Jan C.
on 4/3/07 2:32 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Well this weather is not thru punching us is it? Now all the tender new flowers that are up will probably be eaten off by the freeze or frost. I don't know what or how I will cover all of my hostas, bleeding hearts, corral bells, columbines. Etc up. Would take a truck load of newspapers to cover them all. My peonies are up about 6 inches tall as are a lot of other things. I don't know that if it freezes them off if they would come back again this year or not. I guess we will see. I may try covering some of the most tenderest things but I don't have enough things around her or the time to cover all of them. We went to Clever today to visit with Sugar. She is lots better but is still really pale. She is having to take Potassium twice a day. And is having to go back to St. Louis on Thursday for a check up. They will put her in a cat scan to see if the absesses are gone. So everyone pray that they are and that her potassium levels are elevated and normal. It doesn't take much of a drop in potassium to make a person really sick. Can lead to some really serious problems. Like your heart. If the absesses are gone then they will remove the drain. She told them they better not remove it if they even think there is more in there. She said never again would anyone put one in her with her awake and knowing it. To all the people who have emailed me today about your plants. Im sorry I wasn't home but I would say that if you don't have something to cover them for the next few night , yes you will probably lose a lot of them. If it gets cold and stays cold for more than 5 hours straight it will freeze them. Don't cover them with plastic. That will make a bad situation worse. Cover them with boxes, newspapers, sheets. Buckets pans any thing like that but no plastic. We have such an awesome group of prayer warriors on here maybe we can get them to all pray that our pretty flowers wont ruin. Lol. Melissa: I don't know if you will see this before you and Terry leave for the hospital but Terry we will all be praying for you and the surgeon to be able to do your surgery and with good results. Im sure Janet will be watching after your fil for you so don't worry about him. I hope he didn't try riding the bike today. Lol We will be praying and waiting to hear how your DH does. And it is great about the approval for your tummy tuck. Wow. Great Tammy: you want to see more of my pictures of flowers I have grown in the past ? under my name is a www. Click on that and it will take you to where I have loads of flowers I have grown last year. I will post more on my profile when the ones this year bloom. I know you will have a ball with the Princess and easter egg hunting. Lol Debbie M: So how is Jake now? Did you take him to the Vet? I hope he is alright. You did the right thing with the son I think. I have gotten into a lot of the same thing with my granddaughter. And if it were just the two of them I would let them go on the streets for a while but they have two babies under 2. Their problems were that they used credit cards to buy nonesence. Now they have nothing. He has a problem getting and keeping a job. I told them he had one day after they get here to start going to see about jobs and they are really thick here this time of year. So no reason he wont have one. Even if it is flipping hamburgers. Janet: Yes can you believe them saying the S --- word. That is stupid but would rather have snow at 34 than frost. The snow would insulate the plants. Oh wow im sorry about the dumping and stuff. I never have dumped, ive thrown up but that isn't necessarily dumping. As soon as I throw up I feel just fine. From what I know it doesn't sound pleasant at all. Let us know what they say about your back tomorrow. Where is your ortho doctor at? Yes we have loads of newbies and it is hard to remember all of them. It would really help if they were to get their pictures up on the site. So we could associate faces with names. And if they would post here and tell us something about their everyday lives it helps too. Lana: that is why I love Shrimp it stays with you for a very long time. And is good on top of it. It takes a lot to not cook too much doesn't it? It is almost impossible to cook for only one. I still get most of my protein from my protein shakes and I think probably will for a long time to come. I can not eat enough to get my protein in any other way. I have tried and tried and the most I can get in with reg food is about 30 grams and my surgeon wants us to have 90 grams. So that is no where near. Don't know what to tell you about the no bake cookies. Any one else have a clue. Claudette. How come ???????????????????. Well I is really late and im tired and have been gone most of the day so will talk to you tomorrow. And Newbies jump in here at any time. Ok.? You all are more than welcome. LOVE AND JOY AND PEACE ABOUNDS JAN
on 4/3/07 4:40 pm - Independence, MO
Hey OH Well it's really late. I just got done with my homework and thought I would drop in and say hi. I miss everyone so much but the semester will be closing at the end of May and I am already so far behind I can't see straight. Hello to all the new ones and sorry I couldn't tell each and everyone of you hi personally but right now is a very busy time. Everyone on this site is so helpful and loving. Any questions just ask I'm sure you'll get plenty of answers. Jan, I hope your plants and flowers will be okay you have worked SO hard on them. I hope everyone elses are going to be ok too. I know right now the temp is dropping and the wind is coming thru the cracks in the windows. I am so glad Sugar is doing well. I really meant to send her a card but I have so much paperwork going on right now I can't even see the floor on my side of the bed. lol Just wait ubtil I have the summer off you guys will be SO SICK of seeing me post, all of you will be saying "oh I wish she would just STOP TYPING!! lol Melissa, hope everything goes alright for you and your DH tomorrow I will be praying for both of you and your families. Shawn and Christy welcome to the losers bench don't forget to keep my seat warm guys it shouldn't be long now. I have my last 2 appts next wed the 11th wed the 18th. Deb hope Jake is doing ok. Well I should get going, maybe I'll stop by Lanas and get some of that good shrimp. Take care everyone Hugs Michelle P.S Jan I have bunches and bunches of grass!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much for the advice maybe my thumb isn't so brown afterall!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
