In 1984, I had the old stomach stapled to lose weight. There was NO before teaching, of what to eat, what to expect, what to do, etc. Just the fact that I would drop the lbs. This was after many times of diet pills, failed diets, et****il my Dr., [ since I was 16], had suggested this surgery. I did lose 68 lbs., in the beginning, I mostly think it was out of fear of eating, and kept off 58 of those lbs. I do have a LOT of trouble with eating meat, vegetables, & fruit! Go figure!! :-( I throw these things, up! No way to eat fish. :barf: I try to eat slow, & found to cut up a salad in tiny baby bites the only way to get in vegetables other than a V8. I drink mostly tea, coffee & water. I need to take off the other 50 lbs., and it just seems like I am always trying with NO results.
I guess I am asking if any one else out there has experienced this problem. What are some suggestions of what you did, were you able to take the weight off? Did you have a revision, a reversal? I have considered both. I don't think there is a Dr. in Springfield,. Mo. that does either, at least there was'nt about 10 years ago.
Do you still live with throwing up, or have you found out how to stop ? :shrug:
I would sure talk to Dr. Christopher Edwards at St. John's Bariatrics in Springfield. He is my surgeon and is a loving, kind man. I also know he did a revision on a friend who had an incorrectly performed RNY. He would be someone who would listen to you and give you caring advice.
Love and hugs,