Jan C.
on 4/9/07 2:57 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Well finally this cold is behind us. We never did get as cold as Springfield predicted on any of the nights. It was cold enough to cause some damage tho. But for the most part not too bad. Even my tulips they look so sad with their little head bent way over , I cut several of them and put them in warm water and they have lifted their heads back up and look pretty good. The only things that look really bad is the crepe myrtles and the smaller ornamental trees. I had some Lupines coming up and larkspurs , they were all about an inch or two out of the ground and they look fine. Not so of the 4 oclocks and the balsam. Oh well I may have to buy some new seed and start them again. And if so I intend to keep them contained as they can really get out of hand sometimes. Sugar told me today that the home health nurse too her blood Friday and that her potassium level is up to normal but still has to take the potassium stuff, I guess until she goes to the hospital again this Thursday. I am asking all of you to please pray extra hard for her the next few days so that all of that absess will be gone and they can remove the drain. She is one month post op and this has been going on way too long. We are just going to claim this in Jesus's name. Julia: Another one of our angels that is having problems. They discovered there is a blood clot where the i.v. was . But I have every confidence that Dr. Hornbostel will know what to do and get that squared away for her. But we will pray for her in the same way as we are praying for Sugar. Charlotte: I really haven't had I don't think any loses of things. The trees and such will be ok im sure they will just have to shed the frozen leaves and re leaf themselves. Im sorry about your annuals , was just way too early for them. Mine are still all in the green house. It is packed to the brim because they are getting so big. I never trust the weather in April no matter how warm it gets. Annuals need to wait until the first week of May. Andrew: Hey buddy. So glad that you posted today. Thought I might have to call you again lol So happy for you that you are doing well in your school papers. Pretty smart cookie aren't you? Glad that Susan still likes her job. Did she get her promotion that you talked about here while back? WOW on the size difference. I bet you are really looking different. LOL on the loose saggy skin. You do know that medicare will eventually pay for a tummy tuck don't you. Just make sure your pcp documents about rashes and treatments and such. My doctor prescribes NYSTOP powder for the rashes and it stops it . It is a nystatin powder and is only by prescription. But you do need the documentation for medicare to say it is medically necessary to get the tummy tuck. That is another great wow about how you are able to hold your fork isn't it amazing how we take some things for granted? We will certainly keep the little boy in our prayers. And please keep us informed about him. Cant wait to see you and Susan. In a couple of weeks. Bel: How are you feeling today? I hope a lot better, a pretty girl like you shouldn't be so down and upset. What type roses are you talking about that you are trying to make into a headge? Ramblers, floribundas, teas, climbers , you didn't say. Certain ones of those you will never get them to be bushy. And some of them will be bushy no matter what you try to keep them from it. I have never had any luck with much of anything from Michigan Bulb company.They are usually so small that it take about 4 years for them to get to full size before you can say what they will do. If you still have the papers on the roses look on there and see what they say they are or look in the catalog and see what they call them and maybe I can help you a little more about them ok. Some peoples spouses have those issues with the surgery and there are complications that can happen. Just look at my sister, Sugar. Those a re serious complications, and everyone needs to really be aware of them. Hers are something that is really rare for it to happen. But it did. Don't mean to try to scare you but just know that there is things that can happen , more than likely it wont but it can. So be aware that his feelings are real and he has the right to be scared for you. Janet::Im sorry that you were so sad this Easter, Just keep your eyes and mind focused on what Easter really is about and then you will gain a new reason for The Day. Focus on making your own memories for your children and their children AS far as grief is concerned it never goes away, it just changes . And actually you know I don't think you would want it to go away. It does get to where you can think of those people and smile again and be happy that they were there for you for so long. My daddy died in 94 and mama died in 04 and as old as I am there isn't a day that goes by really that I don't miss them terribly. My mother was an avid gardener like myself and with all my flowers and such I sit and look at them and wish she could have seen this place that we have created down here. She would have been in heaven here on earth to see them. Of course where she is the flowers will leave mine to shame that is true. I understand about you not wanting your daughter to marry the loser she has picked out. But there is nothing you can do but pray that her eyes will be opened . If you point out any thing to her it will make her more defensive and you wont accomplish anything. This