OH Wow - I'm getting so excited/scared!!!

Patricia B.
on 12/6/06 12:10 am - Clinton, MO
I know most of you on here will think I'm plumb silly.... but today I go for my first appt to see Dr H. and I am so excited. Finaly after all this time (since September) I'm finally here! It just feels like it has been forever waiting and waiting - now all I have to do is HOPE & Pray that he says I can have the surgery (Please God - Please!) and it can be sooner than later... did I hear someone post recently that Dr. Hornbostel was backed up for surgeries until MARCH or LATER??? Oh Lord - I'm going to need help with some big time prayers to help me get that much farther on my own. I live in a world of Chronic Pain from a car accident, way back in the early 80's. I've had all the surgeries my back will allow - now its up to me to get this weight off of me so my back doesn't collapse any more than it already has . I've collected all my medical records, and more than enough people sent letters in saying this surgery is my Last & Only hope of recovery (as far as my back pain goes). I know If the weight were gone I wouldn't be in so much PAIN... but....I'm terrified that when I see Dr H. this afternoon at 3:00 pm, he will say "Nope you're not a candidate - Go Home". Oh golly guys I'm...Shakin in my Boots.... Help? Pat B
Blondie **
on 12/6/06 12:41 am - Mean People Suck, MO
Pat, make sure you come back and let us know how it goes okay???? We will all be wondering til you post again! Sherr
Patricia B.
on 12/6/06 12:55 am - Clinton, MO
I will Sherr - I'm so nervous... does he ever tell people they Aren't candidates? After going through all this - if he does I will just cry. I know I will... His requirments are too bad though I had to do 6 weeks in house relaxation therapy for my 2nd to last back surgery - just to "Get my Head on straight for such a Major surgery" My surgeon insisted on my attending the Lemons Center for 6 weeks, 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. - So I got them to send a psyche eval early on - I mean 6 weeks in Overland Park? At the time I lived in Hamilton MO way Up north of the city, so I had to rent a room down there and everything.... then the back surgery failed and not 10 months later they had to go back in and REDO the whole surgery AGAIN.... so I can get myself together its just a real strain anymore. That and I am just so tired of hurting 24/7 it wears ya down. Ya Know? Pat B.
Blondie **
on 12/6/06 4:49 am - Mean People Suck, MO
Hey Pat, I am sorry, but I used the people in Columbia, but I know there are LOTS of folks that have used Dr. H that might be able to tell you. I went to Missouri Bariatrics in Columbia, MO. I do know what you mean about the pain....I was right there with you!!! 278/211/170 Sherr
on 12/6/06 6:22 am
Hi my name is Gretta and I am trying to get to know ppl. I have seen you reply to alot of ppl and am wondering about you. Have you had the surgery and if so tell me the deets, well god bless you and take it easy GRetta
Blondie **
on 12/6/06 7:12 am - Mean People Suck, MO
Hi Gretta. I had my RNY on 9/29/06, so I am post op, but still feel retarded about all of this...lol I am 38 year old divorced mom of a teen ager (boy) and two 8 year old mini-poodles (Boyz too).....I am brain tumor survivor, and have degenerative arthritis, and and issue with a tear in my heart lining.....that HURTZ!! LOL I lived in Atlanta for nearly 15 years, and was drug back to Southeast Missouri, kicking and screaming when I could no longer work as a Corp. Relationship Executive.... THis time last year I was convinced I wanted to die. This spring, I decided I needed to live, and started my process in July, by attending that pre-req Seminar. I had my surgery 10 weeks later, and am now 9 weeks out. I have gone from 278 to 211 (today) and want to get down to 170, well 150 would be nice,but 170 is realistic. My BMI today is 33.0. If I hadn't had the surgery, I am convinced I wouldn't be here by 2007. God bless you too! Sherr
on 12/6/06 8:59 am
Hi Sherr it is great to meet you. I am 32 year old who is about 270. I want to be about 170 as well but yeah 150 would be great!!!! I am married but am not liking my husband these days since he is so unsupportive of me and having this surgery. I am already scared things might go wrong so it stresses me out to think if something does go wrong he will say " told ya so". Well anyway I have lived in Missouri for 8 years. I am from California. I met my husband while visiting friends here and moved here a year later. So I was pretty much dragged here as well. So how did your surgery go? Have you had any complications? I am a mother of three one girl and two boys. There ages are 12,11,6 They are my life so I am so scared something will happen to me and leave them behind. Its really hard to live pretty much only for your children. Well take care Gretta
Patricia B.
on 12/6/06 9:51 am - Clinton, MO
Hi Greta - Nope I haven't had the surgery YET I had my first meeting with the Dr after I went to the Seminar last September... it feels like Forever I'll tell you. I want it done last week. But alas here I am still waiting. Doc said he had to get some records from one of my surgeries in Chillicothe, MO then maybe they can schedule me but I am so tired of waiting. Geeeez. Patience is a virtue I still haven't aquired. So I ask for Prayers... they help calm me and give me hope. Where are you from? Anywhere close to Clinton, MO.?? I'm still looking for a group near me... I can't drive so it makes it really hard. I live and breathe on the computer. See ya around the board! Pat
on 12/6/06 10:06 am
Hi Pat I live in Sedalia thats not to far from Clinton. Did you hear from the doc yet? Gretta
D. Robertson
on 12/6/06 11:39 am - Joplin, MO
Welcome to the Missouri board ! We are happy to have you. Ask any questions you want . There are a lot of great resources and experience here. Dannielle
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