Jan C.
on 1/20/07 12:30 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
I Hope and pray that this second round of weather doesn't cause the linemen more problems. Sugars husband , Rick, My brother in law has been working 16 hours a day since last Friday night. He is sick, has a sore throat and running fever and taking antibiotics but still he gets up and goes out there every day to try and get more lines up and going. He is one great guy, not only because he is doing this but he is. Sugar lucked out the first time with him. She didn't have to go thru a bunch of them like I did before I found the right guy. She got lucky and found him while in highschool lol Anyway I said all of that to say please guys pray for the elect. Company linemen that are out there working these long hours to try to make it ok for everyone. Doesn't matter what company they work for or if they are from Mo. Or one of the other states that have come it to help. They are all out there putting their hearts and soles into doing this. Well the ground is white here tonight. I am writing this tonight . Hoping that our elect wont go off but if it does I will already have the post started. We may only get sleet don't know. We haven't had any snow down here at all. Hope it doesn't get as bad as they are saying anywhere. I don't know I think we are in for a really bad winter this year. So far it really looks like it doesn't it. I am ready for summer already. Use to I enjoyed the cold weather in winter but since surgery I don't like it at all and looking forward to the hot days of summer this year. Maybe I will warm up some. I wear my flannel jimmies most days in the house with my house coat over them and am still cold. Lol I use to be wearing in this sort of weather capris and lots of time a sleeveless top in the house and if I went outside would throw a windbreaker on maybe lol Now to go to the mailbox I have to get dressed in my sweats, with a sweatshirt and this big coat that I have and gloves and scarf and that is just to go out to the mailbox lol Debbie M: sorry about your best friend and how you lost her. Just know it wasn't your fault tho. She was an adult and she was the one responsible for her own health. I know it is hard to lose someone you love like that but God knows your pain and will comfort you . You can pray for me all you want too. I need it in more ways that one. Lol Just hope no matter how much snow we get that you can get thru by next Thursday evening . Did you ever call Dena and ask her about the stay for lap band? Rachael: wow you have been really busy haven't you with all the new recruits. That is a lot of shots. LOL I had to laugh about your dad saying your son was driving them nuts. Lol When you get older, you love your grandkids so very much but most of the time it needs to be in smaller doses. God really knew what he was doing when he made the young to have kids and not us older ones. Vesta: I'm like you I sure don't want anything to keep us away from the meeting on Monday. I wish everyone could have an awesome meetings like we do. Sherr: yes I know I will be fine. God is in control so no problem. And I know my sister Sugar will be ok too. Spice doesn't seem to bother me with my new baby pouch, it is grease mainly that really bothers me the most. I use peppers and all in my chili. I like it the hotter and Spicer the better. Lol So what did you eat at IHOP? Take care are you getting anything in the boot heel over there? Melissa: hopefully you all won't get loaded down with the snow tonight and tomorrow. I know that it isn't as hard to get around it but it will just keep making things colder. I know so many people are getting really depressed over this stuff. Julia: did you see the new apartment? Did you like it? Andrew: I hope you got Susan home ok tonight. Yeah I have a problem with wanting to snack at night so I have always on hand protein balls and rice cakes and other low carb, no sugar things that I can crunch on. Oh course I don't eat a lot of them but probably shouldn't do it but if I don't satisfy the urge to chew with something good then it is something not good. Would be great to be able to reprogram the brains .wow. Wish that were possible. I am really tired tonight, don't know why except I think I am having sun withdrawal lol LOVE AND JOY AND PEACE ABOUNDS JAN
Julia D.
on 1/20/07 2:15 pm - Sedalia, MO
Hi Jan, I have 6" of snow on my sidewalk right now. I used a pick axe to clear a short path on the walk in front of my apt and the neighbors. So on the ground is 5" of ice and 6" of snow on top of that! What a mess. DB told my sister and I we were better women than most, because as young as he is (36) he wasn't going to try it. Then we went to my sisters for a short while for pizza and to watch TV and he slid almost under the car waliking to it. All I could do was laugh. He so deserved it! Yes I whole heartedly agree with you about our line men. They rank right up there with our service men as far as I am concerned. We don't realize how important some of these people are who work all hours and days in bad weather for us to be safe and warm. I have not got to look at an apartment yet. I did locate a few others I am checking on Monday. But the one I have an appointment with on Wednesday they don't show until you are approved and they have one available. I have been in them before years ago.They are low income housing similar to what I am in now.I do know that I will be put at the top of list due to age and disability but won't know when one will be available. I do hope it clears up by Tuesday. I am suppose to meet Gretta and Kat when they go to see Dr. H. I will enjoy seeing my 2 shrinking Violets. Julia
Debbie M.
