Jan C.
on 2/13/07 1:27 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Once again the middle of the week. So glad that we missed the big snows and ice they were talking about . I am more than ready for spring to be here. Doesn't look like it will be soon tho. Did I tell you I have gotten tomatoes off my plant in the green house? Yummy they were good. I just am so anxious to start planting things in the ground and my green house will be so full of plants before I get there. I have about 120 impatient tiny plants up and growing and about that many petunias. Am beginning to wonder where in the world I will put all of them. Plus all the big plants I have wintered over. I need more shelves I know that already so by next winter will have more. Tuesday was such a horrible day and was so glad that we didn't have to go out at all. Wednesday we have to get up early and go out to water aerobics. I am looking forward to that ,it always makes me feel better. Joes niece that is like our daughter is pregnant and due any time. She called this morning and said she had just went to the doctor and said the doctor said that if she doesn't have the baby before for her to be at the hospital Friday morning at 7am and they will induce labor. So Friday morning after water aerobics we will go next door to the hospital and wait for the baby to be born.She is having another little girl. Pray that everything will be ok for her. When she had her first little girl she developed some heart troubles and was in the hospital for quite a while but so far this pregnancy she has been fine. They have kept a close watch over her because of it. Janet: yes my shoulder is starting to feel better .He said that it would take a couple of days to feel better but it is better than it was. Hey I have had synvisk injected in both of my knees too. It really helped didn't stop the pain all together but it has helped I can at least walk now. Well the jeans...I have worn stretch pants with elastic in the waist for so many years that I don't know if I will get used to them or not. But I am trying to get use to them. I put them on for a while today and sat and walked in them. Main problem is all the excess skin lol it just gets squashed and pushed around. Hope the daughter is feeling better today. She should feel some improvement with the medication. Hope the little one doesn't get it too. Watch how much bread you eat , it is pretty high in carbs that we don't need. Andrew: well that is sad that you didn't get to go to your own support meeting. Hopefully next month you all can get the ladies from poplar bluff to come to it and maybe some others around there too. Hope you got someone to bring you a battery out for your car. Can be bad to be stuck that way without power in your car. Hope all is well with you and Susan. Deb: so how much snow did you all get? We didn't get anything I guess it all stayed well north of us. Oh isn't it neat to look at all the new clothes now. I keep going to the plus side out of sheer habit I guess. And I go over to the other side and there is so much over there. Such a big selection. We never have that much selection in the plus side. I will have to take someone with me shopping when I do go to buy a new wardrobe. Too much too many choices. Oh you meant stuff for the outside and planting huh? I know I want at least one of every flower I see. That is why I thought I could get a bigger variety with planting seeds . Claudette: so good to see you online and talking. So glad that you are feeling better. How is that baby boy today? Isnt it wonderful to care daily for a precious baby like that? A lot more heartwarming that sitting at a desk all day. Melissa: sure don't envy you for moving. That is a hard job in anyones book. Happy anniversary to you and Terry today. How many years? Whos birthday did we miss on the list? Andrew is the only one that has a birthday this month? Lana: lol the catbib is crazy but I would imagine it would work. Lol Yeah I know what you mean about the fresh energy bars. I need to order my new supply soon. As soon as I open up a new package of them I take one out and cut it up in four pieces and that way I can have just a little of it at a time. They have so many grams of protein in them a half of one to replace a meal is more than enough. What flavor is your favorite? Brenda: I am so sorry about your support meeting last night. Hopefully you all can recruit some people from around in that area soon. So sorry that Dennis got a denial letter about his surgery. That is so sad. You think the hospital would let you pay them out on a monthy basis? The bank might not want anything for the loan you could ask anyway. Hey it sounds like you walk fairly fast to me. I just cant do it my knees wont take going up and down the hills. Now on flat ground like in a mall or somewhere like that I am fine and can walk and walk for a long time but out where we live there is no level ground lol. I have started going into the pool area a little early and walking and walking around and around the pool until time for exercise. That should help some too. Trudy: again welcome to the Missouri board. Be sure and post and let us learn about you and what goes on in your life. That is how we all have gotten to know each other and want to get to know you too. We all are a bunch of praying people too so if you have any prayer requests just let it be known. Thanks for joining us. LOVE AND JOY AND PEACE ABOUNDS JAN
Julia D.