is time that parents develop the shredded tongue syndrome. Lol that comes from biting it so much. As a parent it is normal to want to make your kids to understand that you know what you are talking about and it would save them some grief since we have been there and done that and made those same mistakes they are thinking about making. But we cant all we can do is to be there when they fall and help them to pick up the pieces. So many your women now days are picking those sorts of guys to marry and they are the ones that work and go to school and the boy does nothing. I don't understand what they think is right about that but something. Just pray like crazy that if she does marry him they wont have any children right off the bat so when she sees him for what he is worth that she wont have babies to have to take care of by herself. Melissa: I hope your internet line stays fixed. We miss you when you aren't on. Got the pictures you sent me via email. Thanks. Rachael doesn't look anything like I had her pictured in my head. Lol Isnt that weird how you think someone looks one way without ever seeing them and they don't. lol Sorry you have been sick, Are you ok now? How are the two men in your life today? Hope DH is healing well and FIL hasn't been outside digging anymore dandelions. Lol Be sure and report all of these happenings to his doctor ok. Did he start on some antibiotics the other day? What kind? How long has he been on them now and when did he start really doing weird stuff? Within 48 hours of starting them? Some older people have some weird reactions to certain antibiotics. Rachael: hey saw your picture. Like I told Mel. You don't look anything like I had you pictured in my mind. Lol So you have a younger hubby too? So do I. How long have you all been married? Debbie M: So sorry you are sick. I guess you haven't needed to get another fill right now since you have been too sick to eat anyway huh? Am praying that you get well soon and back on line. We miss seeing you on here each morning. You didn't tell me what you have that is sprouting? Today we are suppose to start getting rain and warmer temps. Here yesterday it got up to 56 and sunny it really felt good sitting in the sun. I sat out of the way of the wind and soaked up some sun and got my bones warm finally again. LOVE AND JOY AND PEACE ABOUNDS JAN
Tammy H.
on 4/9/07 3:30 pm - Holcomb, MO
Howdy Everyone!!!!! I am so glad it is suppose to warm agian soon....I was a really pretty day down this way..but the wind kept it a *****illy.......Warm weather is such good news but to get it as usual we will have to deal with those darn thunderstorms....Hopefully none of them will be too bad!!!!! Jan...I am so glad Sugar is doing better now....I hope things are well enough she can get her drain taken out thursday.....tell her thursdays a good day lol lol....IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!! lol lol..... My daughter told me tonight it was really hard to remember that I was now having to get use to not eating certain things and that they had to remember as well....She had already planned in her head to get me a B-Day cake for my birthday....then happen to remember I wouldn't be able to eat any of it.....She was kinda upset that she forgot, but I told her that was fine and she could go ahead and get it if she wanted cause everyone else around her love birthday cake....but she said NO WAY!!! We are not going to temp you any more than we already do and it's not their birthday anyways lol lol........So I am going to tell her she can make me one of my SF-FF yogurt pies I like and we will have that for my birthday....Everyone likes them too....Think I will have her do the blackberry mmmmmmm..... I mentioned on the prayer post about a few people that has had surgery that I can't recall hearing anything about....but I wanted to mention it here incase someone that might know anything don't happen to go on the prayer post...... HAS ANYONE HEARD FROM OR ABOUT.....Richelle K, Melissa L, KZ or Christy M.??? I recieved one of the sweetiest messages from Krissy B, about my prayer post.....I just wanted to thank her publicly.....Thank you so much Krissy....that message meant alot to me.....I am happy to pray for you or anyone on else on the board...as I told you in my message back to you....I absolutely believe in the power of prayer.....The Lord has brought me thru some tough stuff and has answered more prayers for me than I can count....Even now with the way I have been slacking on going to church and all...He is till there for me helping me thru some tough times and answering prayers for me daily!!! Janet....Sis be sure and check your mail....after I am done here I am going to answer the email you sent to me....I haven't answered you yet becasue I called you as soon as I read it so I could talk to you instead of writting but I got no answer and you have not called back yet....So I will get you an email sent and maybe I can catch you tomorrow sometime..... Mel....I sure have missed you girl!!!!!! I hope all is going well with you,DH & your FIL.. Shawn..When you talk to Julia...Please let her know we are all praying for her and hope to see her back on the board soon.... How are you doing???????? There are alot of people listed on the prayer post....Please take time to drop in and see who all is on the list...We really have some friends out there who could use some prayer!!!!! Have to run for now....Yall take care and God Bless each of you.....Hugs & Love...Tammy H.
