Melissa Update
Melissa just called me and she is at home.....She went to the hospital ER to see if they would admit her and they wouldn't....they basically told her that the problem started with Columbia and that is where she needed to go back to.....Well she is not well enough to make that long ride back to Columbia....So she is on her way to see her primary doctor...Of course, the nurse in me was giving her all kinds of instructions to tell the doctor.....She has been vomitting all weekend and can not keep anything down....So let's just keep her in our prayers....She promised to call me as soon as she is done at the doctor's office to let me know exactly what is going on....
God bless
I am talking Melissa as I am typing....The doctor increased her Lasix to 40mg twice a day until Friday. He told her that she should notice a difference by Friday and if she doesn't to return on Friday, if there is a difference then she is to return in one week...He also put her Reglan to help with her nausea.....Reglan will help her tremendously because it reduces the gastric acids......Just continue to keep her in your prayers....
I told her to have her DH type a little message on here for her.....another words be her secretary.....hehe
God bless everyone.......