on 2/13/07 2:03 pm - Sedalia, MO
Hi Jan and all, I have become a cold weather recluse!! I hate this weather and if the sun don't shine I don't either. My car is running great thanks to my brother and all the $$ we could scrape up. Luckily we had saved money to help move so had to use that. My sister found out she doesn't have breast cancer but she does have the same muscle disease myself and my girls have. Unfortunately she has no income and no medical assistance so the MDA clinic couldn't afford to do further testing for the muscle enzyme deficiency's. But we do have a lawyer who is helping her try to get her disability and our Dr in Columbia is trying too. I had to have an MRI on my knee so now have to wait longer for my ortho to schedule surgery.I can't get back into see him until the end of the month. Still no sale on my apt complex since the attorney general said we had to do it a different way so we are still in limbo.I have boxes stacked to the ceiling but don't have the energy to start packing yet. Also the apt we are trying to get they keep getting slower and slower about it. Now they are making us wait for the paper work from my Dr. so we can get a ground level and they have messed up on faxing and mailing the papers to the Dr. When I call them they say they have other things to do and have this on their to do later list. I hope everyone who has been ill or had family members ill are starting to feel better. This seems to be the time of year for sick ones especially the lillte ones.My oldest granddaughter has been out of school for illness also.We were teasing her today she will have to go to school clear up till August just to make up for the bad weather days they are having.Her school was closed today and will have a 2 hour late start tommorrow unless they change their minds in the am. Valentine's day is upon us again. It used to be one of my favorite holidays until I lost my mom on the 15th 11 years ago. Now it seems that just adds to my depression this time of year.And I now when I start packing I will run across something that will bring back memories so that makes it hard. I always wrap and pack her baby picture and my half-brothers picture I keep on my wall first.They are too fragile to let someone else do it. My DBF got me an early Valentine's day gift basket and card but I haven't opened them yet. We are hoping to go to the movies tommorrow nite, but if we don't we have a new movie to watch at home. Jan, I can just imagine the taste of those tomatoes!!! What a way to help get thru this yucky weather. We have a lot of newbies coming up and they look like most are Dr. H's patients. I look forward to meeting some new people. I haven't heard from Gretta for a few days so hope she is doing well. I was suppose to go to support group meeting tuesday nite but with this weather I did not even want to try.I am glad Vesta and Kathy had safe trips to to the Dr.With this weather we never know how the roads are going to be. I wish all of you the best. Julia
on 2/13/07 2:55 pm - Joplin, MO
Good Morning Everyone: I thought I would pop in and drop a few lines before I crawled into bed. DH & I went to my F-I-L's house to finish some thing in the house. Then he took us to lunch for our Anniversary. I thought that was very sweet of him. He called us on Tuesday and was wanting to know if we were coming over. I thought maybe he need some things for the bank or store. He said no he just missed us being there. Aaaaaawww. I think he is getting use to the idea of is moving in with him. This afternoon DH & I are going to lunch. Then I am going to deliver my Valentines Day gifts to my kids (neice & nephews). Then come home for a quite night with my DH. Thursday we going to try and pack alot of stuff so on Friday we can make a big trip. DH & I talked and finally decided that we can move our bed and main thing over now. Even if we have to come back over here to finish. So were going to haul tail and get out as soon as we can. Jan: It has been 8 years today. I hope you all have a wonderful Valentines Day!!! Please remember Dannielle in your prayers. As she is having her surgery today!!!!!! ~~~~~Dannielle CONGRATS on finlly makeing it too the LOSER BENCH~~~~~~~ God Bless Melissa
Tammy H.
