting than buying it all in a nursery. Melissa: I am so glad that you got a full nights sleep. That is so important in getting well , no matter what you have wrong with you. How was the fil today? Did he get up to eat today? Hope they will find out what is really wrong with him and that Terry will get his pain undercontrol I love the piece you put in the paper again , you hit the nail on the heard really.That is a good analogy Hope you are feeling better and get well soon. Lana: Hey girl was good to talk to you this afternoon. Hey look up that lilac bush that I have up at the top of the post. I was going to tell you about it today when we talked but forgot. Since you love lilacs this would be a good thing to have. Congratulations on the weight loss you have had since surgery. That is a good weight loss in 3 months. And since you didn't have an enormous amount to lose anyway you must be getting close to your goal , Right? I have lots of problems with constipation. And take a lot of stuff for it. I eat about 6 small prunes a day plus take 2 senocot -s a day too. Even with all of that I still have problems Hey that would be great if Dr. Edwards could work out a deal for weight loss patients. Does that just mean patients of Dr. Edwards or any one? Im sure the lilac bush you have will be ok or lets hope so . If it re-leafs itself it will be fine. That is good about Alan. I am so proud of him and his accomplishments. How is he feeling? Are his legs doing better now? Hope the new lady you met will get online here with us soon. Janet: Well how did the epidurals turn out? Did the first one seem to help any? I hope you have great luck with them. Some people do and others don't. Tell Jon that I need to have him come over and help me make up several batches of protein balls too. Joe and I go thru them pretty fast it seems. Joe eats them for a treat. I put the website for the lilac bush up at the top of my post. I hope you get you one . Yeah have Jon be your gardener LOL on the compliment about me not needing a face lift lol maybe you need glasses. As far as thinking I would have children at home. I am glad that part of my life is past. That was a tiring time of life. I don't feel any older but I certainly feel a lot more rested than then. I have lost a lot of hair too but they say about the time you really notice it is starting to come back in too. So don't despair it isn't gone forever. Bel: Hope you had a great day yesterday. Did you do anything for your birthday other than mail all your paper work in? Sherr: Girl I am praying for you that your life will settle down and you will have some good to come your way soon. I think you deserve it. Sugar is back in St. Louis and is having a cat scan and other test to see if the pockets of absess are gone. Please keep her in prayers. Vesta: hope to see you on the 23rd. I bet you are looking really snazzy now girl. How is your daughter doing? Im going to close and get this posted Im really tired tonight. Don't know if im trying to catch something of not. I took a 3 hour nap today and that isn't like me at all and im already sleepy again. Weird. LOVE AND JOY AND PEACE ABOUNDS JAN
Brenda Minks
on 4/11/07 4:13 pm - Silva, MO
Hey Everybody, Just thought I'd pop in and say HI! Still taking care of Dice, he got his cast off Tuesday and had a lot of sore places where the cast had rubbed the hair and hide off of his leg and foot. They are going to pull the pin out of his femur bone a week from Friday. He seems to be weak in the leg they took the cast off and carries his foot a lot. He is the best dog. He has gained 9 pounds and has grown 2 inches since his surgery. He will be 4 months old the 16th and he is huge!!!!!!!!!!!! Weighs 30 pounds and his head comes to my mid thigh . I have got to get a new picture of me taken and put on board. Will try to do this in a day or so. It seems I stay pretty busy with church and taking care of family. We had a Sunrise service at church on Easter Sunday, then we made breakfast fro everyone, I made the biscuits and gravy. My sister is getting married this Saturday, my husband will be performing the ceremony. I have been helping her get things ready for that. On the 6th I took my fur baby Gracie to the vet to have her teeth cleaned. On the 10th Dice back to the vet for cast removal. My oldest granddaughter is a Junior this year so on the 21st it's Prom Night. I have got to run her around the end of next week to get her ready.....manicure - pedicure - on the 18th, hair highlighted on the 19th. On the 20th it's taking Dice back to the vet to remove the pin, and then Sydney's hair styled in an up-do on the 21st. Can I say Whewwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!! And to top it all off my Fibromyalgia is giving me enough problems and pain I have been using a cane and that just kills me to have to succumb to a cane!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone have a great day. Love Brenda 300/194/150
