WOW moments
Okay, I guess this is bragging but it was such a wow for me. I got a new pair of Levi's from Penneys, ordered them on-line and ordered a size 16 ladies, slim fit, not womens. Thought I'd just keep them as inspiration. They came yesterday and I put them on and they fit perfectly. Not too tight in the waist or anything. I was jumping for joy!!!
I know I shouldn't spend money on clothes until I'm done losing but I can pass things on to my DD so it's not quite as wasteful. And I have them on today at work!!!!
Yesterday was my visit to the PCP and he was so thrilled. Everything in my lab work was in the normal range and my cholesterol was 165. Mine was never horrendous, I think 240 was the highest without medication, but 165 blew my mind. And all the other values we worry about are good too. My fasting blood sugar was 97 and my A1C was 6.1. He was so pleased and so am I. Jan, all this doing what we're supposed to pays off. Even though I'm not melting as fast as some others, my health is great and I am losing inches. WOO HOO!!!
My arthritis is kicking up awful with this cold and changing weather. I see the rheumatologist tomorrow so I'm hoping he'll want to try something new. Of course when the weather turns I will probably not be so sore. It's mainly my hands and shoulders. I was so hopeful when I started the Plaquinil, had about 5-6 weeks that I was basically pain free but then it flared again. This Rheumatoid Arthritis is a new thing for me so I'm not sure just exactly how it progresses. I've read some stuff from the Arthritis Foundation but haven't lived with it for years like some of you.
I hope you all have a great Valentine's day. Hugs and love and hearts!!!
WooooooooooHOOooooo Lana!!!!!! Thats great! I don't see it as bragging at all. That is just awesome! Can't wait to be on the losers bench with you all!! All of you losers are a great inspiration to those of us still waiting!! Everyone keep those milestones coming!! I am grateful everyone shares their experiences in here it's just great!!
thats not bragging mam just the facts. lol
that is fantastic i am doing the happy dance for you 

and asked a couple more to join me lol I am trying to get use to the jeans again. I havent worn them in so long that they feel very uncomfortable to me. but i will make it soon i want to put them on tomorrow and wear them as long as i can since we will be here at the house all day. Jan

Jan have you bought yourself some new jeans or are you putting on old ones from smaller days that you found in the closet? Just asking cause the newer styles, lower wastes(but not too low!) and jeans with spandex are sooooooooo much more comfy than the jeans of yesteryear!
At first I was buying jeans at Goodwill, found some Levis but even the ones 2 sizes bigger than what I bought in the regular store wouldn't fit cause of the CUT and lack of elasticity. It's amazing how fits have changed in the last 15 yrs! lol
just thought I'd bring that up cause I know many of us have saved old clothes knowing some day we'd fit them again, but if they aren't jeans with a little stretch they really just aren't too comfy. I was looking in my daughter's jeans the other day and the tag said they only had 7% cotton, the rest was rayon and spandex! I'd have never guessed!! But they are jeans that have the built in permantant wrinkles in the hip and knees and ankle area.
Happy Valentine's Day!