We finally made it...
It took us about 5-6 hours to drive what normally would have taken us 2 1/2. DH put all the seats down in the Duragno so I could lay down and sleep. Also, I am so glad all of you got a giggle out of my post on the magnesuim stuff. Let me explain a bit. I didn't take it right before I left, I took it about 2-3 hours before. I had started to write the post and then DH called and said we were leaving as soon as he got home from work. They were going to shut down Ft. Leonard Wood and if they did that, we wouldn't have been able to leave. I got up from the computer, finished what I had to do, and then came back to finish the post. We weren't supposed to leave unitl later that night!! Yes it was a miserable trip!!! I didn't have any problems with the obvious side effects, I just had a horrible stomach ache!! We did have to stop twice. Not to bad for being in the car for almost 6 hours. Let me all tell you a bit about Julia. She is an earthbound angel. She has gone above and beyond the call of duty and has opened her home up to a complete stranger. She came to my rescue in my time of need. What more can you ask for? We will be "waking up" at 3 am and DH is going to go start the truck, load it up, and make sure we can actually move before I leave this nice warm heated house. We are also going to leave really early because we don't know how long it will take us to get to the hospital. It is still snowing really hard here, and the roads are bad. I think 3 hours should be enough to get from here to there. Well, everyone, I love you all, wish me luck, I am going to attempt to get some sleep. Next time I post, I should be on the losing side!!!!!!!!!!