on 4/11/07 5:25 pm - Joplin, MO
Good Morning Everyone: Yes, It's me at 2am was sleeping half way peacefully when Terry woke me with the yell. Dad fell and landed on his bedside cabnet. I flew out of my chair and into his room and helped him get up. I have to call his PCP in the morning cause he is starting to lose control of his bodly functions. I have had to strip his bed and his clothes 3 times today. This is something new he has never done this before. I dont know what is going on. Terry & I talked about possible getting a pack of depends for awhile just in case he doesnt make it to the bathroom. That way is isnt all over the floor or him or his bedding. Terry is frustrated and wishes that he didnt have this surgery now. Cause it is falling on me to do most of it. I told him that if God brings me to it he will bring me thro it. I am just concerned about my F-I-L falling and rebreaking his hip. He is back to sleeping most of the day and nibbleing on food in between times. While I was helping him clean up he dropped his cig onto the floor. So I have taken them out of his bedroom and the bathroom and put them all in on the kitchen table. I will be more then willing to get him one when he wants one. but I think for awhile or until we get this figured out what is going on. That Terry or I will be sitten with him while he smokes. Went with Janet when she has her procedure done today. My heart just ached and broke for her when they had to give her that shot and they touched it. I know it has to hurt I think I still have her finger prints on my hands where she gripped them. I will take those anytime just to be there for her when she needs it. I was so worried about her all afternoon long. I didnt want to call her for fear of waking her but she did finally call. Please keep her in your prayers. We all just need to CLAIM THAT HEALING FOR HER IN JESUS NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today I am going to hang around the house. Do some laundry and call the doctors office. Terry is going to call dads attorney and find out about getting Power of attorney on dad. Just in case it is Al'stimers. My aunt has it and I seen first hand the stuff my family went and is going thro with her. And trust me a Nurseing Home is not an option at all in my eyes. Not when he has family right here. Well I think I am going to get something to drink and then try and lay back down for awhile. I pray everyone has a blessed day. God Bless Mel
Debbie M.
on 4/11/07 7:54 pm - Harrisonville, MO
Morning all... I wish I could jump on here and post that everything is wonderful but unfortunately it isn't...yet! I saw my pcp (doc) on monday, he said I had bronchitis and gave me some antibiotics. Yesterday (Wednesday), I started running a fever, averaging 101.7f and the highest it went was 104f. My blood sugar has gone back up, it was 281 (fasting) this morning. I'm not sure if I should call Dr. H about all this or should I just stay with my pcp? I'm thinking that with me having my wls (surgery) back on 01-26-07 and have seen Dr H twice since then and there were no problems so this infection/allergy/cold/bronchitis ...whatever it is, is just that and has nothing to do with my LB surgery! Sound logical? My throat is so sore from coughing, it feels like I torn something down there. This morning, I'm finding little blister type sores in my mouth. They are very, very small but very sore to the touch! I'm thinking fever blisters but can you get those IN your mouth and under your tongue? I'm sorry that this post is "all about me" but I'm a little worried and not sure what to do. My lungs feel like they are so full of fluid....so much so that when I lay down I feel like I'm drowning and have to get back up. So for now, I have joined the post-surgies that are having to sleep, sitting up! I have NO appetite and my water intake is almost null. I'm living on s/f popsicles and I'm going to try to start drinking my protein drinks again. I've got to do something! And if all that isn't enough, Jake is still sick. He is just drinking enough water to keep him alive and everything that he eats comes back up. I'm going to try smaller helpings of the chicken and rice to see if that helps....I pray it does! This is the longest I have been able to sit here and post, I'm praying that this is a sign that I'm getting better. I have been trying to keep up with everyone's post but right now, I'm doing good to keep up with my own. I'm doing whats called blanket prayers over everyone for good health, finances, physical, emotional and spiritual healings! I pray that all prayers be answered! I love you guys, please be safe and I will be back on when I can....Deb M
Jan C.