on 1/21/07 1:37 am - Harrisonville, MO
Good Beautiful Morning...my church is closed I have a key so if we get out today I think I might be going by there to do a little altar call. I have a lot of people and stuff to place there. Jan...yes, it was hard when I lost Lynette, I lost my Dad 2 weeks later. We had about 7 years where we lost several family members and friends. I pray no more for a long, long time! They died back in 2000 so I'm better now. I wasn't really close to my Dad but I still have days where my heart misses Lynette. I know it wasn't my fault but that thought did cross my mind a few days after her memorial! After speaking to a couple ladies from breast cancer awareness I found out that by the time she came to me, it was already to late! Then I found myself mad at her for awhile! Not taking better care of herself with her having four boys at home and those boys were her life and she was theirs! Her and I were best buddies, we did everything together...just us and our 7 kids...lol We use to tell people that all the kids were either hers or mine, boy did we get some looks!!...lol We laughed about the way the children where spaced apart like her and I had been in a contest! I had my daughter, then she had a boy, then there was David's son, then another boy for her, then I had a boy, then she had a boy, I got fixed, she had another boy...lol I plan on taking part in the "Run for the Cure" 5k walk/run that's held in Oct. either this year or next, carrying both my Mom's name and Lynettes. I have wanted to for sometime but haven't been able to because of my weight and back but if that's taken care of with the weight loss then I can do it! Anyway, Jan thank you for letting me continue to pray. We all want you healthy and happy for many more years! I'm pretty sure we will get through to Sedalia. Once we had to go get Roy (David's son, 2nd marriage) from his Mom, in Colorado during a winter storm. They lived out in the boonies, David was driving! The snow was so deep that you couldn't see where the road ended and the ditch started! He had to guess where the turn for the driveway was. He made the turn, it was in the right place but he had to make his own driveway, hoping that nothing would be in the way like tree stumps, bikes, toys, car parts...ya never know. My point was that the snow was so deep that it was breaking across the hood of our Monte Carlo. When we got out, I couldn't get my door open, much less walk in it! David helped me get out then made a path with his body so I could get to the house. His ex-wife wanted us to stay and have dinner! David looked at her and said, you got to be kidding. Have you looked outside? She said yea...so! David said we had a 12 hour plus drive ahead of us and that's in good weather! We got back out to the car with Roy and started back. There were a few times we thought about stopping and getting a room. After we made a stop for gas, food and restroom breaks, we heard that they were shutting the road down behind us! We didn't want to be stranded so we piled back in and headed for MO. The good thing is there was no traffic, except a highway patrolman. We passed him like he was sitting still. David said I'm not stopping, if he wants us, he will have to catch when we get to better weather conditions. That cop didn't even try, we figured he thought he would find us in a ditch later! We weren't speeding but we figured if he wanted us and we stopped they would make us get off the highway and we couldn't do that. With what was being said on the radio, they were shutting the highway down just 15 minutes behind us! We made it, Thank God!! Oh nooooo.....no babies! If I wake up and there's a baby, I'd probably have a heart attack! I'd probably grab "that tube" and shove it back down my throat, telling them to put me back out! Man, that would be a nightmare! Our 5 grandchildren are more than enough! Besides, I don't have baby making parts anymore! Like David says, they took the babymaker and left the playpen! I just enjoy the grandchildren for awhile now and then ship em home! They are all great and adorable but ever since my hysterectomy I can only handle kids for sooo long! 7 inches of SNOW....3 inches of ice under it! It's beautiful! I'm going to try and get out to take some pictures later. If I do, I will post them! Did you all get tickled yesterday with the baby thing? ...lol I'm glad I could make you smile! With everyone talking about Wyno you'd think she was our mascot!...lol I thought about taking a picture of her and posting it but I have misplaced my camera! QUESTIONS ABOUT SURGERY... 1. Should I continue to wear my diabetes bracklet to the hospital? I know they said no jewelry but that's a medic alert! I want all the staff to know I'm diabetic! I mean, when I went in for my assessment all the paperwork they had said I was to have gastric bypass. I was the one who brought it to their attention that I was to have LapBand and they were like "Oh really? They spoke with others and discovered a mistake had been made! Trust me, I will make sure they all know that before I go under on Friday! 