First goal met
Well I met my first goal today, I am now under the 500 pound mark. I weighted in at 496 this morning. that is a total of 48 pounds lost so far. What makes this amazing is that I haven't been able to get much exercise because I developed an bad infection in my right knee. I spent 3 day in the hospital. My knee was the size of a basketball. So I have had to spend most of my time in bed. To make matters worse Sunday night my knee started draining all kinds of nasty stuff. I am going to the ER in a few hours for them to look at it as per my PCP. Chances are I will be admitted again. As far as my WLS I am not having any trouble with that part of it. I will update latter Alan
WOO HOO buddy, way to go. I'm so sorry about your knee but know they'll get it under control. Hope you don't have to stay too long in the hospital but you have so much to celebrate about the weight loss you probably will drive them crazy. Hope you are out and able to come on the 18th. I know that 48 pound loss will really be showing now, just think, that's twice what you'd lost the last time we all saw you.
Wow, 48 pounds.....GREAT! Wasn't your total just 26 pounds at the meeting? Or am I all mixed up? Either way, so glad you are seeing the weight fall off.
Not so good to hear about that knee though. Ouch! I hope they get it taken care of soon and hopefully you can be at the meeting on the 18th.
Keep us updated,