Am I normal?????
Friday will be 2 weeks post op. I am HUNGRY all the time. I don't know if it is my brain playing tricks on me or what. I don't feel any different than before surgery except that I KNOW I can't eat. I thought I wouldn't be hungry and that my sips of protein and liquids would make me feel full. I am beginning to think I am some kind of weirdo or something.
Please someone tell me they too experienced hunger during the first few weeks post op....I do get to start semi-soft solids on Friday but I am scared to death of overdoing it because of how hungry I am.
the first few weeks i didnt want to eat but i didnt feel like i knew when i was full. I had somesort of emply feeling but dont think it was really hunger. it was just no feeling really. and when i started to tey to eat soft food then i started to realize the amount i could eat. I think from the surgery there isnt much feeling ther so you dont know what it is feeling , your head tells you hunger but it probably isnt.
You will have hunger later on but just doesnt take much to fill you up.
I dont think this really answered your question about wheter you normal or not lol i couldnt begin to say ... love you and hope someone else can come up with a better answer for you. Jan
Well, I did tell someone just this afternoon that I think my hunger is 90% mental and 10% physical. I guess I am confused because so many people have said they weren't hungry at all and since last wednesday I feel like I am always hungry. I think it is just the liquids getting to least I hope that is all it is. I do always feel better after a protein shake, but sometimes still have that hungry feeling within a very short time.
Thanks Jan...I appreciate your answer and it does make sense!
Barb, how much liquids are you getting in a day, maybe you are experiencing a bit of dehydration. Sometimes when you are thirsty your body will seem to tell you that you are hungery mainly because alot of people that have been overweight most of their lives seem to think that when our body makes noises that its hungery so we feed it therefore thinking that we have fixed the problem, when the real problem is that our body is dehyrdated and is only looking for something liquid, we have given it too much and now it has food and liquid so it is content. It may take you some time to adjust to what your body is saying, but for right now make sure you are getting all your liquids in and your protein in, if you are still feeling hungery after that call Kathy or Patsy at the office and talk to them to see what else it could be.
Thanks Theresa, I think I may not be getting enough protein but I am trying really hard. I am drinking alot of water, but as far as "meals" go, I can't stomach jello anymore, so I am doing sugar free popsicles, sometimes chicken broth and the rest of the time protein shakes but I am having a very low tolerance for them. I bought some isopure protein to make shakes with and tried one tonight. It wasn't too bad. Gonna try to start my day with that, (it has 50 gr of protein)...hoping that helps, otherwise, I am almost afraid to try to actually eat something on friday...
Hi I am almost 4 weeks out and I remember the first few weeks where hell I thought I was hungry all the time and it did not help that I had people eating in front of me all the time. I soon realized it was head hunger it was old habits saying i wanted to eat. I have gotten through that since then and I feel a lot better now. You will get through this don't worry it will be better.