Couldn't find the meeting place last night.
Hello everyone who had a good time at the meeting last night, I had the address but it was dark and raining, I can't see a hoot in the rain and dark! I had the address, thought someone said senic and battlefield road, I was there but didn't see a fire station, or anything for that matter, didn't have a phone number, so after three trip back and forth on battlefield, gave up and went home, Oh well maybe the next meeting. I did so want to meet Lana since she and I have surrgery the same day same dr. Maybe we can meet at the hospital. I had my last light meal today, baked chicken green beans, and a salad. I am ready to start the full liquid diet tomorrow, I have last 11 lbs this week. I go for my pre Admission exam tomorrow. Does anyone use the pool at Ozark Fittness? They give a great workout. Glenda
Hello to you. They changed my surgery to Tuesday, 12/26, so I'll look you up on Wednesday if I'm mobile which I'm sure I'll be. I had my Pre-admission today too, we probably passed in the hall. I was there about 10 til noon. I was really impressed with the pre-admission procedure and I love love love Dr. Edwards. We are going to do so well. E-mail me if you want and I'll send you my phone number. Love and hugs.