on 4/11/07 9:06 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Debbie if you are still on here and waiting for a reply you need to go to the doctor NOW....You have more than just bronchitis i think. may be broncial pneumonia. altho the high temp may indicate something else too. GO NOW if you cant get in to see your pcp go to the E.R. Love you and praying for you. Jan
on 4/11/07 11:51 pm - Diamond, MO
Dear Jan and OH Family~ Good Morning...before I even started my post-I read everyones and prayed. I am so sorry that so many are having such issues right now. I am praying Sug gets good news today and gets that drain out-NO INFECTIONS....I think she will feel so much better. Jan, please post as soon as you know how her appt went-ok? Thanks. Deb-I have been keeping you lifted in prayer.. I agree with Jan though, I think its more than bronchitis-maybe you have strep on top of pnuemonia? PLEASE PLEASE go in again and if your PCP cant see you-go to the ER....If they get you on the correct antibiotic-then you will be feeling better by this weekend-wouldnt that be wonderful? Please keep us updated. Jan-THANKS so much for the website-I WILL be ordering at least one...and then I am going to let Jon plant it for me-LOL....(really, I am)....I wonder-will that come with directions as to where the best place to plant it would be and all of that? I imagine it does. I tell you what-I will bring my little guy down sometime this summer and if you can find something for him to plant-that would be wonderful, he would LOVE it-and LOVE you, and I could see that beautiful garden of yours. Jon and I are in the process of making you something for your garden-and I cant post it because Mel might read it and we are making her something for her garden as well-for her b-day coming up. I will be able to bring it to the meeting because Mels b-day will be over by then-LOL... Jan-NO, I DONT NEED GLASSES, I ALREADY HAVE THEM...LOL-you are WAY too hard on yourself. You are beautiful INSIDE and OUT...thanks for the advice on the hair too-mine is just all over the place. I should start wearing a hairnet when I cook cause we literally find my hair everywhere-and my purse-well, thats just disgusting to pull something out-even out of my wallet and have 10 hairs hanging out of hands-YUCK....Did I ever tell you when Mel and I went to Columbia for my one month check, that somehow when I sat down in the car (after walking through Wal Mart and Rameys grocery store) that I had this huge hair ball on the outside of my pants-right at my crotch? I would have died if I would have gotten in the room to lay on that table and had that huge hairball right there!! I would have hopped down and walked out of that room!! LOL. Okay-about my day yesterday-I cant remember anything that has hurt as bad as that. I had told Mel while we were in the room where they take your stats etc-that IF she had to give me the shot where my cyst was (its where I get touched and knees buckled etc-or I scream!) that I wasnt going to have it done. I knew they had to go lower because of where my discs are gone-but I was praying to get it in a different location and have it work. Well, first off-Julie was great (she does the shots) We went into the room and I start telling her about the place on my back I dont want her to even touch-and I show it to her. Of course, then she has to go back there and show me where she has to give me the shot-YEP-RIGHT THERE....She pressed on (as they have to apply pressure there) and I thought I was gonna jump out the window!! So, that started the pain...I couldnt take anything for pain before the procedure-so I was already at an 8....after she touched me a 20...THEN...2 shots of anesthesia-right there. All I can say is that IF you have ever had a nerve exposed in your mouth-thats how my back felt. I didnt feel the actual epidural except the pressure, but the first 2 shots pretty much did me in. I get to go to it again on 25th to even see if its gonna work. I wanted Mel to come in with me, and she did give me so much peace. I could feel the love and her peaceful praying coming right through her hands I probably almost ripped off her poor body!!! Im so glad I had people praying for me and lifting me in prayer-and that my angel was there with me-because I cant imagine how bad that would have been without it!!! I wish I could report I am better, but right now its actually worse. I didnt do anything last night (dr orders) and my hubby and daughter did everything, dinner, dishes etc-and I laid most of the evening with the heating pad and ice for the swelling-and the pain meds. Good ol pain meds. zombie is more like how I was most of the day. My daughter took Jon so I could come home and relax-Mel wanted to come and sit with me-and I refused-I know she isnt