Hello folks, well as you can see I didn't leave but we are going to go to my youngest daughers today and spend the day with her. She and I will be going to the nursery down the street from her to see if there is something there that I just cant live without lol.
Didn't do much of anything today. Just enjoyed the sun for the most part.
Joe and I went mushroom hunting again. Found some small ones but not many.
Must just not be quite time for them even tho all the signs say they should be up or we are just not finding the good spots.
We agreed to do something today that we had said we wouldn't do again , so don't ever say never about things. Lol
My granddaughter and her husband and 2 babies are coming to stay in the trailer , guest house around the 28th of April for a while until they get on their feet. I told them only on one condition and that was that he had to have a job within 2 weeks and I don't care what it is, can be working at Mc Donalds if need be but he will have a job. They have been livning in Miss. And due to lots of cir****tances they are finding themselves homeless by the 30th. So of course I wouldn't allow them to be on the street not with 2 babies under 2 years old. He has been know to be really slow about getting a job . you want to think that it is all a group of cir****tances but seems to happen to them a lot. We will see.
Andrew this doesn't affect you coming this month. They wont be here by then yet. Lol
I have tried and tried to think of some joke to pull on all of you but couldn't come up with a good one. Lol Since this is April 1st.
But aprils fool to all of you lol
Tammy: isn't it funny when someone sees the ocean for the first time especially children, their reaction. I bet she had a blast with the seagulls. They can be really stir up the noisy when they get excited ,.
Tammy I hope and pray that you get your date for surgery in a few days. I know you have thought it would never come. It isn't your fault about not being able to stick to a diet , you just have to learn new dialogue and new things to tell yourself.
Yes it is different after surgery, you still get the urges and you can still smell but that doesn't mean you have to eat what you urge and if you do give in to it to do. It will be ½ piece of bacon instead 5 or 6 pieces. Lol for the most part your urges to eat are just gone or they have been with me so far and I am 71/2 months out.
Janet: im sorry I missed you and little guy yesterday. Hey go to my www site and see my new flowers that I have so far this month. I love the one picture of the tulips and the front of my house in the background.
Tell your son that the fantastic flower lady needs a mascot. The flower lad. And that he can come and I will teach him all.......lol
Hey I think August would be a great time for the reunion. And I wasn't pressing you about news was just wonering. Now that it is the 1st of april you will be able to find out some things and go from there. As soon as Sugar gets back then she will want to help if you need anything
Yes Lilac bushes are easy to transplant. Under neath big old lilac bushes you will see all sorts of little ones coming up . just pull them up and all of them will usually take.
I have better luck planting my to where they get at least 5 hours of preferable morning sun , to help prevent mildew and mold.
A lot of the ones you see that are huge may have a lot of shade but they were probably planted in direct sun and the other trees have grown around them lol
Oh I was going to tell you I don't think you are suppose to have raw veggies yet? You might want to check with your surgeon on that.
No I have never had the epidurals in my back. My husband has had them and they really didn't help him. Seems not much helps him tho. I have had a shot in my shoulder and shots in both of my knees. Which reminds me I can have them re done this month .
Hope you had lots of fun with the RC cars.
Barbara T: wow that is great that you have come back on. I have missed you a lot.
I really am sorry that you wont be able to be there on the 19th that is such a shame.
Where do you work and doing what?
I hope all of your days are great and Blessing on you my friend.
Sherr: so sorry that your dad wont take care of himself. . He shouldn't need much more than a cane at this point tho I wouldn't think. Is there anyway that your mom will be having hers operated on soon.
Yea am happy about the good report that you got from the Vets. For your sweet puppies.
Sorry about your sale today, sure wish you would have made more.
I cant eat beef either. So don't feel bad lol and yes I guess all of us once in a while forget and try to eat like we use too. Wow only 14 pounds to go???? That is amazing.
Vesta: where are you????
Meissa : you too
Andrew: hello guy where are you????
Newbies: you can post on here too you know.
Good Morning Everyone:
I am here sorry yesterday I was up at 6:30 and getting ready for a day of running and garage sales. he he he Found some really good deals. I also found the cuties pair of green capris and they're 22W. I thought they might be a little snug but NOPE I will have to put my belt with them. Belt isnt that a funny word. I never in all my years have ever wore a belt before. And now I have 2 of them that go with my jeans.
