I just got back from...
I just got back from Sedalia, like Vesta said roads were not too bad, we spent Mon. night there and it rained and froze then snowed. OK when we got the wipers thawed out enough and let the car run for awhile. Stopped at Springfield at a quilt shop and my Dau. Vickie had to stop at a camera store and have her camera lens cleaned, we left there about 5:00 it was lightly snowing enough to start to be a little slushy on the highway, soon cleared a little, but it flurried all the way home. 2 weeks from today for me!!Cathy..........
Only two weeks to a healthier more active life. Good for you. Glad you made it to Sedalia and back with no other problems. You are going to be so glad to have this surgery done. Hope you plan to stay in hospital for a couple of nights. You live a long way from Sedalia and you want to be sure everything is working properly before you go so far away. Just do everything the way the Doctor tells you, you have a great Doctor and his information is wonderful. You'll be a loser for sure. Hugs and love,