We went to my daughters yesterday to visit and to also help them haul their new couch from these people they bought it from. Big ole tan leather couch. Heavy as all get out and Joe had hard time with it with just me and my daughter on the other end Im afraid we were not much help to him. My daughters husband had to work so it was left up to us to get the thing moved . I hope he didn't hurt his back too much. At least we have appointments for massages for Monday maybe he can wait that long.
My daughter and I shopped until we were about ready to drop tho and had loads of fun. We walked and walked , I don't think I have walked that much in a long time . I tried on clothes and shopped some more and then tried on some more. I was worn out , but she said she was too so I don't feel bad or like I wasn't able to keep up . She said wow mama you really are doing better aren't you? It just tickles her to death that we almost can wear the same size clothes.
She is smaller in the waist and hips than me but hopefully one day I will get there too. She wears 5/6 in jeans.
Brenda and several others were talking about drinking diet cokes and losing 100 pounds maybe that is what I need to do to lose more weight. I thought we couldn't have them at all ? That was the impression that I had about them but what do I know?
I hope that when it gets warmer that with me being out in the yard working all the time I will eventually get all of this weight off . but who knows maybe this is all Im suppose to lose. I know I really am getting discouraged about it. And no im not losing inches that I can measure but my clothes are fitting a little looser don't know how that is working?
Melissa : sounds like you really did a lot on that kitchen and elsewhere on the cleaning. I don't like moving and I can imagine what all you have been going thu. How long have you lived in your house? The longer you have lived somewhere the more stuff you accumulate and the harder it is to move. Then you add into that the fact that your fil, how long has he lived by himself? Don't even want to go there. I can imagine all the cleaning you are having to do.
Take it easy and rest when you can. We want to see you back at the support meeting on the 26th
Janet: when you started your story about the trash I could just see bras and panties strung up and down the road lol
That is a shame about the dogs. I hate to see anyone mistreat animals. There is just no need of it at all.
That is awfully good of you to take them in to feed them . Did you ever see anymore of them?
Hey that was sweet of you to do for Mel. I guess she knows about it if it you put it on here. That will be super neat but I don't get channel 12 what is that out of. Joplin or where?
Yeah tape it for me I would love to see it if she wins.
Rachael: How did you visit with relatives go? Was your baby ok with the trip?
Lol im glad that she is finally getting some hair. I never had that problem with my kids. They were all born with a full head of hair and my youngest one had so much that I had to cut her bangs because it kept falling into her eyes. She looked sort of funny , this tiny newborn with bangs lol and her hair was jet black too.
Vesta: The storm shelter sound like a good idea and getting it done just in time for all the spring storms. How far away from your back door is the entrance to the shelter. They are making some of them now days to go under the garage that seems like a good idea to me.
Deb: yeah I saw that about New York snow. Wasn't that something? I cant imagine that much snow can you? I hope we don't get all of the bad stuff they are saying we might get. Is it predicting for northern Missouri or for all of Mo?
I think your computer is playing tricks on you or it may be this site. They keep messing with it all the time. I wish they would leave well enough alone . LOL none of us have figured out the last bunch of new stuff they did let alone the new stuff they are going to do.
Yeah I was going to tell you the other day when you were taking about the rash on your belly , I remembered that I had that on a couple of spots of mine when I first came home.
Oh and also the stitches that dr.H used on my places dissolved on their on. Some places only had steri strips on them and no stitches at all.
Yeah keep moving girl it will get you motivated to do more and more. I get that way some days and others I just curl up on the couch under a blanket and read. Lol
Andrew: Boy sounds like you were really busy today. Did a lot of running and going didn't you. Me too. But I believe you outdid me by a long way.
Yeah the things that sounds like they shouldn't be for a delicate stomach is the things my tummy likes , hot spicy chili. I can eat almost ½ cup most of the time there is about 2 bites left that I don't get down. Another thing my tummy loves is salad. I always add cheese, bacon, chicken, eggs etc. to it with ranch dressing. I never can eat more than about a cup of it but it taste so good.
I hope you have better luck with the fish than I have. It just wont go down with me. I will get sick everytime I try to eat it. Don't know why I always loved fish before.
Most of my protein is still comeing from shakes tho.
I try a lot of things just haven't been able to eat enough of any of them to consider them good protein supply
Sure am glad you got some gravel put into your driveway. I bet that was a mess.
I will keep Susan in my prayers for a good job or that they will increase her hours again.
Andrew the s.s disability people will probably pay for part of your schooling if not all of it. Have you checked with them. I think that is how Craig is going to go.
I sure hope you all have a good meeting Monday night and have some new members show up. We have had a few people on here now and then that are from over in that area so maybe they will show. Just don't get discouraged. Eventually there will be more come ok.
Even if it is just the 3 of your for awhile you can give each other encouragement.
Lana: You sound like me. I am so disgusted about my belly fat and why it wont go away like the rest of me has lol.
If it wasn't for that I could be a good size smaller I know . maybe two sizes smaller. I guess I will have to be satisfied until I can get a tummy tuck and get it taken off that way.