Anyways went to several garage sales, flea market, stopped by the ol house to talk to the tenants, Wal Mart, Mailbox, got my nails done, ect. Got home made supper, ate, done dishes, watched a lil tv, went back to Wal Mart. The last week my F-I-L has had a thing for glazed donuts, bannans, and milk. I have bought more of the last 3 items in the last week then I have in almost a month. But praise GOD he is eating!!!!
Today I am going to church, going back over to the old house to drop them off a weedeater for the yard, pick up the rug cleaner for Janet, Wal Mart for last minute items, Then headed over to Janets house for dinner and a program on TV. So I wont be home until late. I thought I better pop on here and say howdy since I didnt make it on here Saturday.
This coming week is going to be busy getting the house and everything ready for Terry's surgery. And maken sure the bills get paid before we leave on Wed. Janet bless her heart will be posting for me since I wont be near a computer. Maybe, when my mother was in Cox last year. I cant remember her title but she was someone that was assigned to my Mother. Anyways she brought me a laptop so I could check my mail. I got to have it for an hour or 2 every day that I wanted it. So I maybe able to pop in and say a quick howdy.
Okay I am going to sign off been a VERY LONG day!!! I am headed off to la la land. So I can get my beauty sleep. Yes, that would be the longest nap in record history. So I can be ready for everything today. I pray everyone has blessed day!!!!
God Bless
This is for the guys on the board. Since I am always posting jokes for the ladies!!!
The Guys' Rules
At last a guy has taken the time to write this all down Finally , the guys' side of the story.
( I must admit, it's pretty good.)
We always hear " the rules"
From the female side .
Now here are the rules from the male side .
These are our rules!
Please note.. these are all numbered "1"
1. Men are NOT mind readers.
1. Learn to work the toilet seat.
You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down.
We need it up, you need it down.
You don 't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.
1. Sunday sports. It's like the full moon
or the changing of the tides.
Let it be.
1. Shopping is NOT a sport.
And no, we are never going to think of it that way.
1. Crying is blackmail.
1. Ask for what you want.
Let us be clear on this one :
Subtle hints do not work !
Strong hints do not work !
Obvious hints do not work !
Just say it!
1. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.
1. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's what we do.
Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.
1. A headache that lasts for 17 months is a Problem.
See a doctor.
1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument.
In fact , all comments become null and void after 7 Days.
1. If you won 't dress like the Victoria 's Secret girls, don 't Expect us to act like soap opera guys.
1. If you think you're fat, you probably are .
Don't ask us.
1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one .
1. You can either ask us to do something
Or tell us how you want it done.
Not both.
If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself.
1. Whenever possible, Please say whatever you have to say during commercials.
1. Christopher Columbus did NOT need directions and neither do we.
1. ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings.
Peach, for example, is a fruit, not A color. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have no idea what mauve is.
1. If it itches, it will be scratched.
We do that.
1. If we ask what is wrong and you say "nothing," We will act like nothing's wrong.
We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle.
1. If you ask a question you don 't want an answer to, Expect an answer you don 't want to hear .
1. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine... Really .
1. Don 't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as baseball, the shotgun formation,
or golf .
1. You have enough clothes.
1. You have too many shoes.
1. I am in shape. Round IS a shape!
1. Thank you for reading this.
Yes, I know, I have to sleep on the couch tonight;
But did you know men really don 't mind that? It's like camping.
Dear Jan and OH Peeps~
Good Morning All-Well, its sunny outside this morning-a little nippy still-but looks like we will have a beautiful day-maybe we can get the riding lawn mower and get the lawn done that we wanted to get done yesterday-but was too thick and wet. Out of 4 riding mowers-only 2 work and both had dead batteries yesterday! Hubby used weed eater on north side of the house by the driveway-so that we have a track for our RC cars/trucks. Yesterday the RC plane had a horrible accident...the wind picked her up and down she went-nothing we could do to save it-but Mike put it all back together today and so we will be able to watch him fly it today too!
Mike is going to put glow in the dark paint on the plane-and fly it at night-we joked that we would end up with news crews out here saying that there was a UFO flying over this house out in the country LOL....
Jan-yes I can have raw veggies-could since I was 12 weeks out-just hadnt tried yet since the cooked ones wont stay down...and I have tried since I was able to have them a couple of different times-but they never stay down-and I cook them extra long so they are really mushy....so-may have to try the raw ones and see what happens.
Havent had time to get into your profile and look at your flowers yet-but I will tomorrow-I have dial up and looking at ones profile takes over 1/2 hr-so I dont get into them too often...I will do it tomorrow!
