Having surgery again.............
Thanks everyone for your thoughts and of course, the prayers are always appreciated.
Yes, I've had rny on Oct 13.
Gretta, in answer to your questions: I need to have my gall bladder removed because I have several gallstones and I've been having pain in my upper right abdomen. Also my liver enzymes are pretty high. I've known about the gallstones for almost a year. The surgeon knew as well, but decided not to take it out at the same time I had gastric bypass. Not an uncommon practice. In total (pre & post-op) I've lost 73 lbs.
I wish I could've had it all done at once. I hate the thought of having another surgery especially so soon after the last one. But that's the way things go, I guess.
Thanks, again, everyone. Hopefully I'll feel up to coming to the Circle of Friends group at the end of the month.
Take care,