Merry Christmas to my OH friends!
Hello all. I just wanted to pop in and say hi and wish everyone a wonderful, blessed Christmas. Things are great here for me but not for all of my family. Unfortunately, my younger brother found out yesterday that he no longer has a job after 14 years. He has congestive heart failure and was hopeful to get surgery after the first of the year. He works for the state of MO as a corrections officer in Cameron. He is subject to random drug testing and only has three hours to produce urine. Well because of his CHF he does not urinate throughout the day, not until he gets home and takes his water pills. Since he couldn't produce urine they said he refused to take the test. He had his dr. write a letter explaining his condition but they took the word of a doctor who had never seen my brother over my brother's doctor's word. And even though he said he would give them blood, hair, whatever they wanted, because he couldn't urinate in three hours, he has lost 14 years of his life. Please keep him in his prayers. He has no idea what he is going to do now. No job and CHF which will make it hard for him to get a job. Well, sorry to bring everyone down like that but I wanted to ask you for your prayers because I know so many of you believe in the power of prayer. Have a wonderful joyous day tomorrow.
Deanna that is so sad about your brother. will keep him in prayer for sure. I think he could protest that and get put back on his job. Tell him to call the labor board. If he has his doctors letter and has offered them the hair or blood to test then they dont really have a leg to stand on.
Dont let him lay down and take this. that isnt right.
Hope you and your son have a great Christmas. Miss you coming on more often,. Have you got to go back to work yet? Jan
Deanna, Merry Christmas to you as well.
As a former human resource manager, he has alot of ways he can proceed. Number one is to get an attorney and fight for his job back under Americans with Disabilities Act. He can also personally file a claim with the State Department of Labor, I am sure they will jump on this also. EEOC would take an interest in this as well.
I know how difficult it is to loose a job when you have a disability. My mom has always told me that God won't close a door without opening a window to jump thru. When the time is right, something meaningful will happen for your brother. In the meantime, saying prayers that there is peace and a quick resolution for him.