Thanks for the info on the lilac bushes...IF I knew someone who had one who wouldnt be upset with me taking some starts off the ground-I would!! Once in awhile my mom and I will pull over and just clip a couple off someones bush-LOL....I want my own though, so maybe I will get some this summer and get them started.
Sherr-so glad the pups are ok. I was praying that you would get some good news... I know you love them so much and it was weighing on your mind...So sorry your sale didnt go well-maybe people stayed inside because of the weather-can you do it again or is your town regulated on how many sales etc you can have in a certain time frame? In town here-they are...but we are in the country...we are going to be having our big sale sometime this month-but not sure on the dates yet.
Julia-Am lifting you in prayer and cant wait to see you on the losers bench with all of us-We love you and are praying for a safe surgery and speedy recovery.
Lana-have missed your posts this weekend. Hope you had fun on your trip with hubby!
Tammy Ammy-thinking of you-did you get the email I sent to you? Let me know-not sure whats going on with my mail lately!
Krissy-looks like you are getting better with the posting and typing! Yeah-love hearing from you....Let us know HOW you are doing too!
Susan T-I sent you an email as well. Let me know if you got it-or if you didnt...my box was messed up a week or so ago and people werent getting my emails.
Well, I have got to go-have to do my protein shake, take my vitamins and get some odds and ends done before my company gets here. Have to get taxes done for my daughter to file for college as well-so I have a BUSY day ahead of me. Looking forward to being able to play etc and have a little fun! We are BBQng some ribs, making baked beans and salad..I hope everyone has a good Sunday and enjoys the sunshine. Love to all, Janet
Hello Missouri.....
I am at work right now....getting ready to head to the house...had to come in for a little while this morning to read some PPD's.....so Jaiden and I came to work....hubby is at home eating something and I think Jaiden and I are going to kidnap him and go do a little shopping while Dalton is at church with his best friend.....not a whole lot going on this way....don't get to move to my new job just yet but I am keeping it in prayer....they have a hiring freeze...so they couldn't hire anyone to replace me if I left this job.....
Melissa, I will probably give you a holler later....I will be in Springfield on Thursday with Jaiden....I know that is when Terry is having his surgery right? Tell me where you will be and maybe her and I can come and meet you finally....
Will see ya'll later.....God bless to everyone....sorry so short Jaiden is getting antzy....
God bless
Good Morning All.......
Looks like we are going to have a much nicer day today than we had yesterday. I'm really glad too, we had some pretty nasty weather yesterday. We had several warnings about alot of rotation but thank God we had no tornadoes.
Jan....I'm so glad you granddaughter has you to turn to....I don't blame you for insisting he get a job in as soon as possible. There was a liitle bit of that with my s-i-l. Thank God it got better!!! He has a full time job now and has been with it for over 3 years.
Thanks for the info on the diet.....I'm still hanging in there and plan on keeping up with it as well as I can.....I do get upset with myself when I mess up. But I'm not going to let it get me down or make me stop....This is way to important to me!!!!! This is the most determination I have ever had and the best I have ever done on a diet. And I'm really looking forward to seeing how well I can do after I have surgery.
Janet....Thank you so much for the email you sent to me...I am looking forward to our friendship growing as well.......I feel like it was God that brought us together....And I feel like you are truely my Angel that was meant to guide me thru this journey. You are such a wonderful person and so caring....I thank you sooooo much for all your information you share with me, being so caring....and being sooooo loving. I will call you soon.
Mel.....Sounds like you had a great time yard saling......I have found lots of nice stuff at yard sales.....down this way we have a yard sale in May that is called the 100 mile yard sale......it goes the whole stretch of hwy 25. Tons of people are out for that one. But boy do you run upon some good buys!!!! It last for like 3 days and is packed most every day.....when my daughter was pregnant with her daughter we went to it and found brand new looking baby stuff so cheap I felt like we were ripping them off lol lol....There are so many people with stuff out you can find anything you might want from A-Z..
Sherr....I almost got up and went yard saleing satruday.....I should have then we could have met you face to face. I'm sorry things didn't go well for you. Maybe you can have it again another weekend.
Congrats on being so close to your goal weight!!!!!!!
Well I gotta run for now.....I hope everyone has a great Sunday!!!!! Take care....God Bless each of you.....Love & Hugs....Tammy H.
p.s.....Welcome to all the newbies....Keep posting...We love hearing from you and look forward to getting to know each of you....
