Doing pretty well....
Hello everyone. I just decided to give everyone an update. I am not doing to bad, but I think I can be doing better. As you have all read, I am determined when it comes to my recovery. I was up and walking the day of surgery and I was very determined to go home on Saturday. Now that I am home, the exhaustion is kicking in. I walked yesterday at Wal-Mart in Sedalia after I got discharged while waiting for my perscription. Well, that didn't happen today. I was so tired I slept most of the day. I would get up and walk around the house for a little bit, make some broth, have a little bit of that, and then sit down. I would fall asleep on the couch. I want to think I am so tired because of the fact that it was a huge disaster getting to Sedalia and back home again. We stayed at Julia's house the night before surgery and we had to dig out the Durango the next morning. My poor husband also had to get out a few times and get us "unstuck". The poor man's pants were soaked from the knee down. I felt really bad putting him through all of that just so I could have my surgery. He was so determined to get me there because he knew how bad I wanted it. I couldn't have asked for more. Since he went though so much to get me to the hospital, I was going to do everything to make it work. This is where I got disappointed with myself today. I didn't get up and walk as much as I should have. I guess I will get back up on my feet soon. I will tell you what, this surgery has been an interesting adventure. I am still having a hard time understanding and feeling when I am full. I do not drink an ounce every 15 min, I sip all day. I know I am not overdoing it on the liquids, though. I have had about 20-30 ounces today. It is very hard. All I want to do is chug the water. I feel so thirsty. I am proud of the fact that I have not had an urge to have soda. That is all I drank before surgery. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind it, but I just don't want it, if that make sense. People are so concerned about eating around me, but it doesn't bother me the way I thought it would. I tell them it doesn't bother me, but they are still cautious about it. Now, on to other things. I am so ready to go to stage 2 foods. There are so many other things I can think of that I can have. I don't mind the clear diet, I just want something else. I want to actually feel it. I want to be able to taste different things. A variety!! OK, I think I have rambled enough. I am so glad there are others out there that understand what all this is about. And , by the way, according to my scale at home, I have already lost 2 pounds!!! Not to bad if you ask me!!!!
so proud of you Kat, from what others say you are reacting normal, any surgery takes time to get it over, hope I can do that good, time has been so slow for me , I have been up and I have been know what i mean...I bought me some nectar whey protein isolate, cappuccino flavored from Syntrax. its good, one scoop has 23 gr.protein, no fat no sugar , no asppartame ,90 cal. you take care of yourself...and God is good...vesta
hi Kat my name is Gretta and I just wanted to say hi. I have joined this web site about 5 days ago and have been reading everyones posts. I have a surgery appointment for January 11th and am so scared so I wanted to read up on ppl that have had the surgery. I have Dr. Horbostel as well. How long were you in the hospital? Do you work? If so how long did you have to take off of work? Well it was nice to read your posts and take care
You being tired could be from the anesthsia too. Are you taking in pain medications? If so it is from that too. You body just went though a major adjustment, so give yourself a break, and let it rest when it need to. You will be able to get up and around in no time. Just take a couple of days to rest up.
Hang in there kiddo, you will be great.
Welcome to the losing side.
It sounds like you are on track. I was tired like that too for a while after the surgery.
It seems to me the few times I have had surgery, it takes me about 5 or 6 weeks to get over that tired feeling.
Then if I take any kind of pain pills, all I want to do is sleep while I'm on them.
Don't get disappointed.....gosh, JUST had surgery. Let your body heal.
Take care,
God Bless,
Congratulations on your surgery and your first 2 pounds! I'm still on the final stages before i get my surgery, still have to have the pscyh eval next week, then send all of it to the clinic. I got wrapped up in a cord at work today and tripped and sprained my foot pretty good, can't put any pressure on it. So i hear you about wanting to be up and about and not being able to. We have to let ourselves heal.
Good luck to you, I'm looking forward to being on the losing end myself.