on 2/13/07 8:42 pm - Holcomb, MO
!!!! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY !!!!!! Hello Missouri Friends..... My name is Tammy....I'm still knda new to OH.....I don't post alot but I'm on EVERY day reading all the posts leaning all kinds of things.....It is so wonderful to have somewhere to go to learn first hand all the things you might want to know about all the surgery stuff and all that goes along with it...... I have made a few e-mail friends from OH and look forward to making even more and hopefully even meeting a few in person....I have not had the chance to attend a support meeting as of yet....I had hoped to go to the one in Fredricktown this past Monday but it is a 2 hour drive and I wasn't certain as to what the weather would be and I would have been traveling late to get home.....I just found out there is a support group meeting a little closer to me so I hope to try and make it to that one next month. I still hope to try and make it to the one in Fredricktown too becasue it would be so nice to meet everyone from up that way.....Andrew sorry you missed the meeting as well.... I go for my first appt with Dr.Scott tomorrow!!!!!!! I am SO excited!!!!! But now as I watch the weather this morning I'm freaking out that the weather may be to bad up that way!!!!! I live down in the bootheel so it is about a 6 hour drive to Columbia...We plan on going interstate all the way so I'm in hopes that by 5 a.m. they will have the roads clean enough for safe travel......any of you reading from Fredricktown to Columbia, I would love to hear from you later today as to how the road conditions are later today!!!!! Need all the prayers I can get for things to go well with getting my surgery......I'm in the severly obese range and want the surgery so badly......I know there can be many road blocks in the process but I'm praying I don't have too many so I can become a looser very soon!!! Please pray for good road conditions and safe travel for my sister and I tomorrow........Thanks........Have a wonderful day!....Tammy
on 2/13/07 9:33 pm - Joplin, MO
Tammy Your in my thoughts and prayers. Not only for safe travlers mercy. But that you have a good visit with Dr. Scott and you get the results your looking for. Now remember it is always in GOD TIME not ours. I know your ready for this surgery. But there are going to be hoops you have to jump & sometimes crawl thro. But dont give up!!!! We all had to go thro some kind of hoops in our procedure also. We are here for you and cant wait until we hear what Dr. Scott says!!!! Take Care Melissa P.S. Tell Dr. S I said Hello!!!!!
on 2/13/07 9:54 pm - SAINT ROBERT, MO
Good morning..... Happy Valentines Day to everyone.......At work as usual....with very little sleep....my darling little daughter decided to get up at 1030pm after I had only been in bed for a little over an hour.....So needless to say it is going to be a long day....I am thinking about going to Wally world and buying my co-workers some goodies for the day.... Happy Anniversary Melissa........Enjoy your special day..... Yes Melissa there is a birthday right around the corner....she will be one whole year old.....I am going to take some cupcakes to the daycare on Friday for her to share with all her little friends..... Dannielle, Welcome to the loser's bench....... My mom has lost 17 pounds so far.....she is doing so good....I am very proud of her....they may be getting a job working for a Corp of Engineer camp ground somewhere in Arkansas for the summer...they love to camp.... Well I better go so I can run my errand..... God bless to everyone..... Rachael Ps I don't have a favor to ask? Can you all keep me in your prayers for I have some personal struggles that I am dealing with.....Thanks in advance....