feeling well and with everything going on at her house-told her that I swore....I would come home and relax and if I needed anything, would call. So, Megan took Jon to see Happy Feet-then to the hospital to see my adopted daughter who is having surgery today-and got to see the baby...when she brought Jon home, he wanted to go over and spend the night with her-she was sitting next to me on the couch holding the bunny-and the bunny jumped right out of her arms-right onto my lower back!!!! Can you believe it? I screamed like a sissy girl!! Then....when I got up to go to the bathroom, Jon ran right into my back...by this time, I am just wanting to get some bubble wrap and wrap it around my back side!! So, I have the swelling and I did experience a bothersome headache for a short time, and Julie said it could take 7-10 days to show any improvement when your back is this bad-but that the 2nd shot should just add to the first and then IF I am going to have relief-I will after that. Will see. Hurry up and wait. Hope I can talk Mel into it again, or I may have to find some new "meat" to go with me-LOL....Next time I AM taking pain meds BEFORE the procedure...I dont care what anyone says. Maybe some valium, I am afraid of heights and think I would rather have bungee jumped yesterday-LOL. Its very cold here again this morning, but I do see the sun peeking through. Where is that warm weather they promised us by Tues it was suppose to be in the 70's and that hasnt happened here anyway. Now its looking like it will be next week before we have nice warm decent weather again. We are suppose to get storms tonite and tomorrow-YIPEE.... ~~~Tammy Ammy-Happy Birthday Darlin!!!~~~I hope you have a wonderful day and that you are feeling better. You sounded so warn out yesterday when we talked-Please take care of you. I hope this day is all you want it to be!!! I love you and am sending you hugz as I type this!!! Well, so far things are quiet here. I am the only one home. I am going to finish my shake and all and then get in the shower and try to get a couple of little things done if I feel up to it-not gonna push myself. I do have to get to the hospital today and see the adopted daughter and grandma... My daughter got an apartment in Columbia yesterday. She is moving up there next month after graduation.....The wedding has been delayed until next year...but A LOT can happen in that time-right? Thanks for the prayers. I am gonna miss having her so far away....she said her place will be small, but they will be in a bigger one the end of July. **Andrew-any news on the little boy from church? We have been praying for him and his family. Please let us know as soon as you know something, ok? Thanks. I am getting off here. I will tt you all later. Love and prayers to all. Janet
Tammy H.
on 4/12/07 12:15 am - Holcomb, MO
Good Morning Guys and Gals ...... Thanks for the Happy Birthdays !!!!!! I don't usually make a big deal about my birthday, but it is a special day to me....I am glad I was born, and soooo glad I had a wonderful Mother!!!!! This year I called my mom before she could call me lol lol....I woke up this morning and decided I would call her and thank her for having me lol lol....She laughed her butt off lol lol.....She said well Sis I am suppose to call you.....I told her I just decided I should thank her for having me and making me the person I am....I am proud of the persona I am....I have had some rough times here and there but I love tha she gave me life and gave me the chance to be a mother as well and even a grandmother!!!! Anyways enough about me....... Jan.....Heather is 17 yrs old......The earliest I could get her an appt is for Monday....The doctor gave her darvocet to take for the pain and we are trying to make it till Monday for the appt with our ob/gyn because we know and like her.....I don't want to take her thru the ER because you never know who you are going to get! But she has been complaining alot so I hope we can make it that long and not have to go to the ER anyways......I was thining birth control might help with her monthly...but if it is a cyst on her ovarie I think about all that she can do is wait it out till it busts....My daughter had them a couple different times and that's what they told her...But we are getting it checked to make sure that is all it is, because her mother had alot of femal problems.......Yes she is worried about the exam lol lol....She has questioned me to death over it....I have had both the older girls talk to her about it since they both have had it done, so that she would know its not that bad.....But that day has not come for her yet....guess we will know how it goes Monday lol lol..... Janet.....Thanks so much for calling me yesterday and letting me know how things