OH Wow - I'm getting so excited/scared!!!
I know most of you on here will think I'm plumb silly.... but today I go for my first appt to see Dr H. and I am so excited. Finaly after all this time (since September) I'm finally here!
It just feels like it has been forever waiting and waiting - now all I have to do is HOPE & Pray that he says I can have the surgery (Please God - Please!) and it can be sooner than later... did I hear someone post recently that Dr. Hornbostel was backed up for surgeries until MARCH or LATER??? Oh Lord - I'm going to need help with some big time prayers to help me get that much farther on my own. I live in a world of Chronic Pain from a car accident, way back in the early 80's. I've had all the surgeries my back will allow -
now its up to me to get this weight off of me so my back doesn't collapse any more than it already has
. I've collected all my medical records, and more than enough people sent letters in saying this surgery is my Last & Only hope of recovery (as far as my back pain goes). I know If the weight were gone I wouldn't be in so much PAIN... but....I'm terrified that when I see Dr H. this afternoon at 3:00 pm, he will say "Nope you're not a candidate - Go Home".
Oh golly guys I'm...Shakin in my Boots....
Pat B

I will Sherr - I'm so nervous... does he ever tell people they Aren't candidates? After going through all this - if he does I will just cry. I know I will... His requirments are too bad though I had to do 6 weeks in house relaxation therapy for my 2nd to last back surgery - just to "Get my Head on straight for such a Major surgery" My surgeon insisted on my attending the Lemons Center for 6 weeks, 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. - So I got them to send a psyche eval early on - I mean 6 weeks in Overland Park? At the time I lived in Hamilton MO way Up north of the city, so I had to rent a room down there and everything.... then the back surgery failed and not 10 months later they had to go back in and REDO the whole surgery AGAIN.... so I can get myself together its just a real strain anymore. That and I am just so tired of hurting 24/7 it wears ya down. Ya Know?
Pat B.
Hi Gretta. I had my RNY on 9/29/06, so I am post op, but still feel retarded about all of this...lol
I am 38 year old divorced mom of a teen ager (boy) and two 8 year old mini-poodles (Boyz too).....I am brain tumor survivor, and have degenerative arthritis, and and issue with a tear in my heart lining.....that HURTZ!! LOL
I lived in Atlanta for nearly 15 years, and was drug back to Southeast Missouri, kicking and screaming when I could no longer work as a Corp. Relationship Executive....
THis time last year I was convinced I wanted to die. This spring, I decided I needed to live, and started my process in July, by attending that pre-req Seminar. I had my surgery 10 weeks later, and am now 9 weeks out.
I have gone from 278 to 211 (today) and want to get down to 170, well 150 would be nice,but 170 is realistic.
My BMI today is 33.0. If I hadn't had the surgery, I am convinced I wouldn't be here by 2007.
God bless you too!
Hi Sherr it is great to meet you. I am 32 year old who is about 270. I want to be about 170 as well but yeah 150 would be great!!!! I am married but am not liking my husband these days since he is so unsupportive of me and having this surgery. I am already scared things might go wrong so it stresses me out to think if something does go wrong he will say " told ya so". Well anyway I have lived in Missouri for 8 years. I am from California. I met my husband while visiting friends here and moved here a year later. So I was pretty much dragged here as well. So how did your surgery go? Have you had any complications?
I am a mother of three one girl and two boys. There ages are 12,11,6 They are my life so I am so scared something will happen to me and leave them behind. Its really hard to live pretty much only for your children. Well take care
Hi Greta - Nope I haven't had the surgery YET I had my first meeting with the Dr after I went to the Seminar last September... it feels like Forever I'll tell you.
I want it done last week. But alas here I am still waiting. Doc said he had to get some records from one of my surgeries in Chillicothe, MO then maybe they can schedule me but I am so tired of waiting. Geeeez. Patience is a virtue I still haven't aquired.
So I ask for Prayers... they help calm me and give me hope.
Where are you from? Anywhere close to Clinton, MO.?? I'm still looking for a group near me... I can't drive so it makes it really hard. I live and breathe on the computer.
See ya around the board!