Jan C.
on 2/12/07 4:42 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Monday was sure a gloomy and rainy day but I will take that over what up in upper New York has had. Oh my. 9feet of snow? Can you imagine that much snow? All at one time? Wow. Went to the Orthopedic doctor in Springfield and he injected my shoulder with cortisone. I told him hey just start up at the back of my neck and go to all the joints in my body maybe we might get rid of lots of my pain that way. Lol I think he thought I really meant that. He said very stern like ----I don't think your body could handle that much cortisone. He did say that I have carpal tunnel and probably a pinched nerve in my neck area. Plus all the arthritis in my spine so all combined makes for lots of pain plus the fibromalgia too. Oh well good note. My x rays showed I have a really great heart and lungs. Not a thing appears to be wrong with them lol Isnt that amazing. We then went and had massages before we came home. Stopped at Wal mart and bought a new pair of size 12 jeans.Oh they are stretch jeans so don't know what size it would be otherwise. But before I ever gained all my weight that I had this last time that was all I ever wore so that was what I tried this time too. Everything else I wear is 10 but that isn't jeans they always were a little bigger than other clothes. Don't know what I will wear with them but I have a pair of jeans now. Haven't had a pair in at least 15 years We got home yesterday afternoon and it had rained 2 inches in our rain gauge that is good we can use all the rain we can store up. Sugar: Hi, I know you are really glad to have Rick back home. I guess he came back with lots of fish and fish stories? 3 weeks and 2 days now. Will be here before you know it. Look how quick the week went by that Rick was gone. Or it did for me anyway. Lol Brenda: lol Brenda yeah sometimes I do post late at night but not tonight. You know you can always post to it even if it is late when you go to post. If I have a new one up on the board you just post to the new one if not then post to the old one. I will read it and respond to it. Love to hear what you have been doing and now I know what you are doing that I am not it is the walking an hour each day. Are you just out walking or are you exercise walking ? I cant imagine me walking an hour at the rate of speed I walk , not right now. But if you are just walking then maybe I could do that too. When it is cold I just freeze to death out there , that is why I joined the water aerobics hoping to up my weight loss a little. Seems the more I lose the more rolls of skin I get will be glad when I can have that removed or hopefully I can have it done. How was your meeting last night I hope you had some new people come. Just hang on and keep advertising and soon some new ones will appear. You have 2 or 3 in the Poplar Bluff area that could come so maybe you can tap into them. Rachael: I hope your daughter is better and can go back to daycare. I know it is a hassle to not be able to work due to a sick baby. How is your mom doing? I hope alright. She never has appeared on the board yet that I have seen anyway. Hope your sister is fine after her problems with her car being stolen. Andrew: So how did the meeting go? Hope all went well. Yeah glad we missed the snow this time too. They are still saying we may get a trace to an inch here but that would be ok . Will take snow instead of ice any day. Hope you are feeling better since your hard day on Saturday. Sometimes we really can overdo cant we? Glad to be of help on the S.S. working thing. They say that is a pretty good program. I have a friend that is going thu that and it seems to be a good deal. Dannielle: know that all of us will be saying a prayer for you tomorrow for your surgery. It has been a long uphill battle for you to acquire this surgery and hope that it will be all that you hoped for. Will be thinking about you tomorrow morning and know that you have a great doctor . Janet: Oh my you do have your hands full with all your sick kiddos. Sounds like you may get one well and another one is going to get sick. Hope not but that sometimes happens in households. Good grief woman , if you like to clean that much come to my house I could use you that is for sure. Lol Know that we all are praying that your kiddos will all be well and healthy. Sorry about the insurance and meds. Seems insurance keeps going up and what they cover gets less and less doesn't it. Just keep the drinks to water and you should be ok lol. Melissa: oh my sounds like you are really getting this moving on the road. Is where you are moving closer to Springfield or farther away? You and Janet do plan on being to the meeting on the 26th don't you? Sure hope so would love to see you again. I will be there and will only miss it if there is really bad weather. Surely it is going to start getting better soon. So you and Terry got married on Valentines day huh? Well that is an easy day for him to remember lol. Don't overwork yourself now you hear? Lana: A catbib? Must have missed that in your postings. I assume it is something to keep the cat from being able to get to the birds. You liked the Profect? I order some and I thought it was horrible. I got it really cold and tried to drink it and it if there had been one more drop of it I think I would have thrown up but I know there are lots of people that love it. My protein drinks I make in the morning I just love them. I use 80z of milk(soy) but it does take me awhile to drink them more like at least 30 minutes. Maybe if that seems to be too much you could try only 4oz. at a time. Put the rest in the frig and drink it later in the morning. But if you like the profect that would be a good solution too. Wow going from a 22 to a 16 is quite a lot girl. And in only 