on 2/13/07 9:58 pm - Diamond, MO
Good Morning Jan and OH Peeps~ Jan-glad to hear abt the shoulder feeling better. I stopped doing the syn visc in the knees as the series worked the first 2 times, but 3rd time around-NOTHING..so-after 9 of those shots in the right knee, I was done! Now my surgeon says she will not release me for another major surgery like the total knee replacements for 18-24 mos. At the time I was happy she had said that-cause I was at my one month check and not looking forward to more hospitals/recovery etc...now-I am sick of being in pain 24/7....and this weather makes my arthritis HURT!! Oh, on the bread-usually dont eat it or even try!! I have the low carb whole wheat kind, dont eat or try to eat white bread, thats for sure~ Well, we are getting hammered with snow as I type this-the ground is covered and its is coming down like crazy-thought it was suppose to be a little nicer today-ok-so I am gonna quit listening to our weather man and go by what my arthritis tells me...LOL My son got the crud! He got up after I posted and his face, neck and arms were bright red, he was sooo hot...checked his temp and it was 102, and not even under the tongue-as he doesnt quite grasp that concept. So, I gave him meds, gave Steph hers and sat on the couch by them... Went to do my shake and vitamins, and then it hit me, so I spent the day mustering up the energy to take care of them and lay on the couch by them...I wanted to cry!! Jon fell asleep at 3 and slept until 6:30 and then he was up until 12:30, he was laying next to me, but couldnt fall asleep! Had put "open season" on his little personal dvd player.... HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Mel and Terry-hope I can see ya some time today to get your card & prize to you. Dannielle, you are in our thoughts and prayers and there is plenty of room next to us on the losers bench-we have been waiting for you-CONGRATS... Welcome ALL NEWBIES...we are so glad you are here-those of us on the losers bench know exactly how you feel-and remember that time of our journey...this is the best board here, to most of us anyway-LOL...great bunch of people on this board-thats for sure! Well, gotta go-Jon is awake and about-so its time to get the temp taken and meds given and so on....asking for prayers again today for my childrens rapid recovery and for Dannielles surgery and anyone else who will be on the roads-for their safe trip. Take care. Stay warm and tt you later. Love, Jan
on 2/13/07 10:22 pm - pomona, MO
GUESS WHAT EVERYONE...it is snowing here wasnt even suppose too...ohhh this is bad, I have cabin fever ......everyone have a happy valentines day .and God Bless all,,my prayers are with all that are not feeling up to par......vesta
Tamara B.
on 2/14/07 5:31 am - southwest, MO
Jan, Hope you and the kiddos are feeling better soon. My 2nd grader has had more than her share of this crud this whole winter seasona nd it hit her again last Thursday. I stayed hom Friday with her, went to the Dr and it was just another viral thing, not strep, woulf have been the 3rd round of strep. Anyway, fever up to 104.5....today was her first day back to school, fever had nearly been gone for 20 hrs. just in time for the big V-day party in class! lol Jim stayed home with her Monday and Tuesday because I've already used up MORE absences than I'm allowed, long ago. Technically I can only have 2 more absences till after July! That's scary!! Feel better soon!!!!!!!!! I sent you an email to answer some questions you had. Tami
Debbie D.
on 2/13/07 11:33 pm - KS
Good morning, Missouri Board! Wow it is really cold here. Was 6 degrees at 6:00 a.m this morning. Not sure what the temp is now. I'm so glad I don't have to get out in it until 3 when I got pick up my son and his friend of school. Won't be too bad since my truck is in the garage. Jan those tomatoes sound soooooo good! I love tomatoes and wish I could have them year round. Unforunately, I have what is known as a "brown thumb" and am doing good to keep my dh, children, and dogs feed and taken care of! Maybe someday when my kids are grown I can try my hand at gardening again. Melissa, Happy Anniversary! One thing about having your anniversary on Valentine's Day, there is absolutely no excuse for forgetting it! lol! My 17th annivesary was February 3rd of this year. Hope you and dh enjoy your evening together. Julia, wow you have a lot on your plate. I will pray that you are able to sell your apartment complex soon and get that ground floor apartment you need. That would make your life a lot easier I'm sure. Well, my surgery is fast approaching. It's March 5th! Margie told me I didn't have to do the liquid diet until the sunday before my surgery. I was worried because the weekend of March 2nd is when my husband's company treats their employees to a weekend in the Ozarks. The last two years it's been at Tan-Tara, however, this year it will be at the Lake of the Four Seasons. I've never been there and really wanted to go. I told Margie they feed us very well that weekend and she said that was okay as long as I started my liquid diet Sunday and did that stuff that cleans you out. I'm hoping to get my packet of information in today's mail. My dh bought me a new computer with Windows Vista. So far I love it! I have an external hard drive and was hoping that my backup from my old computer would be there and I could just pick and chose what I wanted to put on my new computer, of course it wasn't there and nothing is that easy. So I went to Best Buy and bought the usb cable for Vista to download from my old Windows XP computer and it doesn't work either. I'm going to be calling their te*****al support today and trying to get this computer stuff done. I love the computer but I don't really have to time to try and get it all straightened out. Hope everyone has a great day. It's wonderful to have such a great support system! Debbie D.
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