Prayers needed...
I got a call from the radiologist this morning and my chest xray shows a mass on the right side. They can't tell if it's my breast or lung. I have to go in for Cat Scan at 7:00 a.m. Monday morning to figure out what is going on before we can proceed with surgery. Please pray that everything goes well....
Richelle, If you read this I might not make it over to see you. I don't know what the day will hold for me, but I'll see you soon either way.
Dear Melissa,
I will be praying for you-without a doubt-and Julia is right....that happens with us sometimes...just try to stay calm and I know its hard- I am sorry you are going through this!!! You take care of yourself and update us with the results-OK? Thanks, loads of prayers and love coming your way. Love, Janet
I want you to know I have added you to my prayer list also. I want to reinforce what the others above have said. I (a few years ago when I was fat) also had a scare and I was told they saw a mass in my breast. I was told then they would wait 3 months to do another scan and it was a long 3 months. As it turned out it was nothing to worry about and it was ok. Please try not to worry and put it in the hands of the Lord. If you need help or need to vent please email or come on this forum as we have a lot of good people on here who care. Colette