Everyone don't forget to drop in and see the list for people who need prayer and if I forget anyone you know of please add them to the list.....Thanks!
Hello Everyone!
It's one of those "good day/bad day" days for me! David helped me with some housework today and together we have got a lot done! Next weekend he has 3 days off and we plan on working outside...weather prevailing!
Bad news is one or both of my dogs are sick! At first I thought it was Gracee because she just wasn't being herself...she was running around acting scared of everyone! I think she is just pmsing...I hope anyway! While in my backyard (fenced in area) I found poop that was bloody and some that was black and tarry looking, not good! I started watching both my dogs closer and noticed that Jake got sick the other day and Gracee is eating grass, but she always has! I read on a website that dogs don't eat grass because their sick, it's suppose to be because they like it. I don't know if I should believe that or not!
They both are still very alert and playful and had been drinking and eating just fine! Last night, I noticed that Jake hasn't been finishing his meals and for him thats a BIG thing! Today he wouldn't drink or eat! I brought him inside and tried hand feeding him tator tots (just something I had that wasn't spicy) and he ate them but anything that I put in his water bowl or food bowl he wouldn't touch! I finally coaxed him into drinking the water by putting my hand in it and splashing the water around then I would hold my hand to his mouth and he would lick the water. After doing this a few times, he went to the bowl and drank a little but not near what Jake drinks! His ears aren't warm and are no other signs of fever and his nose is wet so those are good signs!
I want to take both of them to the vet tomorrow but David says we only have the money for one and that would be hurting us! I've had Gracee longer but Jake is sicker! I think what I'm going to do is take Jake in and have the vet give me enough meds for Gracee too!
If shots are needed, I will see if there the shots that I nornally give to them or ones that will have to be administered by a vet.
David said by Jake not wanting to drink from the bowls but would from my hand shows that he trusts me but not his bowls, meaning that he (the dog) knows that what he ate or drank from those bowls made him sick.
We have stopped giving them the dry food from the bag and are trying to feed them the leftover canned puppy food I had long before this tainted food came out. We figure if the puppies did well with it, Jake and Gracee should! Gracee gobbled hers up, Jake ate a little but was real nervous about eating any of it. I'm going to change his food bowl and see if that helps any!
Please add my furbabies to your prayers! Also, pray that if this is from the tainted dog food that I will be able to pull them BOTH through it and that they will live good long lives like my Sam did (16 years)!
More news....don't know if this is good or bad...lol I have told you all that my baby Jason and his Fiancee, Wendy are expecting! Well, Jason called and talked with his Dad today about the possibilities of moving back in for awhile!
If I allowed this, it would happen after the baby is born! Jason told his Dad that it would be either just him or Wendy and the baby! That this would happen so Jason and his little family "to be" could move back up here from Springfield!
With all the trouble I had with Jason before he left for college and all the trouble I had with him and Wendy while Jason was in college I really don't think this would be a very good thing!
I know for a fact that it wouldn't be Wendy and the baby! She is the type that likes to be pampered and if she was staying here she would expect that from me and that AIN'T happening! She would expect me to do all the work with the baby and then act like she did all the work whenever Jason or David would walk in.....so that's a definate NO!! I can't go through all the stuff with Jason that I went through that last time he lived here as well and I know if Jason is living here, Wendy will be here all the time and the privacy we have now will be gone!
I don't want to be a total "B" word but I can't let this happen either! It's too much on me and way to much on David! The boy makes a lot of promises but once he gets in the door, none of it happens and I end up having to clean up after him or throwing it all into his room and shutting the door but there's other stuff too and any Mom on here that has had her kids move back home knows what I'm talking about!
I warned the boy (Jason) that this was going to happen and for him not to come home crying the blues when it did! Now everything that I said would happen, has happened and it's like I never said a thing to him about any of it!
I'm thinking that either he can save his money down there and I will keep an eye open for a place for them to live up here and when he gets enough, they can come up here and live in THEIR OWN place! Either that or he could get a place with his brother Roy and his girlfriend! They would have issues with one being a drop out Christian College kid with his pregnant fiancee and the other trying to be a freak in a side show at a carnival! He is into the gothic look and all kinds of other weird stuff, he claims to be pagan too! Wow, talk about it being the Lord's war! I don't know what else to do! I know I will be looked down on for not allowing it but I'm not going to be badgered into anything again! I need to call my pastor!....lol
Some cute news....we have a fox living in our backyard, way back, outside the fenced in area! It's trying to overtake my groundhog's hole (this groundhog is huge and I have been watching him for years). I don't know who will win the battle but we have other big holes like that along the creek bank and they could learn to share! Either way, we may have babies foxes living here too! Cool...deer, ducks, foxes, bunnies, owls, squirrels, groundhogs, raccons, opposum and coyotes (we had baby coyotes 2 years ago). May God's gonna have us build an ark?....lol
By the way, even with all the drama....wasn't it just a beautiful day? I thought it was an awesome day!! Thank You Lord!!
