Jan C.
on 2/11/07 12:25 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Sunday was so quiet and cold too. It was suppose to get up to 52 and sunny but I didn't see either one of those things. It was cloudy and the highest it got was about 38. The weather people really goofed on this one.lol We did some insulating in the green house on the lower part of the building. Hopefully that will help hold the heat in. We cant keep paying 400 dollar a month heating bill for the house and the green house that is for sure. One time is enough of that. Other than that it has been a really quite day. I watched Nascar time trials today until I went to sleep. I guess I was sleepier than I though I was. Took about an hour nap and got up and made Joe some supper. That was the extent of my day, real exciting life I lead. Tomorrow morning I have to go to Springfield to the Orthopedic Doctor and have him to inject a shot into my shoulder hopefully that will help the pain in it since the cuff isn't torn or anything . There are cysts in the joint and a small piece of floating bone in there the report says. My pcp said usually a shot of cortisone is what is called for in that and that she would normally do that but for the cysts. Janet: Sorry your Daughter got sich and had to cancel her slumber party. That is too bad. Seems she isn't suppose to have that party is she? That was very nice of Mel and Terry to give your daughter those things. I know your daughter really appreciated them Yes I think she does deserve the makeover and if she wins please do tape it for me. I would love to see it. What a nice gift for your mom to give you , your grandmothers watch? That is great. Wont be long before you will be able to wear it . You know it seems like every one goes thru the back pain from all of the weight loss . I guess your body has to learn how to balance itself again. Andrew: I sure hope that we don't get any of the snow and bad weather they have been talking about , now they are saying more rain and thunder storms more than anything. There goes your driveway again. They are talking about 2 inches of rain. But then of course they may be wrong on that too. Lol You are welcome on the Medicare info. They give you lots of time even after wards too to see if you can really work. And keep you on the files for payment of s.s.. It is called a ticket to work or something like that. Joe has tried it twice before and he just cant keep up with what bosses want him to do. I told him he needs to go to school to learn something easy that he can do inside but he doesn't like staying inside. I have a hard time getting him to stay in the house when it is bad. Oh isn't the stomach skin just awful. I know as soon as I can get it all pulled and stretched and cut I will do it. I don't know if just a tummy tuck will be enough tho. I have so much loose skin on my back and above the tummy too. Causes rolls to appear. Lol Dannielle: I copied and pasted your response to Saturdays post on Sundays so I wouldn't for get to answer you. Lol So glad that scope went good and that your blood is fine. I know you are too since otherwise would have pospponed your surgery. Wont be long now 3 more days and you will be a loser like the rest of us. Lol Naw you wont be grumpy on the liquid diet because the end is soon in sight . Isnt that great? Im so proud of you for sticking in there and hanging on. Sherr: well shoot im still obese not morbidly obese just obese. Lol Hope your puppie is doing better. I know he means a lot to you and brought you thru some really rough times. Now is your turn to bring him though his rough times. Hope they live to be very old and you have them with you for a good long while yet. Amazing how much a little animal can mean to us isn't it. They really do turn into our fur babies. Vesta: Thanks for the compliment but wont be long that you will be down there too and at the rate im losing right now may pass me lol. I know that a lot of it is that im not real active now. That is the reason that I started the water aerobics. Hopefully that will be enough to jump start the weigh loss again. Well today was 1 month since your surgery wasn't it? When do you go back to see Dr. Hornbostel? Deb: Yeah I know what you mean about busy and lazy too. Saturday with my daughter I probably did more walking than I have in years but then today I haven't done much of anything. Debbie did Doctor tell you to keep the areas covered? I quit having mine covered when the first things came off. Keep them clean and dry and open to air I would think I used hydrocortisone ointment on the rash parts I had an it cleared up in a few days. We are encouraged to eat oatmeal and cream of wheat , or at least RNY patients are. Didn't you get a list of things to eat? I tried eating corn just a bite one day and it did cause pretty sever cramping. I always had trouble with it before surgery too. Don't miss it that much so just wont eat that any more. Lana: I bet the coat is cute. My daughter and I both spotted a long bright blue coat the other day when we were out shopping at the thrift shops. It was a size 10 and fit both of us but I let her get it because the color was just wonderful on her. It is the perfect color on her with her dark dark hair and complexion , she told me that I could borrow it from her lol. Im glad that you all decided to not declaw your kitty. Unless they are staying inside all the time and never go out I don't think it is a really good thing to do. Just go with the collar and the bell that may be enough to stop the bird kills. Evenings are my tormentor as I want to snack and snack and snack. I have to keep talking to myself all the time to stop it. Ginger welcome to the board and congratulations on your Surgery date. Hope all will go well and we have a great prayer team here if you would like us to pray for you when you go into surgery. LOVE AND JOY AND PEACE ABOUNDS JAN
on 2/11/07 12:58 pm - Clever, MO