2 months. Yeah I think your daughter will be really surprised. I think everyone struggles with that problem of still feeing fat, I know I do too. When I just look at my face I can see the weight loss but when I look at my body , especially with no clothes on all I see is fat, fat, fat. Sherr: How is your furbaby doing this morning? I hope he is doing better and you too. I know you have really been worried about him. Just know that we are keeping him in our prayers, and you too . Well I went to bed at about 8:30 last night. I knew I would wake up early by doing so but I was worn out and nothing on tv after the 3 sit-coms I watch on Monday were over. Tried to play on the computer and do this post but kept falling asleep and so I saved what I had and went to bed. When I looked at it while ago I had to delete most of it as it didn't make a lot of sense. Sounded like a bad dream.lol LOVE AND JOY AND PEACE ABOUNDS JAN
on 2/12/07 8:12 pm - Diamond, MO
Hello Jan and OH Peeps~ Jan, hope the shoulder feels better now-or at least doesnt hurt AS bad! Sounds like your ortho dr has a "dry" sense of humor-mine would have laughed his rear off!! When he drained my knees and shot them with syn visk shots one time-I was swearing, and at the end of it-he said-does this mean I am NOT on your christmas card list anymore? LOL... Congrats on the jeans..I am hoping to go get a pr too-want to kidnap Mel one day and go to wal mart or NBC and see what really fits-since I have no earthly idea-and I do what we all do and dont think in my head it will fit-due to years of nothing there fitting...just gotta do it and get it over with! Lana, would love to see a picture of the cat with that bib on...I think if I tried to put a bib on Tigger, he would just find a way to get it off and try to get it on me, LOL..he was out here when we moved in, he is 7 yrs old and LOVES the outdoors.... Rachael, hope Jaiden is well enough to go to daycare and is feeling better. Hope mom is doing good too...I havent sent her card yet-with the kids getting sick and some other things going on, its been sitting here. Will try and do that today IF I get to town. Tell her we say hi, please! Thanks. Danielle-tomorrow you will OFFICIALLY be sitting on the bench with us-WOO-HOO...I am so excited for you. I bet you will be so glad not to hv to make that trip so often anymore-wont you? Take it easy today girl, and good luck-we will be thinking of you and you and your family will be in our prayers! Well, daughter IS sick...upper respitory (just what I said b4 paying moo-koo bucks to be officially told that by an MD....she also has throat infection..even thought it could be the start of strep-but thank goodness its not. STILL cannot get that fever to break. Darn it. So, she will be home again today. She was pretty quiet yesterday cause it hurt to talk AND she was losing her voice-we marked it on the calender-cause she is 16 and has never been QUIET...LOL..she did manage to write us notes constantly....AND tried to talk on the phone w/friends a cpl of times-but they couldnt understand her...The little guy slept pretty well last night, fell asleep on the couch rather early (for him) and I left him there, cause I was hurting too bad to move him and Mike couldnt...so Mike slept out there on the other side of the couch just in case he woke up or whatever. I slept in the den with Stephanie and we were only up a hand full of times when she had a coughing fit or couldnt get comfortable. My legs feel like they are broken and I am walking like I have casts on both...they are so stiff and hurt so bad...come to think of it, so does my back, my rear and even my stomach-but for 2 days I did more than I have done in 6 months, so I figure its retaliating!! My hubby kept telling me to sit down last night and relax and he would do this or that-and I said-NO, I gotta keep going or I am going to get stiff-didnt think about the sleeping during the night-LOL...I was so tired, I was surprised I woke up when Steph was up...I dont think I even had my pillow fluffed when I fell asleep. I did get up at 4:30, but MADE myself stay there and try to get back to sleep. Didnt work! I got to see my PCP yesterday when we were at the dr for steph, and he said he was "astounded" by my weight loss and he was so pleased with me-so I said-well, "I" would be pleased if you would give me something for my knees, because even when I carried that extra 96#, they didnt hurt like this and I wont be cleared for 18-24 months to have the double knee replacement-so he said to come and see him, and I made appt-but cant get in until the 27th. I guess before when they hurt, I would take my pain meds and sit on my rear....couldnt do much anyway-NOW-I want to go, go, go and not let life pass me by-so, they hurt more cause I am on them more....and I have a high tolerance for pain, but when you hurt 24/7, you tend to get a little grumpy to say the least~ Today I have to go to town, or have my oldest run a couple of errands for me. Need to get the dogs some food, drop Stephs winter coat off at the cleaners and get a couple of staples at the store, mail off a couple of letters and cards, and stop at Mel and Terrys with their anniversary prize! Also, may get my pics uploaded today-depending on how it goes with the puter and uploading them...will see. OH, and this is great-I ate bread last night with some ham and cheese and I didnt get sick. I didnt dump and the bread did just fine-I had been so scared to try it that I never would, but I ate it even slower than normal, and it tasted sooo good!! Jon ate the majority of it, but he likes it now that we share!! Better get going-its almost time to get going for the morning....and I want to sit and tt hubby before he has to get showered etc. Hope everyone is good and I will tt you later. Love, Jan
Andy W.