on 4/9/07 9:57 pm - SAINT ROBERT, MO
Good morning Missouri..... Hope everyone is doing good...Jan Cook, glad to know that you got to see my picture....Well how did you picture me? Today is going to be a busy day....we have alot going on here in the job area...was sick again last night...thought I would have to go to the ER....my stomach was hurting so bad I couldn't get rid of the pain... Don't know how I will do today....my pouch is definitely givin' me fits...may go to the house just to rest....of course good ole mother nature stikes again and once again a week early.....I hate being a woman sometimes....lol Well hope everyone has a blessed day..I sure am going to try.... God bless Rachael
on 4/10/07 12:01 am - Diamond, MO
Dear Jan and OH Peeps~ It did warm up here yesterday and the sun came out-but it was later in the afternoon. Jon was happy to go out and play!! He has had some serious cabin fever!!! Jan, I am sorry you lost some of your plantings. I know you will replace them though and I hope the droopy ones pop back up with some sunshine!! I also think your mom can see the heaven on earth you have made-you betcha!! I cant wait for the days of thinking of the memories and smiling-not crying. My grams and I were more like mother and daughter-and we were always so tight. When she got sick and had to go into a nursing home-having alzheimers (sp?) she ALWAYS remembered me even when she didnt know her own 2 kids. We just always had a special bond. I went into denial the 3 years she was at the nursing home-and put it out of my mind that she was slipping away...I just would go down and paint her nails or just talk to her, even when she couldnt respond-I just would do all of that and bring her lots of pictures and colorful flowers and window decorations of cardinals and hummingbirds (they were her favorites) She had asked me on more than one occasion-that IF I LOVED HER-to please hold a pillow over her head until she quit breathing. I guess she thought that my love for her-I would do anything for-and I would have-but I just couldnt do that. That was one of the hardest things I have ever been through. geez. I know she knows now I loved her, but at the time, she sure was mad at me. I wish she could see me now. I do remember the real reason for Easter....I do try to make the same memories for my kids etc...just one of the times of year that meant so much with her. I know what you mean about the biting the tongue-Im glad its got an official name now though. How frustrating-as a parent-to watch our children, its like KNOWING a train is going to run into your car and not getting the hell off the track- I am praying that her eyes will be opened. I want so badly for her to have enough self esteem to say-if you dont have the same goals in life as I do-and you dont want to work for what you want-than you gotta go, pal!! I have ALWAYS taught my girls to work hard for what they want-as I always have AND I taught them that they dont NEED a man to make it in this world-and its like she is accepting all of his crap because its better than having nobody-only she was so much better off before he came along! Oh well-I gotta just give it to God and believe that it will work out. I too, pray that she wont have kids with that loser.....At least she wants to finish school and be on her job for awhile first-that gives us about 3 years-maybe her eyes will be opened by then. She knows how much work a baby is-as I had Jon in her senior year at school-and the memories of him