Well I kept the delivery companies busy today. First FedEX arrived with a order of Jasmines that I had ordered. Then about 30 minutes later UPS came with a replacement rose that I bought from Jackson and Perkins last year that died on me. Then was about 2 hours later another FedEx truck delivered some more flowers. That I had ordered wow looks like they could have saved gas and came all together lol
It really rained last night but by 8 this morning it quit and we had no more all day. Turned out to be really beautiful and tonight is clear and the stars are shinning like crazy.
We got the pond in the back yard cleaned and the pump running so we now have the lovely sound of a running brook out there , also a big fountain on the other side of the yard is going . Sitting on the back porch is very relaxing and can make you quite sleepy if you are in the sun and resting.
I planted my new rose and got the area decided on for some other flowers that I got. And am trying to decide where to put the Jasmine. I want one of them to be close to the back porch but not sure on what. I ordered 6 of them so 3 of them are going to go onto the grapevine tunnel that I have made that is going into the shade garden. They are hopefully for down here going to be evergreen , so it will be pretty all year.
Melissa: well what did you find out at the doctors with your hubby? Did he get a surgery date?
Is the fil doing better yet today? Could be a lot of things. His heart could be part of it even. Will keep him in my prayers.
We really didn't get the rain that they were saying that we would last night. We got about an inch but that isn't too bad. In fact it is good. We needed it.
Lana I know you are in St. Louis now but want to remind every one to pray for your grandson tomorrow the day of his surgery. Cant wait to see you next week.
Debbie M: I too love sitting on a swing. I have one that right now we are waiting to find a frame to put it on. So at this point it is sitting on some concrete blocks keeping it up off the ground. I painted it red last year.
Well if someone does buy your place for something they are going to bull doze off you can always take all your flowers and stuff with you. I have before when I moved from Texas to Missouri I had a u-haul behind my car filled with nothing but plants and shrubs and 3 small trees lol
Joes truck had a big uhaul behind it with our furniture and stuff lol
Sounds like you have a good imagination with plants too. I will send you some of what I have if you want them. Some I have a lot of and some I have a small amount of but I will share. Do you like Cleome? They are really pretty but will tell you if you have never planted them put them in an area that can handle tall flowers and next year they will come back more than you planted this year.
DKay: You need to let us in on your life a little more. We would love to know how well you are doing ok. Like I said it was Lana that made the patchwork sweatshirt.
I bet it is cute and if you would like to have the directions to make it you can probably get them from her.
Janet: well how was your anniversary date? I hope you had fun and enjoyed your self.
How many years have you all been married.
Yes my son found someone to look at the car I hope they can fix it and will let him pay it out. He really needs it. Thanks for asking.
I know what you mean about the kiddos and nursing. I couldn't handle that when we did rotation in nursing school but I have always loved caring for the elderly and that is where I have done all of my nursing. For 25 years. Long time.
Do you think you have too much on your plate? Don't get overwhelmed with everything ok?
Hi Vesta: you just jump on and off lol
Cant wait to see all of you on Monday , the 26th. Is going to be so much fun to see how much all the new post -ops have changes.
Keep Sugar in your prayers she says she still isn't feeling well.
Good Morning Everyone:
Well the rain is gone for the moment. The weatherman said that Wed is no rain but that we have a chance for rain Thur, Fri, Sat & Sun. I sure hope all these flowers and trees are getting a big long drink. lol
Went to Springfield yesterday we was going to stop at some shops and look around. But since it was raining when we left. We left our baby inside and I didnt want her to have an accident on my F-I-L's floors. So we just came right back didnt even stop at Starbucks (sniff-sniff). Terry got his surgery date. Sooner then what we thougth it was going to be. But that's okay at least he is doing it now while it is spring and not sumer when he is down all sumer long. His surgery date is April 4th. We have to be there at 5:30am he is the first one on the list of surgerys for that day. The surgery will last approx 3 hours long. He (DH) will be in the hospital for approx 2 to 3 days depending on his pain. They are going to remove all of his ankle joint and take a bone graft from his hip and put in place of his joint. Then lift his foot up more and put a steel rob from his heel all the way up to almost his knee. It will be fused so he will lose all mobility in his ankle. The Dr. said he will still be able to move his toes but no ankle movement at all. Hopefully this will help with all the pain that he has constantly in his ankle/leg. Of course I will be staing in the waiting room as I dont think they have private rooms for me to sleep in with him. But that okay I wouldnt be able to get any sleep if I was here at home and he was in the hospital.
