Hello All- I thought Id post a reply I had to a email I received since so you all can see that I meant no offence to anyone and dont care to start any trouble.... I was just saying that I felt very similiar to the poster. Email follows:
Thank you __________- and you have no need to apologize. I do understand that when you have friends on a board, then thats who you talk to. You all sure do have a close, tight nit, and supportative group and thats really neat. It is hard not to feel left out of it all! I dont post often, as I said, I mainly lurk. I dont think nasty emails are what is needed, as that person did, but I posted because I felt I oughtta state that I often felt that way too- although Id NEVER call someone out on it! I learn just as much from this board as just reading it. We are all human and we all need to love and support each other, WLS is a big life changing event and we all need someone from time to time. Anyway, thank you for repling and I hope to get to know you better in the future. Robin
Robin & Barb T....and anyone else that might want a hug.....
I "originally" thought someone had hurt Momma Jan's feelings, and she is my one constant on here...if I am not feeling well, and don't come around a few days, it's Momma J that asks about me.....she makes me feel love and support.
A LOT of us are pre-surgery or newbie post surgery folks, and I have to tell you guys, I am not quite 9 weeks post op, and due to other health issues, there are days that I feel really, really bad, and sleep. Heck one day last week, I slept 20 hours in one day.
I know what it is like to be a "Fatt Chick"...coming here wanting to badly to fit it....because I am, did, and do.....LOL
Sometime you might have to bean one of us in the head with an acorn or walnut, or ask your question, state your issue a second time, but I swear to you, it is not done intentionaly.
We are mostly women, (and a few fellas, love you Craig, Andrew and Alan) we are all ages, from early 30s to mid 60s, married, divorced, and all in between. We live all over Missouri, and some of us work more than full time.
Please "Toss that Walnut" at us, if we don't help you on the first try, and do NOT GIVE UP! This is a very loving supportive group.....
And I am sending you TWO HUGS each...