Hello everyone,
So many folks coming on the board. It is wonderful. I have been very busy at work today but my boss just left for a meeting so thought I'd say Hi!! DH called to cancel the cat's appointment and the Vet said they have something they put over her claws, like little caps. We may try those. Anyone have experience with them? The Catbib works, no birds for a week, but she is so funny wearing it. We take it off at night, she's never caught a bird at night. YET!!!
I tried the Profect liquid today and I'm impressed. I poured it over ice and it made a tiny little glassful. It isn't wonderful tasting but not bad at all. And it's 25g or protein. Wowsa!!! I have a hard time getting a whole big cup of coffee, milk, protein down in the AM. It just seems like so much volume. I'm still not getting 64oz of water every day, more like 45 or 50. But, am slowly losing. People notice, but personally, I can't see it. However, my jeans have gone from 22 to 16W so intellectually I know I've lost. Just still feel fat!!! Can't wait til this weekend when I go up to see my daughter who I haven't seen since 5 days after surgery. Should be fun and she'll notice I'm sure. I'm going to give some of my clothes to my boss and co-worker. I need space in my closet. I don't have replacement clothes yet, but someday!!!
Hugs and love to all of you,
Momma J & Co.
Momma, that was a sweet message, thank you. His insision is looking better, and the swelling is going down finally......Wow, it's been a long 2 weeks.
Debbie M, thank you, about not thinking I am a pet weirdo
My mom calls me the "Dog Lady" lol
Janet C. I hate to see Steph is so sick. DId you guys have the family talk on Sunday? Or postpone since she was ill. I hope it went okay.
Take care everyone.

Sherr...we didnt have the talk, steph was too sick-so not sure now when that disaster will take place. Today has been A BAD DAY...let me tell you. I cant even tell you everything that has happened since noon...all I can say, is when it rains it pours and thank God I am not a recovering alcoholic-or I would be at a bar right now! Heck, I want a drink and I was never REALLY a drinker-LOL....Will post about it later, just cant do it now.
Went to Dr., Steph has upper respitory infection and a throat infection. Had to pay cash for Z pack since NEITHER insurance card would go through...crap-which means I will be getting another bill from doc-when I thought we wouldnt owe any of it with 2 insurances...oh well...at least she will feel better in a bit-will concentrate on the ins mess when i can get on the phone and deal with it. Jon is coming down with something as well-and feeling puney.
Hope Bay is doing better. I know your the best NURSE/MOMMY that pup could EVER ask for-he will be fine-glad he is better already. Will post tomorrow if I get time or get up early. Love, Jan