I don't think it will go anywhere. It is just mostly loose skin anyway now. But it sure doesn't fit into jeans very pretty or at least not to me. I tried on jeans and tried on jeans today and when I got them big enough to go over my belly then they swallowed me in the but and legs. If they fit there then they wouldn't zip up over the belly fat. Well I guess we should really quit griping because it wasn't long ago that I didn't even consider wearing jeans because i coudnt find any that really fit at all before. Lol
I never did wear too many jeans tho because I didn't really think they were too comfortable and even when I was thin before I have always been a comfort gal.
Next week we have Dannielle on the 14th and Robin Nanette on the 15th having surgery. Is there anyone else next week? Also on the 19th next Monday is Tara and April in Kansas having surgery also everyone needs to check your birthday list for birthdays in Feb. I know of one guy that is having a birthday on the 22nd.
This month I have 2 great grandbabies due and one great neice due too. Babies babies everywhere. Wow
Dear Jan and OH Peeps~
I am the first one to post-unless someone else is posting at the same time-then I know they will post faster, as I have slow connection and we dont get any DSL or anything out here in no mans land!! lol~ HAHA MEL-I get to post BEFORE you this time....yeah...
Wow-it seemed really nice today. I ran errands with my mom and did a little shopping for my daughters slumber party, then came home and we had 40 minutes before picking her up from her and her friends up from choir competition, so I cut my moms hair. Turned out really good. Went to Mels-my mom and best friend FINALLY got to meet-that was nice. The house looks so bare-they are really trucking-it makes me kind of sad tho-to go in there and see it so bare!
I know what you mean about the dogs and puppies-and YES-more showed up. The guy (who owns the dogs, David) DID come back-but there is no way he got them all, and I bet he didnt attempt too much to find them. Needless to say, my neighbor called the sheriff that time, cause they were in her yard, and I didnt see them. SO-whatever is going to be with the owner-will be-he deserves it. I knew there was something about him that I didnt like~~My daughter has the 2 pups at her house, and I have posted on freecycle to see if anyone wants them, they sure are cute-and quite happy that they are warm, safe, and fed and watered. However, Megan (daughter) cant keep them since she rents and can only hv 1 dog, and she just got her Golden Retriever-so she is going to give it a couple of days and then will take them to the Humane Society if no one answers the flyers or my postings. I bought them a bag of dog food so Megan wouldnt have to spend her money...told her to get the big bag and use some for her dog too. I hope that there are no more out there...I hope the rest are all safe and warm etc as well.
My daughters party got cancelled as she got sick and everyone went home. Megan just called me a bit ago and was off to Grandmas house to get the thermometer and some medicine and juice. Told them I would come and get her-but she said no, lets wait and see if some medicine will work and we also didnt want to drag her out in the cold...I hope she is better soon, poor thing! Its been one thing after another with the party-ice, then snow-now sick!
Mel and Terry went over to my daughters today and gave them a chair,dresser, table and chairs for the kitchen, a blender etc-as she had the "newlywed necessities" and thats it-microwave, coffee pot, tv, bed and vanity. I have been looking for some reasonable stuff for her....the kids were so thankful and megan said-mom, no one but family has ever done something like this for us before-and I said-well, if you havent figured it out yet-she is family! I know that they sure love her as much as I do! She is one in a million~and I hope she wins the makeover-I WILL tape it for you...and if anyone wants the info-email me and I will get it to you. ok?
My mom had a present for me-for the weight loss so far-she couldnt wait for me to hit that 100# mark-which is 5# away-she gave me my grandmas watch! My grams had tiny wrists and so it doesnt fit yet-but soon, I hope!
Jan-it sounds like you had a good day shopping-thats so awesome...I am so happy for you. You will lose more-dont get discouraged-I bet that you are gaining muscle-and that weighs more than fat-so dont get down-you look beautiful-cause you ARE BEAUTIFUL...
Well, I am going to get off here and attempt to get some sleep. My back, my rear and my knees have been KILLING ME lately-even with the weight loss....Thanks everyone for the prayers for my daughters. I hope everyone is well-safe and doing good- Jan
Good Sunday Morning
Well it looks as if the snow storms that they kept saying we were gonna get are not gonna reach down this far south, PTL. Not much going on today other then going to church this morning, Im kind of wore out from yesturday, think I pulled a muscle in my back loading and unloading the angelfood so Im gonna rest it a bit today.
Jan sure sounds like you and your daughter had a great time shopping, thats just great!!! Sure hope Joe tho didnt hurt his back to bad, those couch's can be so heavy. Our couch is a hid-a-bed, if we ever move from here it's STAYING lol. I'll give the S.S. Disability a call about schooling, I was thinking it was Medicade department that did that but your right I just read on their site where S.S. does that so I'll be contacting them Monday, thanks Jan. Jan I know what ya mean about the belly fat getting in the way of wearing a smaller size. It seems the more I lose the lower my tummy stretches, before long it's gonna be hanging down to my knee's
it kind of has me discouraged cuz I was really hoping it shrink up some, I know I'll have to have a tummy tuck and all but didnt think it'd be this much, oh well, guess I stretched out my tummy by being over 500lbs and now its got no where to go but down. I know I could get into a 52/54 pants cuz the 58's I wear now are lose but the legs are way baggy.
