Getting discoraged!!
Well, my papers have been into Mo bariatric now for about 4 weeks. The lady I called to see if everything was okay said my paperwork looked fine and she would be giving my record to the nurse. She also said would probably hear from her with a few weeks. I'm still waiting I have left message after message with no avail. Does anyone know a different avenue I can try?? I'm sorry I don't get in here to talk much to everyone school has kept me so busy but surgery is always on my mind. I so want to get that first appoinment!! Anyones ideas would be awesome. Thanks, Michelle
Call back and ask to speak to the nurse..she is really nice......I go for my first apt at Mo bariatris tomorrow and it took me about that long to hear from them too.....Just hang in there......they have alot of paper work to go thru and sometimes it takes a bit to get things going....I was waiting anxiously like you are and I called and talked to the nurse and she made my appt while we were on the phone......Hope you find out something soon.....I know how anxious you must feel.....tomorrow can't come fast enough for me......Good luck on your journey....Tammy
Dear Michelle,
Oh girl, do I remember having the biggest issues with some of that front desk staff~trust me-YOU will have to take control, cause if you wait for them to do ANYTHING for you-you will have your next b-day beforehand. The only people in that WHOLE office that did anything for me or Sherr were not the 2 at the front desk, but rather Leslie and Carrie. Sherr and I also sheduled all of our own testing-because we learned early on, that we would incurr 2 weeks wait just to get them to make the calls-so do as much of it yourself as you can!!!
Now-what "I" did, was called and made sure they verified all my paperwork was received AND it was complete-once that was verified-I waited one week-and then I called and called and called-I finally ended up with Leslie-who made my first appt for me! She was a doll. 4 weeks IS long enough when paperwork IS there and IS complete-so call back, wait until the end of the prompts-when a warm body will answer and ask to speak to Leslie or Carrie-and it will get done. IF they ask you what its regarding, tell them you would rather speak to one of them....there are 2 up front that let my friends and I down-and that was Amy K and Charlotte. The nurse, Amy is awesome, and so is Natalie (she is RN Manager) and ONCE you get that first appt done, you can take over your care-CALL TODAY and KEEP NOT wait for them, but dont call 80 times a day either-Leslie AND Carrie WILL call you back!
Please dont let the lack of professionalism with the 2 at the front desk deter you from the awesome care that you get beyond that point, ecspically with the surgeons! They are awesome-and just as I said in my profile-those 2 are the ONLY thing I would change about that whole place and the whole experience with them....AND-just another tid bit-if Natalie tells you that you can make/schedule your appts-dont let anyone else tell you that THEY HAVE TO DO IT...Natalie KNOWS....ok? Good luck, and dont get discouraged-just keep trucking and you too will get through this! Let us know how it goes-ok? email me if you want to talk more-Jan
Hey Michelle, don't give up. I emailed Natalie directly. Here is her email. I can't say that Natalie did much for me but she forwarded my emails. Carrie Williams is wonderful. She got my tests scheduled asap. Her email is listed below also. Good luck and STAY ON THEM!! I work in a hospital and I'm in a specialty department. It doesn't take that long to make appts. or schedule tests!!!!!! I am going to make a formal complaint after my surgery is completed. If they're so busy that they can't get their work done then they need more help. Keep up your spirits. Melissa
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