Just sharing something I thought was cute!

Debbie M.
on 12/6/06 10:07 am - Harrisonville, MO
> RECALL NOTICE > >The Maker of all human beings >is recalling all units >manufactured, >regardless of make or year, >due to a serious defect >in the primary and central >component of the heart. > >This is due to a malfunction >in the original prototype units >code named Adam and Eve, >resulting in the reproduction >of the same defect >in all subsequent units. > >This defect has been >technically termed >"Subsequential Internal >Non-Morality," >or more commonly >known as >S.I.N., >as it is primarily >expressed.. > >Some other symptoms include: >1. Loss of direction >2. Foul vocal emissions >3. Amnesia of origin >4. Lack of peace and joy >5. Selfish or violent behavior >6. Depression or confusion >in the mental Component > 7. Fearfulness >8. Idolatry >9. Rebellion > >The Manufacturer, >who is neither liable nor at fault >for this defect, is providing >factory-authorized repair >and service free of charge >to correct this SIN defect. > >The Repair Technician, >Jesus, >has most generously offered >to bear the entire burden >of the staggering cost >of these repairs. > >There is no >additional fee >required. > >The number to call >for repair in all areas is: >1-800- P-R-A-Y-E-R. > >Once connected, >please upload >your burden of SIN >through the >REPENTANCE >procedure.. > >Next, download >ATONEMENT >from the Repair >Technician, Jesus, >into the heart component. > >No matter how big >or small the SIN defect is, >Jesus will replace it with: >1. Love >2. Joy >3. Peace >4. Patience >5. Kindness >6. Goodness >7.. Faithfulness >8. Gentleness >9. Self control > > Please see >the operating manual, >the B.I.B.L.E. >(Believers' Instructions Before Leaving Earth) >for further details >on the use of these fixes. > >WARNING: >Continuing to operate >the human being unit >without correction voids >any manufacturer warranties, >exposing the unit to dangers >and problems too numerous to list >and will result in >the human unit being >permanently impounded. > >DANGER: >The human being units >not responding to this recall action >will have to be scrapped in the furnace. > >The SIN defect >will not be permitted >to enter Heaven >so as to prevent >contamination >of that facility. > >Thank you >for your attention! > >GOD > >Please assist where possible >by notifying others >of this important >recall notice, >and you may contact >the Father any time by >"kneemail"
Jan C.
on 12/6/06 11:24 am - Cedar Creek, MO
love it Debbie.....thanks Jan
Andy W.
on 12/6/06 1:06 pm - Tulsa, OK
Thanks Deb for sharing that, Im sending that on to others!!! Susan says "Hi" Bless ya, Andrew
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