Hello sis and all the gang! Sorry I havent posted lately but I was really busy trying to make it to the gym everyday (or pool) and I did...but that seems to really cut into my spare time. My hubby made it home from Mexico safe and sound on Saturday around noon! I sure had missed him and it is wonderful to have my man home again. Hopefully we wont get anymore bad icy weather that will put him back to work...the paycheck was great but the time away from each other is not worth it! Well, I've got 3 weeks and 2days to go before surgery! YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! I know that alot of you know how I am feeling. I can't wait to become healthier and more agile! That will be such a pleasant new thing. Hope all of you are doing great..cant wait for the meeting on the 26th! Sugar
Brenda Minks
on 2/11/07 1:34 pm - Silva, MO
Hello, I guess I'm going to try to start posting to your post before I go to bed, seeing as how you are posting before the day happens But seriously I had said in my post yesterday (that I lost) that I was going to try to start posting, one of the reasons I don't is because I have dial-up and am constantly losing my connection and thus lose my post. I am going to write my post in Microsoft and then copy and paste in the OH post. Maybe I won't lose it that way. Jan I don't know that I'm doing anything different than you. I don't eat a whole lot of anything except I do keep homemade chili in 1/2 cup servings in my freezer and eat that usually everyday. I eat a lot of oranges, I never did eat to many oranges before surgery but now it's like I crave them. I eat a lot of celery sticks with cream cheese on them and there again it's like I crave it. I never would eat that much celery before because every time I was ever on a diet that's the first thing you start chewing on I do try to walk an hour outside 6 days a week, but this past week that didn't happen either it was to cold or we were terribly busy!!!!!! I plan on starting back tomorrow. But there again I don't know because I have been going to Physical Therapy for the last several weeks three times a week to try to get a handle on my upper back pain. One of the two best things that they do is put me in pelvic traction 75 lbs for 20minutes. It's a machine that pulls for 10 seconds with the 75 lbs and then let's off for 9 seconds that's for my lower and upper back and then a machine called -STEM- it's sorta like the tens unit but a lot better!!! It puts the current way down deep and it is "WONDERFUL" my upper and lower back again on this machine two. After I get done there my back doesn't hurt for about 5 hours - most of the time- but then it always comes back.......................................... I live so far out in the boonies that I would have to drive 50 miles one way to find inside water aerobics but I do wish I could cause I know it would be great for my arthritis!! As well as maybe some more weight loss. I do snack on those big sourdough pretzels, it seems to me I'm constantly eating something, but my DH says I don't eat enough to keep a cat alive. I have been out of protein powder, there is no GNC or other store around here that sells the ON black label. So I order it online. I found it this time for $27.25 plus $5.95 shipping for a 5lb container at www.allstarhealth.com that's the cheapest I've found. I ordered the vanilla ice cream flavor this time. Has anybody tried the banana flavor? I hope to see a few more tomorrow night at our support meeting, pray for us. See you all later, Love Brenda P.S. Has anybody heard from Tressia Clark or Sky?????
Brenda Minks
on 2/11/07 1:43 pm - Silva, MO
Hey it's me again!! I forgot I wanted to post this joke. I can relate to this kind of gas and I don't have to eat the baked beans!!! Be sure to grab a tissue; I think you'll be laughing so >>hard you'll cry! >> >> One day I met a sweet gentleman and fell in love. When it >>became apparent that we would marry, I made the supreme sacrifice >>and gave up beans. Some months later, on my birthday, my car broke >>down on the wayhome from work. Since I lived in the countryside I >>called my husband and told him that I would be late because I had >>to walk home. On my way, I passed by a small diner and the odor of >>baked beans was more than I could stand. With miles to walk, I >>figured that I would walk off any ill effects by the time I reached >>home, so I stopped at the diner and before I knew it, I had >>consumed three large orders of baked beans. All the way home,I made >>sure that I released all the gas. Upon my arrival, my husband >>seemed excited to see! Me and Exclaimed delightedly: "Darling I >>have a surprise for dinner tonight."He then blindfolded me and led >>me to my chair at the dinner table. I took a seat and just as he >>was about to remove my blindfold, the telephone rang. He made me >>promise not to touch the blindfold until he returned and went to >>answer the call. >> >> The baked beans I had consumed were still affecting me and >>the pressure was becoming most unbearable, so while my husband was >>out of the room I seized the opportunity, shifted my weight to one >>leg and let one go. It was not only loud, but it smelled like a >>fertilizer truck Running over a skunk in front of a pulpwood mill. >>I took my napkin from mylap and fanned the air around me >>vigorously. Then, shifting to the other cheek, I ripped off three >>more. The stink was worse than cooked cabbage. Keeping my ears >>carefully tuned to the conversation in the other room, I went on >>like this for another few minutes. The pleasure was indescribable. >>When eventually the telephone farewells signaled the end of my >>freedom, I quickly fanned the air a few more times with my napkin, >>placed it on my lap and folded my hands Back on it feeling very >>relieved and pleased with myself. My face must have been the >>picture of innocence when my husband returned, apologizing for >>taking so long. He asked me if I had peeked through the blindfold, >>and I assured him I had not. At this point, he removed the >>blindfold, and twelve dinner guests seated around the table >>chorused: "Happy Birthday!" I fainted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Andy W.