on 4/3/07 6:54 pm - Joplin, MO
Good Morning Everyone: Just a quick note to say were off and headed to Springfield. Just wanted to say Thank you for all the prayer warriors out there. I will call Janet and have her post just as soon as he is out of surgery and headed to his room. And Janet is going to post about my lil mishap yesterday. Love ya Mel
on 4/3/07 11:01 pm - Diamond, MO
Dear Jan and OH Peeps~ OH-I am COLD...LOL! Last year at this time-I would have been in my shirt and shorts. Last night I went and put on my sweatshirt OVER my other shirt-and was still cold! The wonders of the WLS... Yesterday ran some errands to pay bills-and then came home-couldnt do one more thing as my back was so bad I just wanted to go to the hospital and say-figure it out or give me some pain relief that WORKS!! I came home and laid down on the couch while Jon watched Charlottes Web. I missed a call from Mel-who was in the emergency room herself-she dislocated her thumb and her whole hand is black! The wind caught the car door when she was getting in the car and slammed the door shut on her hand. They thought it may be broken-but dislocated-and it looks AWFUL...I had to go over to Carthage last night to get the lo-down on everything for Bob-Her FIL... Terry was changing the lock on the garage so his dad couldnt get in there and try riding that bike while I am going over and taking care of him! Told Mel I just cant handle going in and finding a disaster like that!! My ortho dr is about a mile down the road from Mels house. Bob already has his meds for this morning out for him, but I will have to go back tonite after 5 and give him his evening meds. Mel is going to call me when Terry gets out of surgery so I can post. I also have Tammy Ammy at her visit with Dr. Scott today, along with Susan T, they are scheduled 15 minutes apart-so I hope they get to meet....SO-I am waiting for some phone calls later in the morning and then this afternoon! I also have to go out today and get my stepsons b-day cake-he is 13 ttoday. Surprised he made it-LOL....he is quite the handful most of the time. I have been posting to the newbies and asking/telling them/inviting them to get on here in the mornings and post here too-so we can get to know them a little better since there are so many-want to be able to know who they are! Jan-I will be saying prayers for all your flowers/plants and all your hard work. I hope we dont get that frost/freeze. I will be praying for everyone elses hard work and beautiful flowers as well... Deb, Hope the fur family is better. I am praying for them and you as well. Sugar-we are praying for you to continue to feel better each moment! Glad Jan got to see ya... Please remember Terry in surgery today. I will post when I have more news. To all the newbies-new post ops etc-WELCOME and we will keep you in prayer. Well-gotta go-have an early start to my day today. Take care everyone and I will post later. Love, Janet
Debbie M.
on 4/4/07 1:23 am - Harrisonville, MO
Good Morning All Finally, a few minutes to sit down and take a breather...lol David is home today and here in a bit we will be going to get my grandaughter (Nicole's daughter, Timothy's sis) for a couple days...if we can handle it!...lol She is adorable but has a bad case of separation disorder...lol I will be the first to start breaking that connection. It's time because Mommy will be going back to work. Besides, I promised Timothy that I would be taking his sis down here once in a while, giving him a break and so he could have one on one time with his Mom. He was happy about that! (making sure I'm stocked up on nerve pills...lol) Thank you again to all those that prayed for my back as well as for Jake and Gracee. As for Jason, yes I do believe we are doing the best thing for everyone involved! Those two have a lot of growing up to do and a short time to do it! He will be told that he can stay overnight or even for a few days while he's looking for work but NO move ins! I'm cut n pasting my update on Jake and Gracee here so if you have already read it then you can move on down to the next story...lol ************************************************************* I took Jake to my vet yesterday and yes, he is a sick puppy! He had a fever and blood in his stool. Heart and lungs sounded good! At this time, we aren't real sure what he has but my vet has him on a diet of baked chicken and rice, 1 cup every few hours since he may have an intestinal bug (illness). He also gave me antibiotics because of the fever, got to be an infection if theres a fever! He gave me some wormer medicine too. My vet didn't see any fleas or worms so this is just precautionary but with the bloody stool and loss of appetite and yucking theres a chance and we don't need him having a problem with anything else while we're dealing with this. So, as of right now we, the vet and I believe that both Jake and Gracee got ahold of something, ate it and it didn't agree with them. Gracee probably didn't get as much as Jake, he can be such a male! Gotta have more that everyone else...lol My vet did give me enough for both of my babies!...just in case. I'm to keep him posted on any changes! It was kinda funny at first, Jake's size can be a little intimidating at first glance. They didn't quite know which way to approach him. (Some of you know I almost changed his name to Clifford (big red dog) when he started really sprouting!) I just kept my hand near Jake's mouth and face so he would smell my scent mostly and I did a lot of praising and baby love talk with him and I had him on a tight lead (just in case). Jake sure kept an