3.5 months post op
Just got home from Dr. H's. After 3.5 months I have lost 88 pounds. Sorry I dont post much, but I have been very busy. I do drop by and read the board once or twice a day, or I try to. Hope you all are doing good. Merry Christmas, just in case I dont post between now and then. God bless you all.
How much have you lost Diana? It's not necessarily a matter of you doing anything wrong...it's a matter of how much weight you need to lose, genetics, the type of surgery you had (if bypass how much was bypassed), variations in nutrition plans in amounts, # of meals, calories, carbs, etc. Each person is unique in this journey - while weight loss amounts can be similar we all have differences that can impact our loss/gains. Measure your success against yourself!
Basics, basics, basics! Do this and you'll do GREAT!
Cards Fan