My surgeons protocol is to have pts on ranitidine for a month or so after surgery. My case is different as I had GERDS pre-op and when I tried to stop the ranitidine post-op the GERDS was still there. So, I still take it nearly 3 yrs post-op, 150 in the a.m. and 150 in the p.m. (FYI: mines a script but it can be bought OTC as well in the same strength)
I meant to also say that I've had an EGD and everything is FINE down there. Some have asked me HOW I can still have the acid reflux problem when the major acid producing part of my stomach isn't at the end of my esophagus anymore.....GOOD question that I'm not 100% sure of an answer. But I THINK maybe some stuff can even travel back up from the digestive tract(intestines), maybe even bile, which is even MORE harsh than the acid so all the more reason to control it with a blocker like ranitidine. When I tried to quit taking it, the BURN from the reflux was worse than I remembered, making me think it was not just acid.
I gave a BIT more info than Caludette asked for! OOPS! I'm good at that!!! : )
Hi Claudette,
DR.Hornbostel is making me take prevacid,cause I wasn't able to get the food down,food was getting stuck in my chest making me throw it back up.So the doctor wanted me to come in to see what was goin on.I had to go back into surgery,He thought he would have to dialate my esophagus,but that wasnt the problem,I had a ulcer at the opening of the stomach pouch.So hes making take prevacid for a couple of weeks......Tony