good morning everyone. how goes it with your world today. So far so good. lol I think we got our truck fixed for under 100.00 can you believe that? I cant. Thank You God. It was the coil on number one cylinder or so we think anyway. The mechanic checked it on the computer and showed Joe and told him how to fix it so he did it himself and saved a bunch of money. lol
Andrew: are you still without power? I see where there are a lot of people in the St. Louis area that are still without power . that must really be bad to be without elect this long. We keep thinking about buying a generator but just havent , one of these days will come a time that we wish we had one I know.
Sherr: sounds like your town at least is bigger than ours. lol You have a good choice of dollar stores. I really like Freds we dont have one of those here lol
Im Glad that Janet is doing good. Tell her to just hang in there it will get better. and the sooner you can do without pain meds the faster you will heal .
Tracey: great to see you on here again. Now how did you find out that you didnt dump on sugar? You shouldnt have tried it you know. I have a feeling i wont so im not going to try it to see. because if i dont dump then i will be at it like i was before. NO WAY.
So you dont get to wait to write when the new idea**** you ? That just makes it like too much work . They only let you off for 10 days. do you come up with all the ideas for books or do they give you a guide line and you have to make them work?
I hope i can catch you on the tv in this next week. i forgot about it last night i hope it wasnt on then.
Rachael: sounds like you have been pretty busy at work. Melissa must have gone into the hospital . I hope she gets better soon. She has been thru so much lately
I know what you mean about getting cold and it is a bone chilling cold too.
Debbie M: so glad that you are feeling better. LOL i like the name you came up with on the bird. Funny.
Dont give up on the wls. it will happen but i think you need to get onto your psych person and tell them that it has been three weeks and he said he would have it done and sent to them by that amount of them. tell him that it is important that he get that done soon for you. Have Dena to call him for you. maybe she can get him to move his butt.
will pray that you find a way to get him to move ,
Well this is fairly short today i think alot of people are still covered by ice and snow. Hope everyone is doing ok.
I have been up since 4 am this morning and i am really tired so i am going to post this and go to bed and try to sleep all night. i have been having a lot of problems sleeping all night again. i wake up so stiff that it feels like my bones are going to break when i try to move them. Dont know if it is the weather or what but i dont like it not one little bit lol.
Hope to have my computer back tomorrow with all my addresses and such on it.
no his office isnt in the hospital
http://obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/forums/?ID=1029790705 this is the formum where you can get all sorts of infor about where the office is and anything else. You can register on here as a member too. etc. Jan
Just a quick hello to all my fellow Missorians......
Yet another busy day ahead of me.....Lots of soldiers to take care of.....Then tonight I have to go have a sleep study done in Rolla.....It was originally scheduled for next week but they had a cancellation tonight.......So I asked my parents to keep my son and my daughter is going to stay with her daddy and he will take her to daycare in the morning.....As soon as I am done in the morning got to run home and take a shower and then off to work.....I can not believe it is only 20 days until Christmas......
If anyone hears from Melissa please let me know....I will try and call the Joplin hosptial today and check on her.....
To all the preops: I am wishing all of you as much success as I have had.....My favorite motto to tell all preops is "If God brought you to it, He will get you through it!" This is a motto that I live by every single day of my life....Because without Him I am nothing......With Him in my life I am everything especially to those who love me the most like my hubby, son and daughter and of course my step daughter.....
To all the post-ops: Let's continue to encourage one another.....We are making a big happy family here on Obesity Help...Maybe someday soon I will be able to bring my sister and myself to a support group meeting in Springfield....BTW, my sister has lost 59 pounds....I am so very proud of her.....I am glad that she is going to make this second chance on life work for her and her two beautiful children.....
God bless to everyone and may God keep you in His arms always.....
Rachael Medinger

Good Morning everyone,
I have skipped a day or so do to the snow. Last weekend was so hard as we had a lot of call ins at work and when you work in a nursing home it is 24/7 coverage. Needless to say I had 10 hours of overtime. We do what we have to do. And on top of that my administrator was out of town all week so I was in total charge. Sunday I got away early enough to sing with the choir at another nursing home and that nite I went to bed at 800pm which is unusual for me and slept till 600am.
Dumb question - Is Melissa back in hospital again??? Prayers are out to everyone having problems or surgeries.
We did make it to the airport to pick up our truck. The snow was horrible until we hit 291 north past the casino and no snow the last 30 minutes. But it was 1 1/2 hours each way. I think that helped me be so tired too on top of everything else.
I would like you all to say a prayer for me. I am having a colonoscopy tomorrow morning(a rountine exam) My doctor wants me to have one as I have a family history of colon cancer - my mom died with it. I am having no problems or anything but one still gets nervous. WORST OF ALL, ii get to drink that big jug again. yuck!!!!!
I had choice of pills but they are like horse pills and I would have to swallow 4 pills every 15 minutes with 8 oz of water, until 20 were gone. And again I would repeat it at 600 with taking 12 more. I thought that would not work with my pouch. So I will hold my nose and drink. I am gagging just thinking about it. My test is tomorrow morning at 915. Will post when I get home.
Claudette, the protein balls are great, have not tried anything else. Today I am on clear liquids again for the day.
Everyone have a great day. Love you all!! Colette
Well goodmorning ya'll...
We FINALLY got out power back yesturday evening. I was sooooooo GLAD to see the lights come back on. Being without power 6 nights is a bummer lol But we survived with flying colors lol Sure got cold a few nights and we huddled up with the two pups in bed and all kept warm. We are pretty lucky tho, beings we live out in the country a bit we are on a different power line then Pilot Knob or Ironton, both of them are STILL without power, yikes!! Just as soon as got power on we called my wifes brother, they been without also, so now they are here getting warm and having hot showers until their power comes on. Im so surprised we even had cable and internet lol. Thank You Jesus!!!
Looks like the board has been pretty busy, I'll get time later on today or tomorrow and get caught up. I just wanted to write and let ya's know we survived and finally have power again.
I just read Rachel's comment that she's gonna call the Joplin hospital and see how Melissa is?? Is she back in the hospital??
Have a great day ya'll, I'll write more after while, my 12 year old nephew is buggin me to play on the puter lol ugh!! lol
Morning All!
Welcome back Andrew & Susan, we missed ya's...we know what that's like without power. I always have lots of candles, lanterns, flashlights (backup batts), blankets and water...you name it because you never know! It helps that our heater, water heaters, oven and stove run on propane.
LOL Jan...I'm not sure I'm going to name the bird that! It was an idea of a name...I can just see my pastor walking in here and saying...aww, nice bird, what's it's name? ......um, wyno?? It was hard enough introducing him to my son.
The naming of my son came from the fact that my hubby has been married 3 times and had a son by each of his wives and had never been allowed any part in naming his children so, dumb dumb me said I will let you help in the naming of ours. Needless to say, at the time, we were not saved. Hubby came up with several names, some I will not even repeat on here. He then said how about "Jack Daniels"....I thought for a moment, grined my teeth, squirmed and wiggled then said not Jack Daniels, would you settle for "Jason Daniels?"...and so it was until I went back to church and brought the whole clan and I intoduced everyone!! I never even thought about it until my pastor made a remark about the name...Jason Daniels, huh?
All, I can say is "Thank you Lord for giving me a pastor with a sense of humor!!"....lol It turns out though, that there is a very good pastor, named Jack Daniels down in Southern MO.
As for the shrink eval, Jan....I had already called Dena, she was the one that had me call the shrink, saying that maybe I could light a fire under his butt. I'm just ready to scream over all this!! I DO think it would help my nerves some!!
Well, that's all for now...be safe! Love & Prayers, Deb M