dog ears
As some of you know I had extended TT, BA/BL last april. I am so excited, and a little nervous. I called Dr. Hawes office and found out that as a follow up of my surgery, they will do a local in the office, and cut off my dog ears on my sides. I will go home that day with some stitches, and can go to work the next day. The greatest news! It will cost me nothing! Has anyone else had this done? I don't know what to expect for pain afterwards. Also, my boyfriend said he will start to go to the meetings with me, and I am looking forward to the next one! My brother got his drain out, and is feeling much better! He has had 2 episodes of what I think was low blood sugar already! I just think you all are really great.
Hi Monique, You have come a long way girl. It's good that your boyriend is being supportive. That is great you need all the support you can get. I hope your brother does well. Does he check his bloodsugar when he feels bad? He might want to start and let the Dr. know. Congrats on all you and your family have accomplished. Happy New Year and keep up the good work. Julia