waking and crying etc while she was studying etc...are still fresh in her mind... Im glad Sugars potassuim level is normal-WOOOOO HOOOO...now-we just need that darn abscess gone and healed-so she can get that drain out-is she feeling better in general though or still feeling puney? Im so sorry to hear about Julia-IF anyone has her address-I got her a card-posted for her address, but havent gotten it yet-so ANYONE....I would love to get it sent off to her. Blood clots are no fun-I had one a couple of years ago after knee surgery, but never heard of one getting it in the IV site until Mel got hers- and now Julia-dang!! I will be praying for her! Rachael-Mel did email me pics of your mug-I think your beautiful!! so why arent your pics on board yet so we can see your pretty face when you post? LOL...My hubby is younger than me too-LOL...Maybe you, me and Jan C know a secret? I hope my back is better so I can attempt to go Friday. I really really want to help out....How is Paula doing? I got a call from my ex yesterday early afternoon or so-saying that they have called all of grandmas family in and dont expect her to make it through the week. I thought when she had her massive stroke on March 21st they had released her home-they had actually sent her to a rehab facility-and she has taken a turn for the worst. Although him and I divorced a long time ago-he has one sister and then his grandma that I always stayed in touch with and sent pics to-etc...so I had to tell my girls and we were setting out to go see her last night-and I got so sick. I wasnt sure if it was from my meds or if I was getting sick-but I sure didnt want to risk grandma or her family getting it if it was catchy. I got sick on my way home from town with Mike-and I came in the house, put my jammies on and climbed on the couch with my blanket and fell asleep. Mike put a washcloth on my forehead and played doctor. I slept until 9:30 when the girls got home-and then I was up every 1/2 hr all night. Finally got up at 4 and stayed up watching tv. Im going to go and see her today-bring her some flowers and tell her how much I have always loved her and thank her for letting me and the girls stay a part of her family. She didnt care when everyone else in the family quit talking to us-she was always our grandma and proud of it she said. Krissy B, glad to see you post finally. Was getting worried about you, woman!! Hope you are feeling better now. Tammy Ammy-sorry I missed your call-I dont think my phone has ever rang as much as it did yesterday. I tt Mel for 20 minutes maybe and got like 4 calls while I was tt her. Dang. It filled my voice mailbox yesterday. Sure hope its not like that today...will turn it to silent without a second thought. Deb M-Honey, I sure hope you are feeling better soon. I am so sorry you arent feeling well-my prayers are with you. Well, I am gonna get off here and go check the prayer request post. Mel is going to the dr today-she isnt feeling good still. Have asked my daughter to go with me tomorrow since I didnt want Mel to go when she wasnt feeling good and had so much going on at home with Terry and dad. I will tt you all later-you are all in my thoughts and prayers. take care and love you all. Janet
Debbie M.
on 4/10/07 1:18 am - Harrisonville, MO
Thank you Janet, I pray that I'm better soon too. Everytime I cough I feel as tho my whole body is gonna break apart....it hurts sooo bad! Thank you to you and eveyone else on here that is holding me up in prayer. Deb M
Debbie M.
