Is it Wednesday already? Good grief. Weeks are going by fast aren't they? Well my son came down to work on putting my computer and another one together and guess what? My hard drive on the old one was fried I lost all sorts of stuff. That will teach me to not make cd backup. Now I have no email addresses and all my recent pictures are gone. All except what I have put on my web site. And about 3 years ago when I purchased this computer I had the store that I bought it from to put all the pictures that I had at that time on cds for me so I could transfer them to my new computer.
So if all of you would please send me your new email addresses so I can put them into my file again. This time I bought me a new address book and I will also write them down in that ...back ups back up. Never again will I be caught without backups.
I did get my new wireless keyboard and mouse installed though . I love them when I get tired of sitting here I can even put my keyboard on my lap and type lol pretty neat don't know how far away I could get and still keep typing lol ok but have to keep facing the computer. I also wonder how long these batteries will last. Note to self buy large bunch of double a batteries.
Oh our poor Melissa....everyone we need to really hold her up in prayer. This is getting so bad that she is so sick. I hope her pcp understands about all of her problems. Please Dear God grant our sweet Melissa the ability for her body to heal itself.
Claudette: who else is having surgery besides Kat the other day and Tony on the 12th and Lana on the 26th" is there someone else I am missing. I thought I had them all written down.
What was Alan's setback I hadn't heard? Is he ok? I hope he is well and getting on his feet.
I am excited about getting to come to group soon again. I wish we could at least get together twice a month. Once a month is just not enough lol
Rachael: if you hear anymore at all from Melissa please let us know. I knew I had tried to call her and got no response too. Tell her if you hear from her that we are all praying for her.
Collette: yuck on the colonoscopy. I had one done before my wls and hope I don't have another one in a long while. Lol
I only had to drink a small bottle of magnesium citrate though before mine. You sure get these doctors that like that big jug of stuff don't you? I hope it will all come out ok I the end!!!! Lol
I'm glad that things are getting back to normal up there since the snow.
Yes I made some of the protein ball and I already need to make another batch. I'm going to experiment a little and add some sugar free nesquick to part of them what do you think? Maybe be like peanut butter cups. Lol
Andrew: my man good to see you back on line. I don't know if I could go that long without power or not. Wow.
Yeah it will take you most of a day to read and catch up on everything that has been going on.
How are you doing otherwise with your walking? Have you weighted anymore since last week? Don't fret about weight it will come off may be slow at first maybe fast doesn't matter it will come off.
Debbie: so now we know why your husband wasn't allowed to help name any of his other children. Lol
Most guys come up with silly names. My nephew and his wife were expecting and it was going to be a boy and he kept coming up with names like bow hunter
And deerstalker. She told him finally that no they weren't Indian and she wasn't naming her child an Indian name. He finally did talk her into Hunter .lol
Nothing wrong with Indian names if you are of Indian heritage but she was Swedish and he was only about 1/20 Indian lol
I think Wyno is sort of a cute name unless you say it like wino lol just call her the whole name I'm sure Wynona wouldn't mind having a bird named after her could be a lot worse. Lol
I got an email yesterday that stated that I was not very nice really. Said we played favorites on here and we had ignored them when they tried to post. That very few of us had ever responded to her. I emailed her back and apologized for any rudeness that she felt she had suffered. I truly am sorry. I wouldn't intentionally hurt anyone's
feelings for anything in the world. And I try to answer everyone who posts but I know that I miss a lot of people that don't post on my thread. So if anyone is feeling like I have hurt you or slighted you i'm really sorry and I will try to do better from now on.
I know as do most that you would never intentionally ignore anyone. I feel bad that it was perceived that way by a member of our board. They say perception is everything and I have to remind myself that. It is not only on your shoulders to respond to everyone on this board even though you are "MOMMA JAN". We should all try a little harder to respond and make others feel welcome.
