I can only tell you, what I did...
I had my surgery 5/25/04 had my six week post op visit and asked my surgeon...his advice was if all my surgical sites were closed it was o.k. to go to the I started water aerobics at the was wonderful....
I would check with your surgeon before you do anything.
Betty Myers
St. Louis MO
-162 pounds
Vesta, Dr. Edwards told me I could start my swim classes again after three weeks, I would have started last week except for the ice storm, I was one month post op yesterday. I am starting my class at Ozark Fittness in Springfield tomorrow. How are you doing? I have not lost but 15 lbs this month and am a little disapointed, but maybe it will get better after I start exercising. Glenda
tks everyone I will wait, I go see Dr. Hornbostel 2 weeks from tue. just having trouble getting 30 min. walking in...Glenda I am feeling great and you? they lowered my blood pressure med to 10 mil. and it is still running 96/62...I think that maybe why I cant get my 30 min. may have to get off it completly but I will ask Dr.H in a day or 2 if it stays low...tks so much everyone....vesta
Are you having any luck getting more protein in. I know it seems hard, it does for me too, but I think it's important. I'm not losing gobs and gobs, think it's those men who are able to do that!!! I've been trying to get in two shakes a day plus food so we'll see next weekend when I weigh!!! Hugs and loveys,