So the next few days were going to bring lawn mower over and our ponds. Look for his walker and ect. so that way I can at least mow the lawn here when it is needed. When he get out fo the hospital he will be ina soft cast until his appt on the 19th of April. A day before my birthday. Then they will put him in a hard cast. He will not be allowed to put any kind of pressure on his foot for the minimum of 6 WEEKS!!! Then the doctor will do a set of x-rays to see how the bone is healing then determine if he can start putting weight on his leg.
My F-I-L is doing alot better. He was up and down quite abit today eating. DH & I napped out in the living room after we got back from Springfield. When I woke dad was sitten at the kitchen table drink my frapp. It was funny he didnt know if he liked it or not. Must of liked it some cause he drank the whole thing. lol
I am going to strip his bed and wash laundry in the morning. Try and get him to change his pj's and hopefully take a shower while DH & I are both here. Got porkshops seasoning for this evening supper. We going to have Pc, scalloped potatoes (they guys will) and squash. YUMMY!!!! I think I could just eat the squash by itself. I am almost out of protein balls. I got in 60 grams of protein with just the balls yesterday. Told DH that is what I will proabley live on while he is in the hospital.
Well I think it is time to get something to drink and head off to bed. I hope everyone has a wonderful day today.
God Bless
Jan: Your yard sound so beatiful. I will be glad when I can start playing in ours more. I am debateing weather I am going to sell our ponds or find a place to put them in the back yard here.
Janet: How did your dinner and movie go???
Tammy_ammy: So are you sane or not??? LOL J/K
Andrew: We are you buddy we sure do miss you. I know your helping out your B-I-L but please make sure your taken care of yourself and Susan.
Rachael: How did work go today?? You are planning on coming to the meeting on Monday right??? HINT HINT!!!!
Craig: So glad to see you posting. How are you doing buddie????
Julia: Congrats on your new apt. Sounds like your getting everything in it's palce.
Lana: How did your trip to St. Loius go???
Shawn: I really liked your post about a story for us to remember. Very very true!!!
Debbie: Dont go listening to the devil he is the Prince of LIES!!!!! You have more athuortie over him then what you give yourself credit for. Throw his lies down and walk all over them!!!!! Your in my thoughts and prayers!!!!
Elisa: Sweetie rest assure your human. We all are and just like you we all fall off the wagon at times too. Just remember to take one day at a time and tommorow is always a new day!!!
Barbara B: Make sure you read the fine print and if needed ask them to leave the papers with you. And go to another insurance comp and ask them to check the policy out.
Cathy: I hope your feeling better and that you have found something that you can eat.
Rebecca: I bet you was glad to be back home in your own bed with your DH. Just think your getitng closer with each and every test you have to do.
Tony: How is the support meeting going??? Sounds like you will have quite a nice turnout this month.
Angel: I am a patients of Dr. Scott and think he is wonderful!!! Please feel free if you have any question to drop me an email.
Elisa, Kim, Michelle, Susan, Judy and all the other newbies. Welcome to the Missouri board. It is always so good to see so many new ones coming and posting on the board. If any of us can be of any help please feel free to reach out. That is what we are all here for!!!
A woman, in her fifties, is at home happily jumping up and down
unclothed on her bed.
Her husband watches her for a while and asks, "Do you have any idea how
ridiculous you look? What's the matter with you"?
The woman continues to bounce on the bed and says, "I don't care what
you think. I just came from having a mammogram, and the doctor says that
not only am I healthy, but I have the breasts of an 18 year-old.
The husband replies, "What did he say about your 55-year old a$$?"
"Your name never came up," she replied.
Good morning OH
Jan.... your yard is sounds like it's comig along nicely!! It sounds so peaceful. I am hoping after I have my surgery that I'l be able to get out in mine and plant flowers . Only thing is, is that I have never had a green thumb. I am sure willing to give it a go though when I get healthier.
I have been driving the Drs offices crazy I am sure. Seems like it is taking so long to get my evaluation faxed to Columbia. Tony went to the same Dr. and it didn't take any time at all. I know,I know patience is a virtue, but right now I am runing low on it.
Tony... The appt went great thank you so much for asking. I really liked Dr. Navato he seemed to really understand what we go through when being over weight. I loved his caring nature. He also seemed very real and was so understanding as to why I want this done. Some just don't understand.
Lana... I too willl put a prayer in for your grandson. I hope everything goes well.