2. My blood sugar has dropped to 105 or less, fasting and after eating. Should I stop taking or at least cut back on my diabetes meds until I can talk to a Dr? I know you guys aren't professionals and can't really answer medical questions but I was hoping that some of the diabetics on here could tell me of there experiences with there pre-surgery diet, their diabetic meds and any blood sugar drops before surgery. I can't get a hold of my Dr and I can't afford the ER. I stopped taking my Actos yesterday with my blood sugar being so low and then I cut my metformin (glucophage)dose in half (1 pill) and still no jump. This morning I haven't taken any of my diabetic meds and had a fasting bs of 97 then 112 after I ate. I'm afraid if I take anything it will cause it to go too low. Any help will be appreciated! By the way....that stern voice comment yesterday, I stole from Sherr. I thought it was cute and decided we should let others know when we're yelling or being stern with them...lol Oh my...Melissa!! LOL Well, 5 days and counting! I am soooo ready!! I'm outta here for awhile..take care and be safe!! Love & Prayers, Deb M
on 1/20/07 11:31 pm - Joplin, MO
Good Morning Everyone: I started this post this morning at 1am when I was going to bed. But something happened and it shut my page down. So I figured I would retry this morning. Well we didnt get the snow that they thoguth we would. Which it a good thing!!! But it wuld go from snow to sleet and back. Yuck!!! I just wanted to get on here and see how everyone weather thro this storm??? Stay warm and safe if at all possible. My thougths and prayers are with you all!!! God Bless Melissa ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ P.S. This is something I could see my DH & his friend Mike actually doing!!!!! Mr. and Mrs. Fenton are retired, and Mrs. Fenton insists her husband go with her to Walmart, but he gets bored with all the shopping trips. He prefers to get in and get out, but Mrs. Fenton loves to browse. Here's a letter sent to Mrs. Fenton------ Dear Mrs. Fenton, Over the past six months, your husband has been causing quite a commotion in our store. We cannot tolerate this behavior and may ban both of you from our stores. We have documented all incidents on our video surveillance equipment. All complaints against Mr. Fenton are listed below. Things Mr. Bill Fenton has done while his spouse was shopping in Walmart: 1. June 15: Took 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in people's carts when they weren't looking. 2. July 2: Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at 5-minute intervals. 3. July 7: Made a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the restrooms. 4. July 19: Walked up to an employee and told her in an official tone, Code 3' in housewares..... and watched what happened. 5. August 4: Went to the Service Desk and asked to put a bag of M&M's on layaway. 6. September 14: Moved a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area. 7. September 15: Set up a tent in the camping department and told other shoppers he'd invite them in if they'll bring pillows from the bedding department. 8. September 23: When a clerk asks if they can help him, he begins to cry and asks, 'Why can't you people just leave me alone?' 9. October 4: Looked right into the security camera; used it as a mirror, and picked his nose. 10. November 10: While handling guns in the hunting department, asked the clerk if he knows where the antidepressants are. 11. December 3: Darted around the store suspiciously loudly humming the "Mission Impossible" theme. 12. December 6: In the auto department, practiced his "Madonna look" using different size funnels. 13. December 18: Hid in a clothing rack and when people browse through, yelled "PICK ME!" "PICK ME!" 14. December 21: When an announcement came over the loud speaker, he assumes the fetal position and screams "NO ! NO! It's those voices again!!!!" And last, but not least . 15. December 23: Went into a fitting room, shut the door, waited awhile, then yelled very loudly, "There is no toilet paper in here!" Regards, Walmart ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
on 1/21/07 1:44 am - Nixa, MO
Jan and all the Missouri buddies, Well, we got sleet and not much snow and it is melting today. If we don't get any more it looks like I'll be able to get to work finally. I have only worked three days since 12/22 with the week off between Christmas and New Years, the six days I took as sick leave and the Univ being closed all last week. I could get used to this staying at home stuff. I am working on a sweatshirt that I'm putting crazy quilt patches onto and it is a booger. I can't do it for long because I get frustrated. Hope to see everyone tomorrow night. We're supposed to go to the Juanita Hammons Hall in Springfield tonight to see Hairspray. Hope we can get there. Hugs and love to all Lana
Andy W.
