Jan C.
on 3/26/07 3:21 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Hi all I still haven't heard from either Sugar or her husband Rick. See post on board that I wrote about Sugar update. Just please say a prayer for her as you read this. I don't know what is wrong but I am really worried about her. Any yet I know she knows our savior and I am claiming victory in the name of Jesus right now. Other than going by and seeing her and seeing that she needed to get to the Doctor now. We didn't do much today. We were gone all day. Went to Food 4 less and bought more protein powder and found several bottles of the flavored waters I like. Called Fruit Refesher. They are really really good with no carbonation, no calories, no sugar . I use them in my protein shakes in the morning. I use soy milk and equal parts of flavored water. , depends on what flavor, I also put in about 1/3 cup of either strawberries or peaches. Then the water is that flavor too. Makes a wonderful shake. Then Joe wanted to go to a friends of his to see him and I had him let me out at a Wal-mart so I could see if I could find some summer things cheap. Well I got 3 pairs of capris and 3 t.shirts for less than 30 dollars. Cant beat that. These are the kinds of clothes I have to have for gardening. I try to save my jeans for when I go to town or such. Lol until I get all the weight off that I am going to get I don't want to spend a lot on things. We had a really good COF meeting. Lots of good information. Claudette as usual did a great job. Thanks Claudette. We were all glad that you didn't inhale anymore sunflower seeds. Melissa: That is totally wonderful news about your doctor visit. Praise God.!!!!! I am so glad for you and Terry. To know that you can maybe get to start your family before long. Hope all goes well with Terrys surgery on the 4th. We will start praying for him now just to get him covered lol We didn't have that many there tonight but it was still a good group. Oh those jokes------I have been know to pull some if not just like those pretty close. Lol Debbie M: I so envy you and your motorcycle ride. That is some of the most freeing times I have ever had is on the back seat of a bike. Our gold wing was like riding on a couch, I even had arm rest on the back seat. Many times I would just sit back there and go sound to sleep. Lol that is how relaxed it would get me. I sent your seeds this morning. Chaf? Is the hulls of the seed pods and maybe other pieces of stuff, not seeds. Lol 4 oclocks yes are a flower but I didn't have any seeds of them but will have after this summer. I noticed that in the flower beds they are already coming up . I wish you girls lived close to me. I will have to be thinning them out and throwing little seedlings away before long of them and the balsum too. Both of these are really pretty f.lowers but they spread like crazy. And have SO many seeds. I had given all of them away that I had picked last year. Yeah I have a bad back too. Scoliosis, DDD, 2 bulgeing disc and bone spurs, arthritis and constant pain but since wls I can do so much more than I could and I am spending about 7 to 8 hours outside working in my flower gardens almost daily. It makes everything so much easier when you aren't carrying around all the extra weight. So far I have lost 77 pounds so far. I want to lose 23 more pounds and then I will see if I want to lose anymore. I think that has a lot to do with the back pain now too Debbie, all that hanging skin in front . I know I can hold my pani area up and the lower back doesn't hurt. Is such a shame that I let myself get that way in the first place. Sherr: I was thinking of you yesterday when I was planting the Toad lilies. They are really a beautiful flower to have such an awful name aren't they. You know I wondered how many steps I was getting in working in the garden on a regular day. I wore my pedometer and I got in over 5000 steps in about 4 hours. That was around and around in the garden , from the green house back out to a flower bed, using the wheelbarrow full of mulch hauling it over to this bed or that. Digging up a new flower bed and turning the dirt over. Whew makes me tired repeating all I did. Lol So I guess I get enough exercise . That is good cause I hate to exercise. Lol Hope one day you can get up to see me and my lilies and such. I love doing this post and really like petting people. Some come in for a while and let me get to know them and then they move on and I wonder where they are and if they are ok. Sort of like an old mother hen . lol. Don't worry about me sweetie. Im a tough ole bird. Tammy: so how is your mother today? Oh I wish I were down there to come help you go clean out your grandmothers flower beds. I helped a lady up the street from us do that the other day. I was out walking and she was over looking like she was about to have a stroke trying to clean hers out. So I stopped and went and helped her She only had 3 smaller beds and it took me about 30 minutes to get it all done. She is a really sweet little lady. She brought me over a cake later in the day lol. Well Joe enjoyed it. !!! So glad that grandbaby is doing better. Tammy I know what you mean about church and not going. We live so far from the nearest church I use that as an excuse but really we never have a good one I don't think. I keep telling myself that since I have lost so much weight I need to start again but now the excuse is that I don't have anything to wear to church. I guess I need to go to the thrift shop to look for something to wear. Yes I am part Indian and I really like that name. lol Summer Blossom sounds like an Indian Princess. Lol Congratulations on the weight Loss. That is an excellent amount of weight lost for not having surgery yet. Andrew: Wow you missed another good meeting. But the numbers were down a little bit this month but that must have been because they knew that you and Susan weren't going to be there. Lol How do you like that for a compliment :???. Did you get your appointment for next month scheduled so you can be at the meeting in Springfield. By the time you come next month if the weather doesn't turn cold I probably will have some things in bloom then. Everything is really growing. Well wish you were over here I could have