Hello everyone......
I just thought that I would post to let you all that I have made it home. I had to wait for my surgery longer than expected because if the weather. Dr. H. was late getting to the hospital. That was alright with me, as long as he was there. My sugery took 2 hrs. 4 min. and off to recovery I went. I wanted to sit up in recovery, but they wouldn't let me. The nurse was the only one there with me and she couldn't support me if I fell. Then I went to my room, as small as it was. I really enjoyed my room. Within an hour of being in there, I was up in the chair, and I did 2 laps around the nurses station. I set a goal for myself. Dr. H. said that if everything went well, I could go home on Saturday. So that is what I did. I got up, walked, and made myself work to go home. The hardest part was my throat. They had scratched it with the tube. I kind of cheated and swallowed some of the water from the swabs. The next morning, I was whisked off to x-ray, and that went just fine. I saw Dr. H after that and he asked how I was doing, if I had any questions, and if I wanted to go home. I didn't have any questions, and I had explained that I went walking every chance I got, and he said sounds to him that I met my goal and that I could go home. Going home was rough, but a smoother ride than on the way there. The weather was nice, but the ice on the roads made the trip bad. I still have the trapped gas in my belly and it hurt worse than anything. I am not doing to bad. I am still very sore and tired, but I have been walking and doing exactly what I am told. This is the point where I am asking myself, what have I done. I am not asking myself that because I miss the food, I am asking that because of the pain. I just don't want any food. People around me last night were eating fried chicken and other stuff, and I just didn't even want to taste it. The smell was nice, but other than that, nope, didn't want it. Well, that is my update for now, I am going to go lay down, again, my eyes are getting really heavy. Love you all and thank you for your support!!!
so happy you are home and in your own bed i know that is nice . that is fantastic that you got to come home in one day. Praise God. I know your babies were glad to see mama . and Mama glad to see them. You sure had a rough road to go to get to the hospital but you made it and all went well. Praise God again. Now all of it is up to you. sipp and sip some more and walk and walk some more. and then rest and recuperater . Jan
Helo Kat, So glad to hear you are safe and sound at home with your family. I bet the kids were so excited to see you both. It is still a mess here on side roads. I sure hope it clears up soon. I will be in hopsital Monday nite for C-PAP and Tuesday take my sister to pre-op in Columbia and Wednesday my sister has surgery in Columbia. So praying my roads are clear. I did get the de-icer put in my car and bought a telescoping ice scraper to keep things cleaned off better. I am now putting blankets in my car and have a pair of boots!I will be so glad to be on the bench with you. I started out with only one pair of jeans this winter cause I had gained more weight but after my ex moved and all this walking and de-icing sidewalks and helping shovel snow I was able to a pair of my old jeans from last year. HIP HIP HOORAY! When I tried them on a couple of months ago they only went to my knees. So after all the snow and being home my sister and her friend hit the clear roads last nite for a nite out. We went to Marshall and after a couple of hours I left them and came back and stopped at a couple of places to visit old friends. It was nice to relax and get reacquainted again. Let me know how you like the protein drink samples and how you mix them , whether with ice, milk water or whatever. I am going to try to look for some around here to get started and hopefully aquire a taste for them. I hope to see you the 7th if all goes well. Let me know the time. I wish I could get a call that they had some cancellations due to weather so I can get my consult done earlier. I ask Dena one day and she said everyone wants to be on that list. Imagine that!! But God willing I will have mine when the time is right. Take care and I apoligize again for not being able to make it to the hospital. JULIA