on 2/12/07 8:23 pm - Tulsa, OK
Good Morning Ya'll, Well I had a sucky night last night. I wasn't able to go to the support meeting We ran errands yesterday morning into the afternoon and things were fine, we went to get into the car to go to the meeting and the car wouldn't start. The battery gave up the ghost last night that was about 6pm. I called around town and no one was open around here to get a battery from so I guess I gotta get out there quick and get a battery before the freezing rain starts. Thats what I get for not replacing the battery when I replaced the alternator a few months ago I guess. It hasnt stopped raining since yesterday morning, now they are saying we're gonna get some freezing rain and maybe a lil snow. Jan Im feelin ok since my busy day on saturday, I still have a sore back tho from loading and unloading the truck, that'll clear up in a day or so. Well Im gonna go get dressed and make some calls, hopefully I can get one of the autopart stores to bring me a battery out. Hope everyone stays outta this crazy stuff today, if ya do gotta go out be sure to becareful. Have a good day, Andrew
Debbie M.
on 2/12/07 9:35 pm - Harrisonville, MO
Good Morning Everyone!! Maybe I should just say, Morning...seems like everyone has the gloomies! I pray for things to get better for everyone! Well, we got it! David left for work early because of the weather and that's saying something! He always leaves early for work, he is just one of those types but this morning he left a half hour earlier than normal! Our yard thawed yesterday, then froze again over night and I'm pretty sure that everywhere else is the same! Then overnight we got about 4 inches of snow and it's very windy! I pray that he and everyone else makes it to work or their destinys okay! Well, anyone for ice skating? I know my ponds are froze over!....lol As for me, it's back into hibernation...this is when my California side shows! I'm watching the news as I type this and they are saying that it's just gonna get worse, the weather that is! Thank God I got out yesterday to get my groceries. When I went in I was wearing sweats, when I came out I needed a sub-zero outfit! My car was parked right by the door but in just the time it took me to load the car I swore my fingers were frostbitten. They hurt so bad, I almost cried...I had to sit in my car with my fingers in front of the heater vents for awhile before I could drive! By the time I got home (2 miles) they were still frozen...well at least it felt like it! I will say that yesterday, at the store, looking at all the new stuff in for spring/summer and was sooo happy to see it's getting closer! I got the fever!!! I told David about all the stuff I saw and "wanted" and his eyes got real big! Then I told him that I just had plans to fix up the porch this year.....whatever gets done after that is gravy! Hey, he had a heart monitor on, didn't need him taking a real bad reading back to his Cardio Dr today! Nothing bad, it's just with his heart condition he has to wear one every once in awhile! This time it is because his Cardio Dr took him off a heart medicine that he was taking but not doing him any good. As for my ra****'s still there but a little better! At least I'm not wanting to dig into it anymore! Thank you Lord! Well, that's it for me peeps but I leaving ya with a smile....Love & Prayers, Deb M ************************************************************** HOW DO YOU DECIDE WHO TO MARRY? (written by kids) You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming. Alan, age 10 No person really decides before they grow up who they're going to marry. God decides it all way before, and you get to find out later who you're stuck with. Kristen, age 10 WHAT IS THE RIGHT AGE TO GET MARRIED? Twenty-three is the best age because you know the person FOREVER by then. Camille, age 10 HOW CAN A STRANGER TELL IF TWO PEOPLE ARE MARRIED? You might have to guess, based on whether they seem to be yelling at the same