my son in law do your brakes for you for a whole lot less. He is a mechanic and it really comes in handy sometimes. Lol Everyone said to tell you hi. Did you all get rain this afternoon? We haven't gotten any of the rain that has been going around. I am already having to water things. I watered my roses yesterday. Put that soaker hose on and left it for about 6 hours. That way they get a good soaking and it goes where it needs to be. I think I have 16 rose bushes so if I didn't use the soaker hose it would take a long time of standing there with a hose watering them. HI SUSAN!!! Hope you had fun playing in the dirt. Lana: wanted to tell you that I have 6 orders for patchwork jackets. All want them by next week. Lol. For those that didn't see the jacket that Lana made it is beautiful and she is taking orders for as many of them as you want. She said they are real easy to make and doesn't take any time at all to whip them out lol Hey im just kidding you all but it was a really cute jacket. Lol So good to see you looking all spifty and cute in your jeans an cute jacket. As always you looked cute as can be. Rebecca: Congradulations on the job in the green house. Now that is a dream job in my opinion. So you are going from a nursery to a nursery lol I wanted to tell you that I worked at a huge commercial green house in Texas one year and I got all sorts of free plants. WE would grow hugh amounts of some plants and when all the orders were in and we still had lots and lots of a certain run of plants they let us take home as many as we wanted. The place had a constant supple of new ones coming out of the nursery part so they would have these plants that would be getting too leggy and all and we could get them free. I had so many plants that it was all I could do to get them all in the ground. Lol. And then bushes and shrubs they gave us a really good discount on those. So yeah that is a good job or to me it would be perfect. Lol. Colette: Glad to see you back and hope your meeting went really well tonight too. Sounds like you had a great vacation. And if you didn't lose it is probably because you gained muscle. Are your clothes fitting better or loose? Janet : sure did miss you at the meeting tonight. Hope you get to be at the next one for sure. Im anxious for you to find out about the cyst on your back too. I hope they can just be lanced or something like that simple. Thanks for sending the tote back , Now I can start filling it up again lol Seems like I buy things and wear them a few times and they get too big. I think I must be stretching them , cause I haven't lost that much weight. Lol Your welcome on the clothes. I know I would appreciate it if someone would give me some too lol. But seems everyone is holding onto their 10/12s. I hope before long those will be too big too. I would like to get down into 7s but don't know if that will ever happen. OH BOY that racing that car sounds like lots of fun. I will hold you too that when you get it done. Lol Well I guess that is about it for the night. I am tired and need to get to bed soon. I really appreciate it if you all will say a special prayer for my sister , Sugar. I will let everyone know tomorrow what they find out as soon as she or Rick call me. Love toeveryone on here and know that I love all of you. LOVE AND JOY AND PEACE ABOUNDS. JAN
Tammy H.
on 3/26/07 4:39 pm - Holcomb, MO
Morning Guys & Gals..... Jan...(aka...Summer Blossom) lol lol......We were at it at the same time lol lol lol....When I got on tonight I went to read and catch up on things before I started my post....When I went to start it you still had not done yours and then when I finished and clicked back over...there you were lol.... I made sure Sugar was at the top of the prayer list....I will keep her there till we know for sure things are going good for her!!! Sounds like you really found some good deals at Wal Mart today.....I look so forward to getting to go to town to shop again!!!!! I have used Lane Bryants and Roamans for some time now....And sometimes I see things at Wal Mart I would just love to get to wear....I don't know if yall have one in your area or not but we also have a Cato's... They carry bigger sizes too.....I plan on going there shopping as well after getting some of this weight off..... Your right.... it seems to always be one excuse or another that can keep you from getting up and going to church!.....Then when I finally get my butt in gear and go.... I just can't believe I always put it off for some reason or another.....My chruch is wonderful and the Spirit seems to move most every service....I like the whole service but.....I LOVE THE SINGING!!!!!! I don't know what it is about the singing but it always seems to touch me in some way!!!! Our church has 5th Sunday singings...Every month that has a 5th Sunday they have a singing....Everyone that wants to sing has a chance to get up and sing.....It's even open to anyone that doesn't attend church there....Sometimes we have some remarkable singers come sing for us.....The we usually have a dinner before hand or everyone brings snacks of some kind and we have fellowship afterwards....... Well it was good to hear that yall had a good meeting tonight!!!!! If anyone gets the time Id love to hear about the topics you talked about and all..... Mel......Drop me a line girl!!!! I want to hear the good news!!!!!!! I have been praying hard for you!!!!!! How did DH's appt go???? Janet.....Sorry you didn't get to make it to the meeting.....I hope things go better next month and you get to make it..... How's the wedding plans going???? I never asked....Are you handling everything for the wedding or is someone helping you....I got to help plan my daughters wedding and I loved every minit of it!!!!! We had her dress made....and her f-i-l bought their cake....but I done the rest....I even made her veil for her by hand...It had a few tear drops on it but they didn't show so I didn't get into any trouble lol lol lol....I done the same for mine and Joes wedding, for my sisters wedding some years back and for my mom and step dads, when they redone their vows on their 15th anniversary.....I had a ball each time...... Hope everyone on the board has a great day today!!!!! Take care....Hugs & Love...Tammy H.
