I'm really starting to get a "Charlie Brown" complex here!!
Hubby called just now, just out of a meeting. As of Jan 1st, his company is changing insurances! I know that medicare will take of most of the billing but with just the switch over for my primary insurance Coventry to Aethna (sp?) ....will it start my hurdles all over again or what?

I tried calling the shrink that I saw to put a rush on my report to get this surgery over with but he stepped out of his office and won't be bac****il tomorrow! Can you say "CALL HIM AT HOME!"
I get a call from Dena today, details are in another post from today if you want to read it. I thought for sure, this was "the call" and all it was for is Dena checking with me to see if I have had my shrink exam yet...yes Dena, I just called you about it yesterday! She told me that their is another patient that is using the same shrink and that they are waiting on that report as well!
Please, oh please don't make me have to start this all over again!! I think I'm gonna need my kneepads for this one!!
Don't mine me guys, just using this for a sounding board!! I will be fine! 
Love & Prayers, Deb M.

Hi Debbie:
Sorry to hear about your problems. Just wanted to let you know I had Aetna Insurance in 2003 when I had my surgery and they paid for the entire surgery. I did not have to have a phych exam. Just documented diet. It only took 3 weeks to be approved. Unless they have changed. You can go on their website and see what their requirements are. Good Luck. Are you going to Sedalia on the 19th for the meet up?
hugs; Barbara
I went to GOOGLE and typed in Aetna and went to the listing that said let the Aetna Navigator -I went to the right side where it says "not enrolled in a plan " and clicked go find a doc.Then I went to the right side and clicked "Take a tour of the site".You'll get a seach bar at the upper right hand side. Type in gastric bypass and it gives you a list which at the top is Obesity surgergy-click that.
There it will give you a lot of info. on what can be covwered depending o yuor specific plan and what criteria must be met to get approval.
It's very informative and well laid out. Especially since you don't have to have a plan yet to get the requirement info. Your plan may or may not exclude WLS all together,but if it doesn't then you know what you need.
Hope it helps,