4 more
Well, only four more days ... like Gretta I'm feeling very nervous.
I have been on the 1000 calorie diet and have actually lost 2 pounds. Makes me think why am I doing this - I can lose weight. Then I remember that I always can stay on a diet for 1 week. It is after that it goes downhill.
It's wierd - like when you buy a new car then suddenly everyone has that same car or same color of car. Now that I'm having the surgery there have been all kinds of programs on TV about people's horrible experience with RNY. I don't even watch TV but I've managed to see two programs now, at other people's house, about horror stories: not being able to eat afterwards, losing two much weight and not being able to level out. I'm just thankful for all the success stories on OH it helps me re-adjust my thinking.
Please pray for me that I won't be so anxious.
Thank you all very much,
marilyn, I know what you are going thru..but I would try this surgery rather that having heart surgery or stroke later... you are young you will do fine, I am going in at the age of 66..but I am scared too, I see alot of sucess stories, and I think if we do everything the dr tell us we will ok..I am praying for both us, and leave it all up to God..I think everyone has the same fears we do,we will be there together, we will be fine...love ya ...Vesta
Have you had surgery before? I found this surgery less painful and invasive than any I've had before. It's really not a bad surgery. That said, I understand you feeling scared. Just trust your surgeon and have faith in God and you'll be just fine. The first day is a little rough but the improvement is just dramatic. I"ll be praying for all of you who are coming along. Hugs and love,
Wow you and I are feeling the same things. I have lost 5 pounds and keep thinking I can do this Gretta without having surgery. Then I remember that I dont last but a week. My husband isnt helping the matter any, he keeps telling me "see you can do it without surgery" then I start freeking out again. About the tv I don****ch it either but have managed to watch a couple on RNY. They werent both bad just kept saying things I didnt want to hear. Then I think why did I turn on the tv when I never do and that show was on. I dont know I think I am just freaken myself out. I am thankful to for the web site it is the only thing that makes me feel better about having the surgery. They all have good stories so I feel like I am doing the right thing. Well I might be there the day of your and Vesta's surgery. I dont know though because I am a sub teacher and I never know when I have to work. Well I will pray for you and I wish you all the luck in the world
Marilyn, Vesta, and Gretta:
You all are going to do just great. It is the right time for you to do something so wonderful for your health and happiness.
With all of the changes you will be going thru, it's OK to be nervous, upset, anxious. Just stay away from those shows on TV. It is kinda like the news, they don't show much of the good things that go on in the world, only the bad.
Lots of luck ladies. We are here for ya!