Brenda Minks
on 3/26/07 5:40 pm - Silva, MO
REPORTING IN FROM MISSING IN ACTION!!!!!!!! Good Morning!!!! Sorry I haven't been around for awhile. I have been busy mostly with taking care of Dice which is a 24/7 job. I took him back to the vet today for a follow up and he has an infection in his surgical site. He has been on antibiotics since surgery and now he's on two different antibiotics. The vet is not taking his staples out till next week. He's a tough little guy, he can just melt your heart with his eyes. I read up on the posts I've missed and there are new people on here that I don't know but would like to say welcome! I sure would like to come to one of the Springfield Support meetings, maybe one of these days I'll sneak in on you all! Hi to Tammy from Campbell, that's not to far from where I live. What church do you go to? We go to different churches around Poplar Bluff and Qulin and that area that are in the Eastern Union Association. That is the assoc. that my husband was ordained in and keeps his license through them. I don't post to often cause I've got sloooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww!!!!!! dial up and sometimes takes 10 minutes for one page to load and that's if I don't get kicked off line! Argh!!!!!!!!!!!!! Makes me so madddddddddddddddddddddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do try to read but sometimes I don't get that done. Then when I start to reply I forget everything I've read, so I don't call everyone by name, but be sure that I feel like I know you all!!!!!!!!!! I'm praying for everyone and I do hope you all have a great day today!!!!!!!!!!! I'm tired and I'm going to bed. Good Night All. Brenda
on 3/26/07 10:48 pm - pomona, MO
Good morning Jan and board, sorry I missed the meeting, my friends husband passed away before I even got there, so keep her in your prayers. Jan I wish I was down there to get some starts, I would bring you some of mine I am having to thin thin thin...lol do you have a yucca plant? mine is really going good, and I think you get can get starts from them. keep us posted on sugar. Mel glad you got a good report...God bless all....vesta
on 3/26/07 11:15 pm - Diamond, MO
Dear Jan and OH Peeps~ Any news on our Splenda yet? Jan, WHEN you get to talk to them, can you find out what the address is so I can send her a card? Thanks-I appreciate it~ When I got the call from Melissa and she was out tt Joe, I came in and got down on my knees-and I prayed for her-and I just bawled my head off...I know I only have met her a couple of times and cooresponded through emails-but I love her all the same and I WANT her to be healed-so, I too, claimed it in the name of Jesus....My hubby even joined me in the prayer process-and then I posted so we could get our prayer warriors started-I hope you dont mind that!! I sure missed seeing everyone last night. Guess it wasnt meant to be-as hubby didnt get home in time for me to make it there-and as tired as I was-wouldnt have been too good to drive home alone! Besides-Steph had to go to town to get some things for her spanish class-she had to bake something for a project-and is notorious for letting me know the night before something needs to be done-TEENS!!! ALL you outsiders-gardeners-are you having problems with ticks already? We have had more ticks on us this past weekend-I cant believe it-and a lot of ticks in the trees, and a lot of seed ticks. ARGH...I hate those things. We also have already seen some baby snakes-and my hubby pretty much just throws them back in the woods-just to let them come back up here again-I say no snake is a GOOD snake-but then, I am deathly afraid of them, thats for sure!~My big dog got bit twice last summer by a snake-and told hubby that this year-they are going to get that snake OUT OF THE PEN and get rid of it~ Jon and I planted the flowers in the pots that his sister bought for him-wow-if that wasnt a trip-he sure loves to dig in the dirt though.....and I was wearing potting soil from my eye balls to my toes! My hubby chipped a bone in his knuckle on his hand! I swear, no one in this house can go one month without hurting something-told him last night that this place would make Mother Teresa go nuts! LOL-I am far from it-but a little crazy I will admit to! Jan, as soon as I get the garage cleaned out and have my sale-Mike is moving the car in and gonna start working on it-I am glad you will hold me to it-cause it sounds like so much fun-and I feel the same way in a fast car, that you feel on the back of a bike. My parents both had bikes when I was growing up and my brother and I would ride with them across country....since then though, I havent been on one! The last time I rode on one was when I was 9 I think, and I got 3rd degree burns on my leg when it hit the muffler! That was the end of my biking adventures...LOL. Well, today I dont plan on doing a thing, if it doesnt rain, Jon and I will play outside with our RC cars and I have some calls to make. Tomorrow I have to run to medical records at the hospital and get a copy of my disk that has my x-rays on it-so I have it for my ortho