Janet...Congrats on your anniversary
Sounds like we all need to go sit with Debbie M on the swing. I love sitting on my swing too. Since I moved it's no longer on my front porch.
Melissa.. Hope DH comes out okay. I am sure he will with your support. I am still holding my stomach from laughing at your joke. DBF thought I was crazy because I was laughing so hard.
Everyone have a great day. Think of me while your playing in your yards and I'm studying for my big test today!!!!
Good Morning Jan and OH Peeps~
Thanks for all the anniversary wishes-we didnt get to go to the movie-just had time for the dinner-but it was soooooo nice! We were there for a couple of hours and sat in the bar area booths so we could listen to the jukebox and hubby could have a couple of beers! (OH, how I wanted one too!! and I dont really like beer all that much!)Thank you, Mel and Terry for dinner-it was so nice! We love you guys so much!
Jan-we have been married 8 years. We were engaged for 2 yrs before we married. I wanted to make sure-but to tell you the truth, could have married him the day he proposed to me-because I KNEW he was my soul mate the minute we connected!! I always wanted to puke when someone talked about love at first sight-but Mike and I have that special spark! I kind of felt like he was too good to be true-because only the cheerleaders or barbie dolls got guys like him-so...fairytales can come true-whether or not your fat or skinny-he loved me at my heaviest......
Do I think I have too much on my plate right now? YEP....My head stays a spinnin most of the time-LOL....I am trying to get oldest daughters graduation stuff done, she will be graduating 4 days after her 21st b-day. I am trying to help my mom get into housing etc and get her medical problems straightened out, helping plan a wedding for July, then all the issues with the girls' and their biological father and the issues with my stepson and his attitude and the list goes on.....To tell you the truth, have been praying about it and handing it over to God whenever I start to get too stressed. I know that when I got the news about my back-I did sit and blubber like a baby because I just couldnt comprehend that I am working so hard to be healthy-to have to endure so many more issues was just something I couldnt comprehend! Dont have time for all that-LOL...I guess I will make the time tho-huh?
If I cant make it to the COF meeting on Monday-I will send your tote with Mel and Terry....ok? I still dont fit into a majority of the clothes, but figure by this summer I will for sure. I have no problems paying it forward....hopefully by next summer everything will be too big for me. YAY...My scale didnt move for 9 days again-but started moving this morning-I was very happy to see that!
It rained like crazy here-flooding everywhere....the road we live on was flooded over in 2 different places, but at least shoal creek bridge didnt flood-and its been known to, so we can still get out! Some areas of our yard has standing water and the ditches are all full along Kodiak Rd.....I cant imagine 4 more days of rain like they are calling for-thats gonna be a mess!!
Jons head is healing nicely. Still have the butterflys on it-and he wants soooo badly to take a shower or get in the pool-LOL...doesnt understand WHY he cant! Keep telling him just a couple more days...he says "FINE...but I better get to do it before the Easter Bunny comes!" I said-thats not a problem, buddy! He doesnt realize how far off Easter is yet.
Well, I better get going...I have to do chores, get vitamins and protein shake in and my mom will be here at 10 to go run some errands. Want to get back in time to get some other things done outside since its suppose to rain for the next 4 days....I hope everyone has a great Wednesday!! Please keep Lanas grandson in your prayers today and his family as well....I will tt you all later. Love, Janet
Good Morning Everyone..........Isn't it a beautiful day!!!!!!!!
Well.......It's official !!!! I AM NOT NUTS LOL LOL LOL.... I had my psyc eval yesterday and I was so lucky to get one of the sweetest psycologist! I still have a questioner to fill out that has 520 yes & no questions on it but she told me that if they were waiting on her opion to decide about the surgery I had no problem at all.
It was actually a very joyfull meeting and she made me feel so realaxed and comfortable. Before I left I ask her if I could recomend her to others and she said absolutely. So if any of you from the SE Mo area need info for a good psyc dr. just give me a yell. I know you will like her.
Sooooooo looks like in a few weeks I might get dates for my last bit of stuff and once I get that out of the way and I have pleased Dr. Scott with weight loss I will get to have my surgery!!!!!!!
I'm so excited to be this far but the BIG DAY still seems so far away lol lol......
Well I gotta run for now, I'm really running behind this morning. Hope you all have a great day....I'll be back a little later to catch up on all the posts but have you all in my prayers. God Bless each of you.....Hugs & Love ......Tammy H