Dr. Norbert Richardson???
Judy dont know anything about Dr. Richardson i think someone on here has used them but not sure who right at the moment.
Just wanted to welcome you to the board. and know that most of your questions can be answered here one way or the other. Again welcome and hope you come back so we can get acquainted with you . Jan
Thank you so much for replying. You definately have calmed some butterflies that have been fluttering about in my stomach. I was very happy to see that you did not have any problems and you look wonderful. If you don't mind I wouldn't mind asking a couple of questions. Like what kind of pre-op preparations you had to do. How was your recovery. It sounds like it all went pretty smoothly for you. Anyway, I appreciate your reply and I will try not to pester you too much. Thank you so very much.
I've heard really good things about Dr. Follwell as well as Dr. Richardson. My PHP recommended Dr. Richardson so that's why I chose him. I am waiting for him (Dr. Richardson) to review my file. He hopefully got to it today. I haven't heard anything yet. I don't want to keep calling and sound like a pest, but I want to keep the ball rolling. The sooner the better for me. I have gone to the seminar, gotten my psych eval, gotten letters of recommendation from several of my doctors, so now I think I just have to sit and wait. It is very hard to do. I feel like I should be doing something, I just don't know what. Thank you for responding. Maybe we'll end up next to each other on the losers bench. I can't wait to get to the other side of this process.
Good luck in your journey!
I am using Dr. Richardson. I have surgery on March 28. He is a great guy and comes from a great family. His dad delivered me and was my PCP until he retired. If you want any support or need to talk I live in Villa Ridge and work in Washington. I have been going through this process for over a year and have researched a lot. Also you are doing a great thing by using this website. People here are great! They are very supportive. If you want to talk, I work at Manpower in the office (636-390-2800). Good luck.