eye on my vet and his assistant but never acted agressive. He was the perfect gentleman (dog) while being examined, even when he got his temp took...lol My vet thought that Jake's laid back, dosile personality was part of the illness. I told him, nooo that Jake has always been that way. I told him that we were very blessed when we got him! He's just a very big teddy bear or maybe a gentle giant. I will keep everyone updated on Jake and Gracee .....thanks for the prayers! Deb M ************************************************************* This was sent to me yesterday from my big sis and felt a need to share it... On Saturday by Max Lucado John didn't know on that Friday what you and I now know. He didn't know that Friday's tragedy would be Sunday's triumph. John would later confess that he "did not yet understand from the Scriptures that Jesus must rise from the dead" (John 20:9). That's why what he did on Saturday is so important. We don't know anything about this day; we have no passage to read, no knowledge to share. All we know is this: When Sunday came, John was still present. When Mary Magdalene came looking for him, she found him. Jesus was dead. The Master's body was lifeless. John's friend and future were buried. But John had not left. Why? Was he waiting for the resurrection? No. As far as he knew, the lips were forever silent and the hands forever still. He wasn't expecting a Sunday surprise. Then why was he here? You'd think he would have left. Who was to say that the men who crucified Christ wouldn't come after him? The crowds were pleased with one crucifixion; the religious leaders might have called for more. Why didn't John get out of town? Perhaps the answer was pragmatic; perhaps he was taking care of Jesus' mother. Or perhaps he didn't have anywhere else to go. Could be he didn't have any money or energy or direction ... or all of the above. Or maybe he lingered because he loved Jesus. To others, Jesus was a miracle worker. To others, Jesus was a master teacher. To others, Jesus was the hope of Israel. But to John, he was all of these and more. To John, Jesus was a friend. You don't abandon a friend???not even when that friend is dead. John stayed close to Jesus. He had a habit of doing this. He was close to Jesus in the upper room. He was close to Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. He was at the foot of the cross at the crucifixion, and he was a quick walk from the tomb at the burial. Did he understand Jesus? No. Was he glad Jesus did what he did? No. But did he leave Jesus? No. What about you? When you're in John's position, what do you do? When it's Saturday in your life, how do you react? When you are somewhere between yesterday's tragedy and tomorrow's triumph, what do you do? Do you leave God???or do you linger near him? John chose to linger. And because he lingered on Saturday, he was around on Sunday to see the miracle. ************************************************************* Love & Prayers for to all....Deb M
Susan T.
on 4/4/07 3:04 am - Saint Charles, MO
Just wanted to say good morning and leave a short mess. I am off to Columbia this morning. DH and I are going up today and getting a hotel for tonite. I have that PFL test at 8:00 and then Dr. Scott meeting at 12:15 hoping that I will get to meet Tammy. Take care all and I am being a prayer warrior for all. (Jan, I dont think anything is to small to pray for (everyone's flowers), heck I've prayed to get into my control top panty hose before! LOL Love Susan
on 4/4/07 7:44 am - Nixa, MO
Susan, I had to laugh about the panty hose. I also believe there is nothing too small to pray about. Ane getting into control top panty hose isn't a small prayer, lol. I think that if it is important to me it's important to my heavenly Father. I have prayed for parking spaces, bedroom drapery color, etc and my DH thinks that is soooo crazy but I do it anyway. And I pray nightly for puppy mill puppies and their parents. My special concern. Good luck on your appointments. Hugs and love, Lana
Tamara B.
on 4/4/07 8:59 am - southwest, MO
Hey folks just wanted to share that my job interview went well, I'm going back tomorrow for a "working interview" so keep praying!! : ) There were several calls and one other person there the same time as me today so alot of folks are intereted in this same position. Funny thing is I realized one of the women I'd be working with goes to my church! We do not know each other but have seen each other, so tomorrow I hope to visit with her. Seems like a great place to work thoguh so I really hope all goes well! I hope to have some time tomorrow to get online....have to go work out now! I was busy ALL day!!! Hugs, Tami
on 4/4/07 10:21 am - Kansas City, MO
It is cold outside!! My poor tulips probably won't make their first season. We leave for SeaWorld on Saturday with temps in the 80's, I'm ready for that. Finding a doctor and sticking with him isn't easy. I went to Dr. Hitch****'s seminar, filled out the papers, then found out that the hospital has not renewed their contract with UHC. So then I thought, okay now I can get Dr. H in Sedalia. Nope. Called and for now are not taking UHC or Medicare patients. So I tried a third time and at least for now I have a doctor, but still have to go to their seminar and with vacation coming up, I won't be able to attend their seminar until mid-May. ACK!!! Actually, I will be done with my Healthyroad sessions, which I love, and have the psych exam done. So hopefully we can get scheduled then. We have our daughter and grandson with us now. She went to the OB today and everything is fine. Baby should be here in the next 3 weeks or so. I was helping her get the baby's clothes in order.....I can't believe I bought so much. When you pick up 2 or 3 things every few days....it adds up. No way will she wear all the newborn clothes. I was smart enough to buy bigger sizes too. Thank you all for the support and prayers. It's been a crazy week, but we made it. I say a prayer every night for my friends on the board. Take care. God Bless, Trudy
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