yes....mine is still hurting they say it is partly because you are losing the fat on your butt and makes your sitting right on the tail bone. I hope one day it gets better. also now that i have really lost weight , the hip bones are sticking thru and hurt when i sit too lol. trade one thing for another huh.
Dear Vesta,
At Januarys meeting-I asked that same question....I was 81# down and I swear that I thought it was going to come through my had started right at 50 or 60# and there were days I just cried from the pain!!! Tami said that it can hurt for up to a year and a lot of people who were post op agreed with her-YIKES.....Mel is almost one year out and hurts her as bad as mine still-so, its not something that requires medical attention, but just a side effect we have to live with!!!
Good luck honey-and I put a heating pad back there and a little pillow under one cheek (LOL) so I sat sideways-but thats the only way I can sit sometimes. Hope it feels better soon.....Love, Janet