IDEA! Let's Do a Re-Introduction to Everyone? Whatcha Say?
This would help all the newbies that have come around recently....and it will also help the Blondies (ME) that are quite forgetful...
Hi, I am Sherr. My doctor was Dr. Ramashamy, out of Dr. Scott's Columbia Mo office, called, Missouri Bariatrics.
I had my RNY on 9/29/06, so I am post op, but still feel retarded about all of
I am 38 year old divorced mom of a teen ager (boy) and two 8 year old mini-poodles (Boyz too).....I am brain tumor survivor, and have degenerative arthritis, and and issue with a tear in my heart lining.....that HURTZ!! LOL
I lived in Atlanta for nearly 15 years, and was drug back to (Kennett - pop. 12,000)Southeast Missouri, kicking and screaming when I could no longer work as a Corp. Relationship Executive....
This time last year I was convinced I wanted to die. This spring, I decided I needed to live, and started my process in July, by attending that pre-requisite Seminar. I had my surgery 10 weeks later, and am now 9 weeks out.
I have gone from 278 to 211 (today) and want to get down to 170, well 150 would be nice,but 170 is realistic.
My BMI today is 33.0. If I hadn't had the surgery, I am convinced I wouldn't be here by 2007.

hello I am Vesta, and am pre-op, I have my testing the 28th of this mo. and if everything is ok I have my surgery the 9th of Jan.I am having Dr. Hornbostol at Sedalia, I think he is a great doctor, and he is a christain he prays before each surgery. I live in a little town in Mo. called Pomona it is close to West Plains, I am 66 years old, I have a wonderful husband Virgil, I am a retired beauty operator, and teacher.I have 6 children and 2 step children which seems like my own, One of my sons went to be with the Lord, it happened in a car wreck. I never got over that but I have overcome the pain a little. ...oh yes I have a beautiful dog named Sheba, and 2 cats called Bubby and sissy, they like it outside except when it is cold they come in. I am so glad to be on this forum, .......Vesta
Sounds like that might be a great idea Sherr: Im game. My name is Jan Cook or Mama Jan or Mimi which most people call me including my grandkids. I am 65 years old and had surgery august 14 2006 started out at 258 am down to 202 sort of at a stall i think. but have no qualms that it will start up again soon. Im married to Joe who is one of the great men of this world , just unreconized as such lol.
I have 3 kids 2 girls and a boy and 9 grand kids and 1 great grandchild and 2 more on the way. They just keep coming lol.
I worked at a nurse for years and years , had to quit when Hubby had a bad car vs semi truck accident in july of 99 and i couldnt work and care for him too. He is better now but still has lots of bad problems.
I besides being everyones mom i grow things ,mostly flowers. check out my web site at the bottom of my post here.
Before surgery i had high blood pressure and arthritis , got rid of the blood pressure but still have the arthritis. Hopefully bought myself some time with the weight loss. and wont have to have knee surgery untill maybe next year and hopefully not then.
I come from a fairly large family of 6 kids, 5 still living. there were 3 girls and 3 boys.
My mother and father are both dead just having lost my mom about 4 years ago. sure do miss her . guess we arent ever too old to need our mothers.
hopefully that is enough to get to know me some. Jan
Sounds like a good idea Sherr so here goes:
I am Colette and I live in Concordia, Mo. which is located right off Interstate between Kansas City and Columbial Mo. I had my rny a year ago and it is the best thing I have ever done. I am the eldest on here I think(69) but I am one who believes age is a state of the mind. I just celebrated my 50th wedding anniversary in June to the wonderful husband that God blessed me with. We have 6 grown beautiful children and 13 grandchildren. My husband is a retired Lutheran mininster and I am an RN. Incidentally I work anywhere from 24 to 40 hours per week. I try to be supportative on here and some days may miss due to my other responsibilities whi*****lude being active in church and doing things for my husband as he is unable to to do much due to his poor circulation. I love coming on this site and talking to all the wonderful people. If anyone needs help you can always email me too. Colette
Good idea Sherr,
My name is Tracey Bateman. I had surgery Feb 2, 2006. Amazing how fast this year has flown. I've lost about 119 lbs. since my highest weight. I still need to lose 24lbs to get to where I need to be. I'm already smaller than I ever thought I'd be at this weight. I started at 275. Was actually 288 at my highest. I'm down to 169 and need to be at 145. I'm 5'4
HI All- Im Robin, 35 years old, married and mother of a wonderful 12 year old boy who is my knight in shinning armour! I am a patient of Dr Hornbostel's and currently I am waiting for my surgery date. I'm pretty shy so I dont say much, but I definatly follow everyone and share their joys and down times. I have lurked through Craigs surgery, Jan, Marilyn
, Kat, and several others. I was overjoyed for Craig and Jans progress as well as saddened to tears to hear of Marilyn's horrible outcome. ( I do hope I got all the names right, I am real forgetful) Then theres Kat, Andrew, Veeta, I know Im missing more names. So you may not know me- but I know all of you! Lets see.... what else is there to know about me....I am on disabillity, so I dont work, Im terribly addicted to my computer, scrapbooking and love to curl up with a good book. I have little support besides my hubby and son- I am constinatly defending my decision to have WLS to my family- that gets real annoying!! Oh- I live in Rolla, not to near many of you I think. Anyway- this forum and the people in it have taught me alot about Bariatric Surgery and Id love to meet you all!!