went....I am so sorry you had to go thru all that.....I am praying hard it will give you some relief!!!!!! Im really glad your daughter is putting off the wedding for a bit.....Maybe with more time she will see the light!!!!!! Im sorry about the grand mother......and sorry it is making you miss your own grandmother so much!....I only have one grand mother left, my moms mom.....actually she is the only grandparent I have left at all......I know with her age and her health we wont have her much longer and it will be heart breaking to loose her.....but I have so many good memories to hold on to....she was a terrific grandma!!!! Mel.....I will keep you in my prayers!!!! I know you have your hands full at the moment....I know what that can be like too.....When my mother was so sick and I was having to run so much with her and sit in the hosptial with her sometimes 15 days at a time.....my daughter was also sick ....she had an absess kidney and we were making tons of trips to St.Louis to the doctor and for her being in the hospital a million times.... all on top of having 3 other kids and a husband at home....plus I had to take keep track of her bills and business and mine as well......Boy was I feeling pulled in a million directions during that time lol lol.....Most of the time I was to busy to even realize how busy I was lol lol.....but I got thru it....And I know you will too.... Your are a stong willed woman and so caring I know you will do a wonderful job taking care of DH and your FIL!!!!! The bath room issue sometimes comes along with age but it's best to get it checked out to make sure nothing is wrong with his kidneys....I hope things start looking up for the three of you really soon..... Bel.... How was your day yesterday????? I hope you had a great birthday!!!!! Debbie M.....I hope your feeling better or get to feeling better real soon.....Keeping you in my prayers...... Janet your right....seems Sherr has really had her share lately dosen't it???? She answered a message I sent her and said to tell everyone she is always lurking and checking on how everyone is doing....she just don't always post...... Sherr....Hang in there girl.....If God brings it to ya...he will bring you thru it!!!! I know you like being to yourself but we sure like to hear from you now and then so we know how your doing!!!!!! We will keep you and your parents in our prayers! Surgar........Sending you tons of Good Wishes that you will get better really soon and get back on your feet and back on here with all of us..... Well have to run for now.....I hope you all have a great day....God Bless you all....Hugs & Love ....Tammy H.
on 4/12/07 12:42 am - Nixa, MO
Tammy, Happy Happy Happy Birthday. Hope you get to do something special just for you. Best wishes, Lana
on 4/12/07 12:20 am - pomona, MO
Good morning Jan and board, If the weather would just get warmer maybe we would all get to feeling better, my prayers go out for your FIL Mel..and for you too Deb. Janet are you feeling better? I know them shots hurt....Jan hope you feel better also. My daughter has her appointment with DR. H in June..she sure is ready for it,. I pray Sugar is ok today...love ya all vesta
on 4/12/07 12:49 am - Nixa, MO
Hello Missouri, OK, I'm ready for sunny warm weather. I love rainy days but not a whole string of them. We're having our bedroom painted Saturday so it will probably be a great, beautiful day and I won't be able to go anywhere!!! UGH! Yesterday I had the blahs. Just didn't feel quite as good as usual. Don't know if it was a bug or just the middle of the week. I was tired. I sort of perked up after I got home from work and then about 8pm our lights went out for about 1 1/2 hours. I sure sympathized with the folks who had no power for weeks during the ice storm. I had four tall candles around my chair so I could read. I did like the house being so quiet though. No humming or buzzing from appliances or furnace. The dog and cat couldn't figure out why we weren't in bed if it was dark in the house. I am going to order one of those ever-blooming lilacs. Park Seed will have to start paying Jan a commission for recommending them!!! Do all of you have rocky soil to plant in. My DH just hates to plant anything because digging a hole is such a chore with all the rocks in our backyard. I come from north Missouri where the black loam is feet deep and this south Missouri rockiness was such a shock for me. I had planned to plant lots of stuff but digging the holes wears me out. Should be better this Spring, since I weigh less and have more energy. Hope you all have a great day. I'm praying for everyone, like the phrase "blanket prayer". We can use that because God knows our individual needs. Hugs and love, Lana
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