Well, I think that's enough drama and gossip for one day. Your all more than welcome to give me advice on this. I know theirs a few out there that are probably having a good laugh over this, I know I am...what else can I do?
Love you all and praying for you too, Deb M

Oh Debbie,
Wish you lived closer-I would invite you over or I would come over there-and we could talk and pray together....First-I didnt see your post yesterday-Im sorry. I will be praying for your fur family. Please let us know what the vet says as soon as you know something, OK? I know thats weighing heavy on your heart-
Next-well-you were right-others out there have been through the same thing! This parenting thing is the hardest thing ever-isnt it? Last summer (May) we let my mom come live with us until she got on her feet-she moved here from Minnesota-and then Megan (my oldest) came back home (in late June)-she had been gone a couple of months basically living with her boyfriend at his place-but I never moved her stuff out of her room....THEN....we ended up with her boyfriend here as well (July)NOW...that being said-our home went from harmony...as harmonious as you can get with little ones-LOL-to Mike and I at each others throats-because my mom had her dog-and he got into the trash EVERYDAY if it wasnt put up-in kitchen AND bathrooms-and he would crap in the house (BIG NO NO FOR ME) or get up on our bed and wipe his *ss across our comforter (YEAH-NICE!!) and we were SOLELY supporting these people-who ALL had jobs-and Mike and I having 3 other kids to support....I was just telling Mel last night that we went through over $300 worth of food in a week and a half-and that Megans boyfriend would drink a whole gallon of milk PER DAY, never replacing it or offering money....so-we finally lost it-and told them they ALL had to move-its one thing to help someone out-...BUT...if you have already experienced a bad deal with Jason previously-its more than likely going to be the same ****different day-this does not make you the B word, this makes you wise-and as a parent sometimes we have to make decisions that hurt us more than it hurts them, but IF he wants to move there bad enough, he can find his own way-right? He will need to buckle down and save money-sounds like he wants his parents to do it for him. If you and his fiance dont click-then.....thats your answer-WHY would YOU and DAVID want to be uncomfortable in your own home? Let me say-that when my mom was being evicted-I was overwhelmed cause I knew she thought she should be able to come back and stay with us-and Megan DID ask if her and Aaron could live with us-and we told all of them NO....Mike and I have been together 10 years and we never really even argue...really, but man-when they were all here-thats all we did-because we were stressed out and we couldnt go anywhere and be away from them! And WHY should we have to leave our home to get some peace and quiet? Whats that saying-first time, shame on you, second time-shame on me? It breaks my heart to think that they may have to struggle or of the unknown for them-BUT...I know that IF we told them ALL they could stay here-I am sacrificing my relationship, privacy and sanity and you know what? Its NOT worth it-I never had anyone do that for me-and I made it just fine-so maybe since he thinks he can just come home whenever he wants-he doesnt work as hard-you know? dont know-maybe your going-Janet-just shut up-I just want you to know that I have been there-and I agree with you-I just dont think its worth everything thats going to happen to you and to David....I am just saying that because I care about you, Debbie. You always have words of wisdom for me- I will be thinking about you and hope the good Lord gives you peace of mind in your decision-no matter what it is and know that they arent living on the streets-so they could just save their money like you said and move up when they have the money-right? Let me know sweety and I will be watching for a post from you. Love, Janet
Hey Jan
I'm working for a company that is very similar to Kelly Services, they send you out to do contract work, no benefits but this will help with paying those hospital bills we racked up last year,this is mostly clerical work nothing too strenuous but they put you through training because they say they have a good reputation they want to uphold. And since it's contract work they are very tight about attendance so I have to butter up my new supervisor
, hope you all enjoy the picnic. Well it's been a tough day my former Pastor passed on Friday and even though I am at another church I have great respect for him and the work he did for God and it's just hard to realize that he has gone home to be with the Lord. I am going to bed because I have to be an early riser now
Anyway have a great evening.
Barbara T. in KC.