I personally ,am a "lurker"
. I'm on this site 2-3 times a day
and for hours at a time but I don't post that often. I have to remind myself that people on here don't know me like I feel like I know them because I read their posts everyday and they have nothing from me to get to know.Maybe that is the case here or maybe not. Either way I promise to try my best to help you make others feel welcome and included.
I think you are a sweet
and we are so lucky to have you on this board.

Momma Jan & Co.
Just read your post Momma J, and I am not as kind hearted as you. If the person that sent Jan that rude email is lurking, I have a little advice for you. "YOU GET OUT OF IT WHAT YOU PUT INTO IT"....and secondly, stop feeling sorry for yourself.
Good Lord, we are all adults, and for a grown woman to tell someone as sweet, kind and compassionate as Jan that she is "not a nice person"....GET OVER YOURSELF.....Jan doesn't get paid to be out "Shrink, Mom or Nurturer"...she does it because she is a GOOD PERSON....
Momma J, don't let people with "issues" get you down, you help so many of us. That was very unkind of that poster.
I didn't know Alan was having an issue, can someone clue me in????
I talked to Mel last night, she sounds so weak, it made me very sad. Janet C. had her one week check up back in Columbia yesterday, haven't talked to her to see how she did. Will keep you guys posted when I know anything.
Jan, dont worry about that, you are good about keeping up with our friends, and letting us know there is someone out there that cares because you take the time to do so, this board is for everyone to be involved, and everyone posts and sometimes dont get a responce, but they need to offer there help too..Jan keep up the good work...Love ya and everyone on here.....God bless
I wasnt talking about Jan in particular, I was talking about the whole bunch of you. Everyone on here only converse with just the people that you see at your support meeting. I for one am not driving 8 hours ( 4 one way) just to go to a meeting. We have all had the surgery, or waiting to. We can all put in comments on things. But ones on here that post everyday, wont responsed to anyone that just post once in a while. I cant be on this board 24/7 so I cant post that often. That shouldn't exclude me from being a part of this "so called" family.
You are right we are all adults or at least most of us are. Some I dont know about. I dont have to get over myself, because I FEEL GOOD ABOUT MYSELF THANK YOU ANYWAY. I sure dont feel sorry for myself, I believe it is this board that feels sorry for theirselves.
Thank you
Well, Jan never told anyone who sent her the email. And I don't recall you being excluded.
I have to tell you, I went to the seminar, all doctor's appointments and even went to the hospital for surgery without anyone at all. I am no longer married, and my parents couldn't/wouldn't come to Columbia. Yet, I still put myself through all of the steps for one reason. I was dying without this surgery. My drive to Columbia takes from 6.5 to 9 hours the day I drove myself home after my one week follow up appointment, each way.
I live probably the farthest away from most everyone, and have never gone to a support meeting. I live on the AR & TN state lines, and am all alone down here in Southeast Missouri.
I don't know how much more of an "island" a person could actually be doing this journey, but I have to tell you, I have met some incredible people, some in person, and some just here.
A lot of us are on here so much because we are so ill we no longer work. This is our interaction with other humans. You are fortunate for having a such a full life to not have the need to come here so much. Others of us here at OH are not as lucky.
Had I not came here, I would have never learned the steps, testing requirments, doctor options, pre and post tips and I'd still be totally alone.
I have been alone since I was 17 (excluding a short, horrible marriage) and sometimes it's a lot to carry on my shoulders especially when I am sick.
IF you need help, ASK us of us will help you....
im sorry you feel that way Kathleen, no we dont only converser with only the ones we see at our support meeting. over half of them dont live anywhere near Springfield. I really am sorry that you have felt slighted and im sure that no one intended to make you feel badly. Give us another chance and im sure that there will be people that you can connect with. All of us dont connnect with each and every person on here.
I didnt intend to make it sound like you had attack me only but i didnt want to hurt others feelings by saying that you included all of them in it. I was taking the resposnsiblitly on myself for not making you feel like you were welcome. You most certainly are welcome as is everyone else.