on 2/11/07 7:48 pm - Tulsa, OK
OMG How embarrasing
on 2/11/07 8:05 pm - SAINT ROBERT, MO
Good morning Missouri..... Just a quick note to say hello and then I off and running.....got to get both kids ready to go...we have to take Jaiden to the doctor in Springfield for a follow up....hopefully they will release her to go back to daycare.... Hope everyone has wonderfully blessed day.....will post later when we get home...... God bless Rachael
Andy W.
on 2/11/07 8:19 pm - Tulsa, OK
Good Morning Ya'll, Well looks like we may have dodged the bullet on some snow fall, so far we're suppose to get rain and maybe a lil bit of snow, sure glad its nothing like what they have in NY, YIKES! Can you imagine 11ft of snow around here we'd be shut-in for days and days. Well not much going on with me today, gonna head off to the gym soon, then get ready for the support meeting tonight, cant wait!! Jan I looked up the Ticket to Work, Im gonna give S.S. a call today and see about it all, thanks for the info. With all the rain our driveway should be ok cuz they've laid down more gravel, the only place thats muddy now is around the shed, they're gonna take care of that as soon as the weather lets up some. I hope everyone has a great Monday, stay warm and safe. Brenda we'll see ya tonight! Bless ya's Andrew
D. Robertson
on 2/11/07 8:24 pm - Joplin, MO
Well tonight I am off the Tulsa for the required pre-op support group meeting.Today is also my last day at work.Tomorrow I have my IVC filter put in and next day surgery.Since my surgery isn't until 11am and we dont have to be there until 9am we are just staying home the night before and leaving here about 7am.I am glad.I wouldn't sleep well in a hotel and I want to be able to kiss my kids and my doggie goodbye that morning. I am on liquids now and it's not bad.I am not thrilled however with the bloodthinner shot I have to give myself in the stomach.They replave the bloodthinners I normally take because they are shorter acting and easier to control. It's not that it hurts very much (although I do have about 3 spots that are sore)it's just psyching myself up for it twice a day .yuck Anyway you all have a blessed and joyus day ! Dannielle
on 2/11/07 9:44 pm - Diamond, MO
Hi Everyone, Decided to post while I am waiting to call Stephs doctor to see if there is any chance we can get in there this morning or if we have to go to the Urgent Care Clinic. We never have gotten the temp to "normal", but it spikes up to 101.5-102.5 and she says it feels like her throat is too small to take a deep breath. I think she has some upper respitory/bronchial something going on. I didnt sleep again last night, cause I kept going and checking on her. I even gave her the liquid tylenol-as it worked better on her fever than the tylenol cold multi sympton tablets-which were suppose to help with fever as well-and it never did. At least the liquid gets it closest to normal. (99.8) She did have somewhat of an appetite and snacked a bit-and ate some soup for lunch and then had a little dinner-so that was good. I spent the day taking care of Steph and cleaning, cleaning, cleaning....I broke my cell phone Sat night-and so I got Stephs old one that I just bought her for her b-day, but I didnt realize until last night when my mom called steph-that people were trying to call me ALL day-the phone was on vibrate-and with all the running around I did yesterday-couldnt hear it!! I better call Mel today or she may kick my behind! I did 6 loads of laundry between clothes and blankets etc, trash, fed and watered the dogs, cleaned my room (not done with organizing that yet) made dinner-did all the dishes and even put out my new coffee pot. I wanted to stay busy. Well, they changed the forecast since the weather was on last night-it was to be in the 40s today and this morning (same channel) it says in the 20s. HOLY COW...thats a bit of a difference. It looks like its gonna rain (or snow) and it looks gloomy out-plus I walked Darrel to the door this morning when he left-and its so COLD...I hate to take the kids out in this-but what do you do? May see if my daughter or mom can come keep an eye on Jon so I dont have to take him out as well. I better go..have to get some more coffee (maybe need expresso to wake up today) and get ready to start calling..sometimes it takes awhile to get through. Will post later on how my daughter is and any prayers for her rapid recovery would be appreciated. Love, Jan
on 2/12/07 12:10 am - Joplin, MO
Good Morning Everyone: Sorry I havent been on in a couple of days. Just been busy trying to get things packed and moved. I told DH that he just needs to step out of my way and let me have at it on the house. I will have us ready to be moved by this weekend. WITHOUT LIFTING ANYTHING!!!!! So I am calling Wal Mart and having her save some boxs for me. Today I believe where going back over to my F-I-L's house to finish some things. That way Tuesday I can be home and packing. Breaking down the bunkbeds and other thing I need to get ready to deliever. Wed is do nothing day since it is DH & I 8 yr annviersary!!!! I am taken him to lunch and a movie. I need to go get his anniversay gift today sometime. I have to drop off some books at the libarary. Go pay my gas bills, and the list goes on and on. lol Okay I just wanted to pop in and say HELLO!!!! Love ya'll Melissa
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