To Jan, Andrew and others for Dec 19!
since you already have reservations at Best Western we will try to get a room there too and will see if Andrew wants to get his there too. Supper sounds great for after my appointment. Julia and Barbara you all hear that. Mexican is great with me. we can always have re fried beans lol Food isnt that important to me any more so it really doesnt matter where we eat. and i always carry protein powder with me to be able to make a shake if need be. and or protein bars. Sounds like a neat Christmas treat for all of us. Jan
Sounds like a lot of fun. Golden Corral is there and it gives a big choice for all different things that maybe everyone can eat. If some cant tolerate some meats there is alway soup or chili and salad. You pick it. Also they take the gastric card and you eat for kids price. Just an idea. I will ask Mel and we may stay at best western too if they are pet friendly. Hope we can make it too. Colette
Hey Craig,
How are you doing?
This started out because Jan & I had appointments the same day and then Andrew got his appointment for that day and so we three decided to meet somewhere.
Then everyone that lives around Sedalia started chiming in and wanting to join us. Andrew and I live around 4 to 5 hours away from Sedalia and we don't get to go to support meetings and wanted to meet some of the WLS family and so that's how it got to now.
I do wish you could join us. How far do you live from Sedalia?
Love Brenda