kids. Derrick, age 8 WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR MOM AND DAD HAVE IN COMMON? Both don't want any more kids. Lori, age 8 WHAT DO MOST PEOPLE DO ON A DATE? Dates are for having fun, and people should use them to get to know each other. Even boys have something to say if you listen long enough. Lynnette, age 8 (isn't she a treasure) On the first date, they just tell each other lies and that Usually gets them interested enough to go for a second date. Martin, age 10 WHAT WOULD YOU DO ON A FIRST DATE THAT WAS TURNING SOUR? I'd run home and play dead. The next day I would call all the newspapers and make sure they wrote about me in all the dead columns. Craig, age 9 WHEN IS IT OKAY TO KISS SOMEONE? When they're rich. Pam, age 7 The law says you have to be eighteen, so I wouldn't want to mess with that. Curt, age 7 The rule goes like this: If you kiss someone, then you should marry them and have kids with them. It's the right thing to do. Howard, age 8 IS IT BETTER TO BE SINGLE OR MARRIED? It's better for girls to be single but not for boys. Boys need someone to clean up after them. Anita, age 9 (bless you child) HOW WOULD THE WORLD BE DIFFERENT IF PEOPLE DIDN'T GET MARRIED? There sure would be a lot of kids to explain, wouldn't there? Kelvin, age 8 And the #1 Favorite is....... HOW WOULD YOU MAKE A MARRIAGE WORK? Tell your wife that she looks pretty, even if she looks like a truck. Ricky, age 10 ************************************************************** Told ya!!
Debbie M.
on 2/12/07 10:16 pm - Harrisonville, MO
I forgot....MELISSA?? Where did you buy this strawberry protein powder? Thank you, Deb M
on 2/12/07 10:56 pm - Joplin, MO
Deb Food 4 Less store. Love ya Melissa
Jan C.
on 2/13/07 1:24 am - Cedar Creek, MO
Deb you can get it at most GNC stores too and you can find it online also. Jan
(deactivated member)
on 2/12/07 9:54 pm - MO
on 2/12/07 11:06 pm - Joplin, MO
Good Morning Everyone: Wow we sure got lucky that the snow missed us. In a way I was kind of disappointed. I love snow but glad we only got a dusting cause now I can move some more stuff this weekend. Going to pack some thing today and get them ready to be hauled out of here by Thursday or Friday. Go check on my F-I-L and finsih some thing there since we didnt get over there yesterday. I ran around yesterday by myself went to Lane Bryant, NBC, Wal Mart, Libarary, back to Wal Mart to pick up boxes. Needless to say I was happy that we were having left overs for supper. lol Time to let my baby (dog) inside. Get my vits taken and get ready for the day. I pray you have a great day!!!! Jan: Yes, I figured the least I could do is give him 1 day out of the year he could easly remember. lol Dannielle: Your in our thoughts and prayers. Sherr: How is Bailey doing??? Rachael: Dont look now but someones birthday is just around the cornor. Love Melissa
on 2/12/07 11:10 pm - Nixa, MO
Hello Lovely People, Wowza, cold and drizzley in Springtown but no snow yet at 9am Tuesday. The temp is supposed to keep falling so who knows. We got about 1 1/2" of rain last night. Seemed like everytime I checked it was pouring. Regarding the Catbib. Google CATBIB and there is a picture of a cat wearing one on their site. It does work, keeps them from pouncing and actually she doesn't seem to mind it. It fastens with velcro and she doesn't run when she hears the velcro sound!! I wouldn't want to do the Profect every day but when I need extra protein and feel like a shake is too much it works. I also love those Fresh Energy bars, ordered some more over the weekend. Those could be addictive for me so I cut them in half and only do one half every other day or so. I still like SF jello with SF Cool Whip as a night-time snack. DH is very complimentary about how I am losing weight and looking slimmer. Helps to have someone be able to see it. Hugs and love and see you all at COF meeting on 2/26 if the weather cooperates. Lana
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