on 4/10/07 1:13 am - Harrisonville, MO
Jan...the sprouts are the seeds and things that I have planted inside. They are all coming to life....wish I was...lol Deb M
on 4/10/07 1:39 am - pomona, MO
Good morning Jan and board...wow it feels cold this morning, but guess it is better...Jan I didnt have my new plants out yet, I covered some and some looks terrible but maybe they will come out of it.. I went to the doctor this am got my B shot and blood work, dont know anything yet.. I just pray Julia gets to come home soon.. love ya all....vesta
on 4/10/07 3:54 am - Joplin, MO
Good Afternoon Everyone: Boy is sure is nasty outside today!!! Just got back home and it started to pour. Thank the good Lord it held off until after I got inside. Went and ran my errands & went to my Dr. Appt. Doc said I have a intestinal (so) virus & some eye infection. YUCK!! I had to call up my friend and threaten to beat her for giving it to me. lol Anyway ol doc gave me some drops for my eye and some pherengran (sp) cause nothing is staying down in my pouch. The good news is I am down to 270lbs!!! When doc came into the room he kept repeating that number louder and louder and smiling from ear to ear. I have been seeing this doctor for the last 8 years and he has never ever seen me under 350lbs. So I think he was pretty excited for me. Anyway I am home I have to go pick up meds in about 1/2. Then I am coming back home and getting into my pj's. It's gonna be soup and sandwiches tonight for supper. And relaxing by the boobtube for the night. Dad is back to sleeping all the time. I take him back to the doctors in 2 weeks. Terry is really hurting something awful in his leg and hip where they did the bone donor. His doctors nurse called yesterday to see how he was doing. They are sending him a different script for pain meds. So hopefully he will get some releif out of those. I dont think the rainy weather is helping either. Wed is making a phone call first thing in the morning. Then hanging out with Janet. YES, JANET I AM GOING!!!!!! lol Well I pray everyone has a great day!!! I hope you enjoy the brew I am posting following. God Bless Mel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ God's Coffee A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life. Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups - porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite - telling them to help themselves to the coffee. When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said: "If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink. What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups... then you began eyeing each other's cups. Now consider this: Life is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain Life, and the type of cup we have does not define, nor change the quality of Life we live. Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee God has provided us. God brews the coffee, not the cups.......... Enjoy your coffee! "The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything." Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I received this and thought if that doesnt just fit perfectly to all of us. I hope you all got just as much or more out of this as I did!!!!!
Elizabeth Myers
on 4/10/07 4:22 am - Barnhart, MO
WOW!!!! I really liked the God's Coffee passage.....I have forwarded that on the everyone in my address book... Thanks for making my day. Betty Myers St. Louis, MO
Blondie **
on 4/10/07 4:19 am - Mean People Suck, MO
Momma Jan & Company... Hello. Last week was hell week. I have a contractor that came in and blew that insulation in the attic...which he didn't plastic like he was supposed to, and it got EVERYWHERE... Since I have weak lungs & a heart condition, I had to go to my parents and sleep that night. Then the storms we had last week, my dad came and got me & the puppies when two tornadoes got really close, and I put the pups in his towncar, went to step back and shut the door, so I could run back and lock the kitchen door...the wind blew his heavy car door into the side of my head, and hit me so hard, it knocked me OUT! I was out for 5 minutes in a heavy rain and hail pounding down on me. I thought it also broke my nose, but apparently, has given me a concusion, and I no longer could afford medical coverage, and canceled it after my surgery..... Then, the same storm, opened up and soaked my workshop, (((that the contractor covered w/ thin plastic) and it leaked, and soaked everything, running a ton of stuff.... I had to spend 2 days lugging the stuff out onto the lawn, to try to save as much as I could.... GEEZ....then the loser contractor started on the house. Spent two more days putting the stuff back in the workshop, and really hurt myself.... THEN, the house roofing install went terribly wrong....apparently, it's the way he installed the shingles...it looks terrible....So I have been fighting w/ him, the distributor or the shingles, and the shingle company itself, people are flying in from TX & OKC to look at the mess... (((yes, I finally got fed up and raised some CANE))) Took my poor mom to Lowe's so she could pick out an exterior paint color for her house, since her contractor is supposed to start on Sat. and got really ill. Started seeing black spots, room was spinning, had to leave immediately, and have mom drive me home in my big ole truck. We had gone to the closest Lowe's, but it was 45 mins away in Blythville, AR. So, that is WHERE I've Been...GOOD GOSH! I am home in bed, and "officially grounded" by my mother. My poor daddy came by to check on me....since I keep blacking out again, which happened when I was diagnosed w/ the brain tumor, they are both quite scared for me. My roofing is 1/6th completed and we have 4 days of winds, storms and rain coming...so please pray for me. I love you guys, I am just VERY sick right now.... Sherr
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