surgeon and thats about it. I want so badly to get my spring cleaning done and stuff for the sale all marked etc-and then I want to get some of my professional clothes put on EBay. A lot of them still have tags on them-thought I would lose weight and wear them some day-but soared right past them...so I have given away some stuff-but am going to sell some others so I can use the money for some things I need, like a pair of track shoes and maybe some undergarments here and there.....so-I have a lot I WANT to do, but my back isnt letting me do any of it right now-I am pretty frustrated about that! Tammy, yes-I have been helping with the wedding-but my daughter and her fiance, they are driving me nuts-cause they dont ever stick to ONE PLAN....we get something decided then those 2 change it as soon as we think its done-its enough to make a person nuts-o!! To tell you the truth, we are all hoping that it gets postponed. I dont feel that they are right for each other and neither does anyone who knows the two of them...Megan is VERY goal oriented and wants to finish college and will work 3 jobs if she has to-and Aaron, not so much....so-we are just praying she sees the light BEFORE they are married. He keeps trying to talk her into having a baby right now and she says NO WAY...I am gonna finish college first and be on my job for awhile before I have a baby...besides, when she starts to feel motherly, she just comes and gets Jon and takes him to the park or to her house to spend the night. Well, better get off here and get my day started. I think it may rain today, its pretty cloudy and my knees are killing me....I will tt you all later. Love, Janet
on 3/26/07 11:25 pm - Joplin, MO
Good Morning Everyone: Thought I would pop in and say howdy while DH is putting stuff in the car. I have to meet this lady in Joplin around 9:15 so it is just a quick howdy do. Meeting was great. Sure was good to see everyone again. Alot of people were missing. Janet you sure were missed. Felt funny riding home with DH all quite and were usually jabbering away. He was trying to le tme rest. Pain meds work godd but by the time I sat at the hospital with him for 3 1/2 hours and then the meeting I was ready to ge thome and into bed. Just some errands today. Then back home laundry, vacume, ect. Hopefully I can get DH to water all my plants for me today. My lil tomatoe plant is starting to grow so big. I noticed this morning that is has a whole bunch on new leaves on it!!!! YEA!!!! Fresh tomaotes here I come. lol Jan; Please let Sugar know were thinking and praying even harder for her. And get her address for us!!!!! Tammy~ammy: There is an email with your name on it headed your way. lol Okay COF people you were talking about no bake cookies last night with protein powder or without coco. Who has the recepie for them??? God Bless Mel
Blondie **
on 3/27/07 3:26 am - Mean People Suck, MO
Momma Jan: (will post on regular post too) This was on KFVS 12 News last night....You could really tell how distraught the guy was when he found his Husky was missing :cry: But it turns out GOOD. Dexter, MO Dexter dog thief still on the run March 27, 2007 05:01 AM CDT Dexter dog thief still on the run By: Holly Brantley DEXTER, Mo. - Is there a pet theft ring in Dexter? One resident believes that may be the case. Frank Pickett's dog, Maya is priceless to his family. So, they can't believe someone would steal her and sell her for one hundred dollars. It happened last Tuesday in Dexter. Police believe someone lured Maya to the backyard fence, took her, and then sold the Alaskan Husky to another woman in town. It's a story with a rare, but happy ending. The Pickett's got Maya back. They have two other dogs, Mason and Malon. To the Pickett's they aren't just dogs, they're children. "They're my kids," said Frank Pickett. So imagine how it devastated the family to discover Maya was missing. "I come home and my wife's crying," said Pickett. "I cried with her. Apparently someone snatched her over our fence." Pickett took Maya's picture to the Dexter Police Department. To everyone's surprise, Maya was found a few days later. Police spotter her in a woman's back yard just over a mile from the family's home. "Whoever took her sold her for one hundred bucks," said Pickett. "I can't believe somebody would steal another man's dog." This isn't the first time the Pickett's have had to search for a pet. Mason was stolen when he was a pup. Unbelievably he escaped, and returned to the family. "I think someone did it for money for drugs," Pickett said. Again, the Dexter resident who bought Maya says she got her from a man who calls himself Todd. Police say they deal with several pet thefts in Dexter a year. It's recommended that you take lots of pictures of your pet and take note of any distinct markings. Also, getting your pet micro chipped for positive identification is recommended. No arrests have been made so far and the woman who bought Maya faces no charges. The case is still under investigation. Dexter Police warn that pet theft is considered a felony.
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