I know there are a lot of S. W Mo. people on here but there is also a lot of S. E. mo people and North Mo and central mo too. I would say that more than half of them are not people that we see each other monthly. I dont know if we were all preocupied with the death of a good woman or with others having problems or not but what ever the reason for ignoring you I truely am sorry and would love to have the opportunity to make ammends to you. Jan
Well, I can't speak for everyone on here but I for one AM feeling sorry for myself and before this is over I may even have a "pity party"
Care to come?
Seriously though, I have said on here many times that whenever we have a problem, God sends us little notes or some sign that things will be okay and I usually post them for all to see. Here is one I got just now, I choose to share with EVERYONE on the board...Thank you, for your time!
I have in my hands two boxes,
Which God gave me to hold.
He said, "Put all your sorrows in the black box,
And all your joys in the gold."
I heeded His words, and in the two boxes,
Both my joys and sorrows I stored,
But though the gold became heavier each day,
The black was as light as before.
With curiosity, I opened the black,
I wanted to find out why,
And I saw, in the base of the box, a hole,
Which my sorrows had fallen out by.
I showed the hole to God, and mused,
"I wonder where my sorrows could be!"
He smiled a gentle smile and said,
"My child, they're all here with me.."
I asked God, why He gave me the boxes,
Why the gold and the black with the hole?
"My child, the gold is for you to count your blessings,
The black is for you to let go."
We should consider all of our friends a blessing.
Send this to a friend today just to let them know you
are thinking of them and that they are a joy in your life.
A ball is a circle, no beginning, no end.
It keeps us together like our Circle of Friends.
But the treasure inside for you to see,
Is the treasure of friendship you've granted to me.
Jan, your doing fine, keep up the great work! No one said you have to keep track of everyone on here! I know I couldn't do it and I know many others that wouldn't even want to try! As for the people that feel left out, I'm sorry! I do believe though that Jan has said if you want her to reply you need to write a little something on the "What's Happening" post! More or less, if you aren't right there, you may get missed or she may not know the answer to your question, she make not know you that well which means you have to apply yourself more, try harder, bring something to the table! Doing what you have already done may of offended people on here and that's not a good thing to do! You may be ignored NOW, I pray not!
Sometimes, I feel a little left out too but look at all the people that we reply to, especially Jan..... shes not God, the herd gets a little big sometimes....give her a break! If I am the one ignoring people, all I can say is your lucky if I can remember your name much less what has been talked about on here! I have been such a mess lately, I consider myself lucky if I can remember how to sign on! I use to not have to sign in. I just clicked on my OH fav spot and here I was, now sometimes they want me to sign in and usually I can't remember my passwords or name and the I usually have to go back pages to catch up on what everyone was talking about that morning! I do believe that there are some SLIGHT cliks but all that is, is people who went to the seminars together or had surgeries close together. I just lost my very first friend on here "Marilyn." We had talked many times on here and we were to meet up at the seminar on the fourth of July of this year! I found out later that she was sitting in front of me! Oh, how I wish I could go back in time to that night! I would of done whatever I had to, to find her! I would of gave her the biggest hug, ever! I can't do that now and I miss her terribly! I still have a few friends from the seminar but most of them have already had their wls and have moved on, so I talk to anyone who will listen or to the board, if need be. The one that I really want to hear me is Jesus and I don't have to type or say a word, He knows what I need, when I need it!
Something else everyone need to take into consideration if the health of the people on here! We all haven't had surgeries, some may not even get them and not by their choice! What about those that suffer from so many of the co-morbid symptoms? Not eveyone is bright and cheery when they get on here and I for one wouldn't ask them to be....Lord knows, I can't be!
With all the experience you have, why don't you help pick up some of the slack, answers some of the questions coming in, make yourself available! Help pray for "people that are feeling sorry for themselves" or introduce yourself to the newbies, get to know everyone, not just the veterans! Learn how the website works and help people that way! The good Lord knows, someone needs to know it! Hope I didn't offend anyone or make anything worse, I don't want to hurt anyones feelings.....that seems to be all most of us have anymore!! Love & Prayers to ALL, Deb