Thursday whats Happening
I guess we all need to be a little more aware of being more open and loving to everyone. I certainly never mean for any one to feel left out and alone on here. Thank you so many of you on the board and on email for all the love and support you showed me when you thought I was being attack. Made me feel very loved but on the other hand I'm sure it didn't make the person making the accusations feel really good. And I know that all of you don't want and wouldn't want to hurt anyone for anything. All of you that I know well are very loving and kind people. So I guess what we really need to learn here is that we all need to be aware of any new people that come onto the board and try to make them feel welcome as best we can.
Dannielle: thank you so much and am so glad that I can count on you to help welcome any new posters. Yes you will have to let us all get to know you a little better. I know that you are a very smart young lady and not afraid to go after what you think is right. With your standing up in front of the congress and speaking about insurance and wls. So let us learn more about you.
Sherr: thanks sweetie but I wasn't down about the email I just wanted all of us, myself included to start being a little more open and loving to new people on here.
I think Alan was having a problem with his knee. That is too bad, has an infection in it.
Yes I really am worried about Melissa. I certainly hope her body can get over this. Not good, not good.
Vesta: thanks are headed down to last stretch now for your surgery aren't you? A little over a month away wow. Can you believe it? Has your daughter come around to thinking this is a good thing yet?
Kathleen: sure hope you will forgive all of us and continue to be involved on this board. Let us know about you and what is going on in your life.
I don't see anyone feeling sorry for themselves and if they do we all gather round and pat and hug and then give them a boost on the back side to get them going again. Hope to see you on here again and often if possible.
Debbie M: Well how is the pity party coming along? Are you and wyno having a blast? Listening to music of only one person doesn't get too old does it?
I love the writing of the boxes. So true so true.
Yes im sure all of us really miss Marilyn and wish we could have talked to her a little more, said one more thing to her etc. That is why it is important when you do get on here even if it is just once a week or so that you say hello to the ones that are posting and the new ones. You never know what, when or where.
Lol I got tickled about your not remembering stuff. I think it is a pretty normal isn't it? Im sure you didn't hurt anyones feelings or at least I hope not. You are right. Feelings are all that a lot of us have right now. Hang in there and things will happen for you im sure. I would call Dena again on Friday to see if she had gotten the psych eval and if not I would immediately call that doc again.
Robin Nanette: Im sorry that you feel left out too. I don't know when you have been on that I or someone hasn't responded to you but welcome to the board and keep posting and everyone will get to know you. Maybe some people are more reserved than I am and don't know to just jump in with both feet and say something. Lol
Claudette: thanks for saying you would help with trying to answer to all new posters. That means a lot coming from the leader of our support group here in this corner of Mo. We know that we aren't all of Mo tho. And hopefully we don't give anyone that impression .
Andrew: hey guy I know you are glad that things are back to normal with the elect and all. We do have a camp stove but never seem to have any of the little propane bottles on hand when we need them lol
Sort of like we have oil lamps but never keep lamp oil on hand .lol Will put both of those on my list of supplies tho to be prepared for the next possible outage. We were very lucky that we didn't have even a few minutes of outage here.
I doubt if anyone has done as much walking this week as they had been doing. Lol too cold. Too slick too.
The carbs in the potatos probably did it for you on your blood sugar. The beans have good carbs so they are all right,. Switch to baked sweet potatoes. They are really good and I would rather have them than reg potatoes anyway,
Cathy W: well don't lurk come on in we really wont bite and promise we will all say hi. You will have to let us know what Dr. H. has to say.
Kat: hope you are feeling better now. I know it isn't easy but try to walk and try to not take pain meds other than Tylenol . the quicker you get off them the faster you will feel better.
Robin: we all hope to get to know you better too and hope you will become one of this group that every one speaks of but I know I do admire and love all of you .
I guess since everyone says im Mama Jan I will just close this by saying : All right kids quit your fussing and play well with each other. Lol
When one of you are in pain or hurt I do give more attention to that one at the present but that doesn't mean that I don't know or notice the others.
I think everyone on here is the same too.
So Robin and Kathleen be sure and come back and we will do our best to make you feel better and part of what ever group we might have.
Tony went for his pre ops today and said they said his blood pressure was too high and that he needed to go to pcp asap and get it under control before surgery.
So everyone pray for him that he can get that done before then.
Barbara T: Oh how wonderful to see you on the boards again. Please come back you can always just talk to me if you want to. I love and care about you and I miss you too. You are one of my August buddies . I too wonder what happened to Sweet Honey30 I know her husband was to be deployed right after her surgery wasn't he? Hopefully everything is ok with her. And she has all the support she needs without us.
Something I have noticed is that some people will come on here like the week before their surgery and as soon as surgery is over they never come back on again. I guess they don't need us or something. I have been on here since last January of 06 and didn't have surgery until Aug. and I don't see not coming on here. I have way too many friends here that I care what happens to them.
How is your husband doing now after his surgery?
How is the book coming along?
I still would love to read it when it is finished.
Like I said please start posting again I love and care about you. Hoping for a calmer and sweeter tomorrow.
Oh Sherr wanted to say what a neat idea that turned out to be about starting a thread of getting to know everyone again. Scott, Debbie D. Deanna Several others too but glad that you lurkers have came out of the lurking darkness and decided to come play with us. Keep it up .
Oh my gosh what a lovely new picture on Deanna on the post under Sherrs . I love it girl and what a hansome young man you have there.
Good morning.....Missouri......
I am at work this morning and just a little busy....I had my sleep study the other night and it was terrible...I didn't sleep and froze all night long....came to work yesterday and had a terrible day....I dropped my cell phone in the parking lot and it got run over, so I had to order a new phone and then on my way home a lady was on my side of the road and I hit a pothole and lost my hub cap....I am glad that that day is over......
I hope everyone has a wonderfully blessed day....I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon.....
Jan, can you please email me Melissa's numbers.....with my phone being run over I lost everything....and my SIMS card won't transfer to my new phone.....
Everyone stay encouraged.........
Remember HE is the reason for the season........
God bless
Well good morning ya'll,
Bbbbbrrrrrr It's pretty cold out this morning. The wind is even howling here. Gonna have a bit of a busy day today. Gotta go help set up the fellowship hall at church for our christmas dinner on saturday then come home and get my walk in then at 5pm I have the weight group I attend once a week. It's not a support group for bariatrics, its sorta like weigh****chers or something but based on the bible called "First Place" It's a pretty nice group, Im the only man tho LoL I figure it's something to attend to get a lil support in losing weight and all plus a good bible study.
Yeah Jan I threw the mashed taters out, no more of those. I like sweet taters so I'll see about buying a few at the store and maybe cooking one up, one should last a few meals since most of em are pretty good size. My sugar this morning is 178
since surgery its been running 110 - 130 so I dunno. If it keeps up like that I'll see what Dr. Hornbostel has to say about it on the 19th. Yesturday it was 190, after I went for my walk I checked it and it was 121 so maybe I gotta start walking more, i dunno.
Has anyone heard of Alan was admitted back to the hospital yesturday. He said he was going to the ER or his PCP to get the knee checked out and thought they'd put him back in a few days?
Well I gotta get my day started, hope everyone has a warm day.
Take care,