on 1/21/07 2:16 am - Tulsa, OK
Well good morning ya'll, What a night of sleet and rain and a lil bit of snow we got. Got up this morning and the ground is barely covered with snow but tons of sleet. The roads werent all that bad tho and our church was open so I took Susan on to work and I went to church. Wasnt but 15 or so of us so we had an old fashion prayer service, it was really good. Now Im home where it's nice and warm. Jan I got Susan home ok from work last night, after I picked the car up it actually stopped sleeting so much, after I got her home tho it let loose again. Deb M. Please becareful with what you stop taking, I know what your going through tho, the last month before I had surgery I was pretty much just on protein shakes and broth cuz I needed to get weight off before surgery and my sugar at times dropped to 45 and 55, thats just to scary and I so hate that feeling. I did call my pcp and told him what was going on but he wouldnt take me off anything at that time. I was taking 3 different diabetic meds, Metformin 2 1000mg twice a day, Glucotrol 5mg twice a day and Precose 25mg 3 times a day, is what I did was cut my Metformin in half and sometimes wouldnt take my 2nd dose in the evening. I prolly shouldnt of done that cuz the doctor did say that some meds you have to ease off of. After surgery tho Dr. H cut all my meds out except 1/2 of a BP pill which I still take. I was also taking 2 40mg of lasix a day and 2 other BP meds one of which was a water pill combined. After dieting that last month before surgery I was actually almost dehydrated cuz my body wasnt retaining water anymore but anyway I say that to let ya know what I did, even tho I recommend ya call your pcp, I praise God every day for taking me off all those meds, just being off the meds is worth it all to me, this surgery pretty much saved my life. Im hoping soon tho that I can stop taking the BP med, the last couple of weeks my BP has been running 100/60 or so. Well anyway I've rattled off enough, hope that helps ya some, dont hesitate to ask anything else ya might wanna know. Well Im off for now, gonna cook up a late lunch for when Susan gets off work, ya'll stay warm and becareful if ya have to venture out. Hugs and Prayers, Andrew
on 1/21/07 3:16 am - pomona, MO
good afternoon all, well wonder if the streets are good in Springfield for mon. meeting....vesta
Blondie **
on 1/21/07 6:18 am - Mean People Suck, MO
Momma J & Co: That was a nice story to hear about Sugar and her hubby....I never did find anyone worth a FLIP...lol I have been selling some of my career clothing on ebay to make some money as I just had to buy a water heater and will have it installed tomorrow...part of the requirements of getting a re-financing on the house. I have to have a water heater that is up to "CODE" Whatever...lol Mine works fine. LOL But, I went ahead and got it now, instead of adding it to the mortgage and paying interest on it for 30 years. I am a budget person, but no mater how I try to "shift" money around, I just never have enough. I am blessed that I have nice things that I can sell I guess. I had asked my mom if she could make me some "yoga" pants, ((((she has a ton of sweatshirt and terry material)))) so, she was looking thru her multitude of patterns, ---Mom used to have a fabric store...... And she found one, and when she tried to fit it to me, it was DOWN TO A SIZE 10!!!! But, now we are talking yoga pants, and I carry most of my weight from my shoulders to the top part of my thighs.... Like a linebacker I guess LOL I am drinking a water w/ lemon and thinking of Lana....isn't she the one that drinks that? Whomever was mentioning they were quilting a sweatshirt, (((I think it was Lana maybe)))) made me remember my Nanna. My mom's mom. She LOVED me....like no one ever has. Or ever will I guess. I lost her i***** and think of her all the time, still. She was a quilter...and would take scraps of nothing-ness and make some of the most beautiful quilts. When she got older, she told everyone that she was leaving her rocking chair and all her quilts to me....I felt so honored. Well, she died one night, as I drove like a 100 from Atlanta to here, trying to get here in time.... I didn't make it...and I was so devistated, as well as my poor mother, who'd stayed bedside w/ Nanna for a solid 4 months, we were just so "out of it" other relatives came in and raided my Nanna's house. Aunts and Uncles that I didn't even know, because they were a lot older than my mom and had moved away. But they came around like vultures...taking everything.... Just like a tornado...nothing but a few broken dishes were left. But, I STILL WON...Nanna always loved me, and told me so. She didn't tell anyone else in my family (kinda sad, but I was the lucky one) that she loved them, until she got close to death, but she loved me EVERYDAY....they can't steal that away from me. And I will never speak to any of them, again. Wow, didn't mean to go on a tangent...sorry. love you guys. Sherr
(deactivated member)
on 1/21/07 12:31 pm - MO
Mountain Grove got lucky on the ice storm, it bootlegged us and all we got was a tiny bit, nothing like Springfield and area received. Last night we got sleet and this morning it was slick. I went to check out the church - the week before we only had about 25 show up, the walks and parking lot was glass, so I called a couple of people and we had a pow wow and decided to cancel our services, something I don't like to do. I took the opportunity to do some donuts on the parking lot, you can take the man out of the kid but you can't ever take the kid out of the man! I've been praying for the surrounding areas, my brother and dad were hit pretty good in West Springfield and Marionville. Several century old trees gave up their lives, it's amazing how many storms these trees must've weathered for the last 100 years and survived, one ice storm and boom split into 4 separate strands. That can happen to us to people, be sure you're right with God - because you never know. On my surgery, my primary family physician and by bariatric physician can't seem to get on together, more like there is a hatchet woman receptionist that doesn't seem to understand the situation with my primary family doctor - we is gonna do battle this week. I want to do my bariatric doctor ordered sleep study and psych test down here, and the stress test and asma test up there and get going on this thang while I'm still positive about this thang. No more for now, "the preach" Bob.
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