~*~*Dannielle UPDATE*~*~
I just got home and had a message on my machine from Dannielle. She didnt get into surgery at 11am like she was suppose to. The message stated that there was some kind of delays in surgery so she should be going into surgery around 4 to 5pm. They are going to keep her in ICU because the hospital is so full. Her g-friend will call me when Dannielle get out of surgery. And I will post on how she is doing. Keep her in your prayers. I am sure she has been birting her nails just waiting to get in there.
Love ya
Michelle I will have to agree with you on the Missouri Board and the members here.
I am so glad that Dannielle is doing well and will soon be home asking all the questions tht all of us have asked after surgery. Melissa tell her that we are all praying for her when you call her Tomorrow. and Thanks for letting us know how she is doing. Jan