I found out that Medicaid will pay for the lap-band surgery, but now I can't find a doctoc in St.Louis that will take it. I can't travel farther than that. I tried Dr. Van Wagner, but he doesn't take Medicaid. Does anyone know of another doctor in St. Louis, or closer. Sure need some help. This is draining me. I'm already about to give up. This is soooooo depressing.
I hate to be ther bearer ((((((grrrrrr)))))))) of bad news but I too have mediciad I called medicaid myself and they said YES they take medicaid for lap band but unfortunately every time Drs would send the paperwork thru a big denial!!! So they ran the paperwork thru for RNY and guess what I am approved!! So just cause they say they do does't mean they do. Sorry I know you arw probably disappointed but what about the lapband??????