Went to the ER last night they cleaned out the hole in my knee,and it was deep,and about the size of a half dollar. They sent me home,and now I will have to start to go to the wound clinic at St. John's. I may have to go every day for awhile. The DR. said I must be very careful not to get any more infection in it or there is a very good chance I will lose my leg. I have an app tomorrow at 10 am and I will know more then. Alan
Happy Thursday everyone!
I'm going to really try to speak up more on the boards. I read, but don't usually respond because it's usually all I can do to find time just to read! Jan, I love how you see both sides of the issue with those who are feeling left out. Feelings are valid and I, for one, need to be more available to respond instead of silently feeling for people when they reach out on the boards.
I've been struggling with food choices. I'm not eating protein or good healthy foods like I should. It's like I've put myself on the back burner again. Only by the grace of God have I not put any of my weight back on. I am losing much more slowly now, but I'm glad I'm still losing anything at all. I am making a new committment today to come here for support and to be more conscious of my food choices.
Anyone heard from Wayne lately?

Momma Jan, does your hands ache from typing all of that ? LOL
I just dearly love you are a true mom, always fixing things...I admire you so much for having the strength.
I can not believe Alan's post...OH ALAN, we will all be thinking of you. Haven't heard anything from Melissa, and Janet is quite sick, she's who usually updates me on her and Mel Mel...
I know everyone around me is ill, and all my sleeping and keeping to myself is the only reason this is the first holiday that I have not been on death's door in 10 years... (((knock on wood)))
Went and got the locks trimmed today, and my hairdresser has been deathly ill for 8 days, today was the first day any of her voice would even come out.
Hope she didn't breathe on me....
My 36 year old younger sister is really sick too.....see, it's all around me...I think I am going to go to bed and hybernate for the rest of the year...

Ok, I guess I missed something judging from Jan's post and not being one the board a lot lately. Guess I will be doing some back reading.
I think one thing we all must remember is there are probably hundreds on the Missouri board and we are getting larger numbers and smaller bodies! I really don't believe that anyone would intentionally be ignored. Everyone on all of the boards have been truly wonderful sources of support. However, if I have inadvertently overlooked someone else in their time of need, I am sorry. As someone put it recently, "stop lurking and participate". Well, perhaps I have been "taking" more than "giving". So sorry, it is unintended.

Hi Jan and Everyone!
Been running most of the day taking care of errands and I've finally sat down before I start my dinner. I did email SweetHoney some time ago and she didn't reply but I'm still praying for her. Thank you for asking, my husband is better finally, his surgeon released him for work (light duty) and he's still doing his procedures to eliminate fluids but he really is better, Thank God. I'm just happy that he's still here with me.
My book is coming along and I WILL get it finished in this life time
I think I just need to be locked in a room with no distractions and no escape.
I do plan to fini**** soon though because people who know I'm writing are asking when are you going to be finished so we can see your secrets revealed
I have so many titles for other books to be written, but until I do this one I can't start another.
And oh yes Jan even if I don't post hardly anymore, I still pray when I read about what's going on with others, it doesn't cost anything to lift someone up in prayer and ask the Father for His blessings.
God bless and everyone have a great evening!
Barbara T.