Well Im gonna get off here and start getting ready for church. I pray everyone has a blessed Sunday.

Response from Dannielle Robertson at 10:50 PM CST on 02/10/2007
Joplin, MO
Well my EGD (throat scope) went fine.They didn't take more blood because my blood was good when it was checked on Thursday. Boy oh boy now those are some drugs ! They had me so looped that I thought I was in the MATRIX !(like the movie) I could never be a druggie. I just don't like being looped like that. Luckily it wore off pretty quick. The procedure was over and done with in minutes. I swore they hadn't done anything. One minute I was gargling and swallowing the NASTIEST stuff on earth to numb my throat and the next minute I was waking up in the MATRIX. WEIRD !!
I start my liquid diet tomorrow and have my IVC filter put in on Tuesday and Wednesday is the big day. It's coming quick. My kids think I'll be grumpy on the liquids tomorrow and until surgery but I dont think so. We'll see.
Well until tomorrow.
Love you guys and I truely appreciate all of the support and fine examples of courage and strength on this board.
Hello Missouri Peeps.
I have been going thru junk in my closets and throwing stuff away. I have been moving my little sick doggie to each room, and putting down a puppy bed, his quilt and a little heater for him. Then getting a second puppy bed for the healthy borhter pup. We are such a peculiar family
Momma J. Bailey & Lucais will be 9 on 9/26. I got the 3 days prior to my brain tumor diagnosis, and they have really saved my life.
My WOW MOMENT: My BMI is officially in the 2Xs now
Okay, so it's 29.9, but STILL

Good afternoon all...
Jan...No I can't believe the weather their getting, all that snow and their still expecting more! As for our weather, right now they have a winter storm watches out for northern KC but also saying that this storm is so unpredictable right now, they aren't exactly sure where it will hit and theres another one following it!
I try to stay busy but like you say, somedays I'm as busy as a bee, other days, a good book, a warm blanket or cuddling up with the hubby (he is my own personal heater)!
As for my stiches and rash problem....I'm cutting and pasting it here so I don't have to rewrite it...lol
Thank you guys for your help!! I am a little concerned about the one stitch sticking out, it looks like it was the end of the stitches and is tied off there. If I pull on it, the whole incision moves and this is were my port is (my spot for fills). I don't want to drive to Sedalia, especially with another winter storm coming but would like to hear what Dr H has to say. I will call him but I'm making a appt with my pcp too. I was suppose to after my surgery anyway and haven't yet!
I'm still having trouble with this rash though! If I use neosporin or any kind of adhesive bandaids or pads, the rash gets worse! If I don't use anything, they get real dry and itchy. I tried some Monistat Soothing Care, it worked for a bit them the itching came back! David, now has me using a antibacterial ointment (for itching too) that he has left from when he got that cyst removed from the inside of his nostril last 10/07. Then I have non-adhesive pads on with an elastic bandage wrapped all the way around me, it sticks to itself! So far so good! To see me, you'd think I broke a rib...lol
I have to do something to stop me from scratching before I end up ripping something open or at least breaking the skin where it starts to bleed! I woke up in the middle of the night last night just digging in because they itched so bad!!
Sherr, I don't look at you as being peculiar if anything I think of you as being SPECIAL for having the heart you have for your animals and human kind! I will keep the prayers up for you and your furbabies!
Monique...Thank you for that question about the carbs, I can't figure it all out either but like Jan said, getting rid of everything white and yellow has got to help. I'm curious about hot cereals like cream of wheat, oatmeal, malt o meal and grits. As for the corn, my body had a hard digesting it before surgery so I'm not even gonna try now...well, at least for a while....lol Man, David won't like that, me not planting peaches and cream corn when I can get back to gardening! I ain't growing it for him when I can't have it!....lol
As for clothes...I have a cute little (for me, little) outfit hanging in my bedroom that's just waiting for me to be able to fit into it! It's a stretchable 20w, that way I can wear it for quite a while before it no longer fits! It's jeans with a vest so suspenders might even make it last longer and won't look bad! Another thing I bought is a belt! I haven't worn one in years because I couldn't find one long enough or that was cute. The one I got is macrame and is to be worn with dresses, skirts and longer shirts with a loose hanging fit. I can't wait!...lol
That's all for now...Deb M
Not much going on today except this afternoon I went to Target and bought a coat. It is like cotton and really cute. It's too tight right now but won't be for long.
DH decided tonight that we can't have Emily declawed. He's such a softie he can't stand to hurt her. I told him that was fine with me but I didn't want him being mad when she kills another bird. And she will? *#@!?* cat!!!
I ate broiled tilapia fish tonight that I had cooked the other day. It nearly made me sick. I think it was just too dry. I also seem to find that my pouchie is more easily irritated in the evenings. Don't know why.
Love and hugs to all of you dear people.