The weekend again. anxious for monday to come and get to a meeting. I didnt get to go to one last month and i have felt all dis-com-bobulated all month. Do you all ever feel that way? lol
I went yesterday morning to Radio shack and bought me the wireless keyboard and mouse. they are still in the box becasue i dont want to install the software on my sons computer and then have to do it again on mine . Hopefully i will get mine back soon. I also bought the blue tooth head set. neat little deal. once i got it charged up and installed it was so much fun. Will really be neat when driving and wont have to reach over and get the phone when it rings.
but i liked it today when i was helping Joe with some stuff and both hands were pretty full and just punched the button on the head set and went ahead and talked and worked . this will be fun this summer when i have both hands dirty digging in the dirt.
Well Joe and I got all the underlayment down in the kitchen and living room today also in the guest house. after we get that all done we will be installing lamanate flooring thru out.
but with just the underlayment down it looks so much better and cleaner than it did look . when we started all of this it had avocado green shag carpeting in it . yuck.!!!!!
Dannielle: so glad that your family are so supportive of you having the surgery. It really makes it nice when they are like that.
Sounds like your Thanksgiving dinner was lovely and lots of fun for you , the kids, and the dog.
I couldnt agree more with you about the Missouri board. Of the ones i have lurked on none of them have as many people that post daily as we do here and that is why we have such a good relationship i think is that we really get to know one another. We are friends not just a bunch of people on the board.
Marilyn : if you want Toms address email Lana and she will give it to you. She didnt want to just post it on here for anyone to see i guess.
I sent him a card today.
My Thanksgiving was seeded with thoughts of Marilyn too all day yesterday. But I have given it to the Lord and know that she is there with him now. She knew this was a possibility but said that the surgery was really her only hope to actually have a life again.
I bet your house looks pretty.
Kat: sounds like your family really enjoyed your meal you prepared a i love your discription of the table after they had eaten .Im sure you will get everything done in time for your surgery and what you dont will be there when you come home from the hospital.
I dont know why we as women want everything neat and tidy when we leave to go somewhere.
Could we say we may be a little weird.
Sherr: so glad you had a good day yesterday with your family. Sounds like they didnt know how to take the new eating Sherr.
Sure is different isnt it? I really enjoyed not having that stuffed feeling yesterday. It is amazing now about how i feel about food. I still like the taste of things that i am eating but it is 3 or 4 bites and that is enough. Eating to live instead of living to eat. quite a difference.
Oh poor Melissa she is still having to stay in the hospital. Has she had any more bad spells? I was so hopping that she was getting stronger faster than that. Bless her heart.
What is the address to the hospital again so i can send her another card. I lost it. also need the room number.
We will most certainly pray for Janet next Wed when she has her surgery.
Andrew: hey guy how is your day today. I thought about you at the nursing home yesterday. Did the other residents enjoy you all being there? Yes it is normal to feel draggy for about a month off and on after surgery. but it will start getting better as you go along.
watch taking those gulps of water they can really hurt cant they?
I got an email from Dena yesterday with some silly little thing in it and i wondered if anyone had informed them of Marilyns passing.
I ask her if she had heard and she hadnt. So i ask her to infor Dr, Hornbostel and Margie about it and told her what i knew of it.
She was very upset .
Barb S: I really think your hunger is head hunger not stomach hunger . I get hungry finally now at 3 months out but a few bites and im full. You are still on liquids, when you get to start on the soft foods that will maybe satisfiy both areas some .
Happy Birthday . Wish i was 45 again and would have been able to have this surgery. You have a long long life ahead of you and I hope it will all be happy and good.
Did you find any good bargains yesterday?
Well im up again in the middle of the night for a while. So guess i will get this posted and wait for you all to respond . Everyone have a great Saturday and get all of those decorations up today.
I am always up this late at night. I LOVE the peace and quiet this time of night brings. It is the one time that I have just to me. No kids yelling,"Mooooom, he hit me, Mooooom, she won't share, MOOOOOOM, I'm hungry! MOM, MOM, MOM" I love my kids with everything that I am, it is just so nice when they are all asleep. I got my Christmas tree up and the lights on it. I have the laundry going and the dishes soaking. I also have my centerpiece done for my table and the placemats out. I am going to set the table as soon as the dishes from Thanksgiving are done. That's right, the dishes are still washing from Thursday. I know most people would wash them all that day, but I have a dishwasher, and I USE it. May take me a lot longer than most. I know setting the table may be silly when we aren't going to use the fancy stuff and I have to move it everytime we eat, but it looks so good and it gives me that holiday feeling. I have aslo swept the floor to get all those pesky little green "needles" that come off the fake trees. Since the dryer seems to take twice as long as the washer, I sit here and do my school work in between loads. And to think, my husband wonders why I have trouble waking up in the morning. It just takes me a few cups of coffee and I am off like a shot again. I know it was just a TV show, but I wonder how "Leave It To Beaver's" mom was always up at the crack of dawn, had a huge breakfast made before the kids would come downstairs completely dressed and spiffied up, the house is spotless, but yet she walks around all day with an apron on vacuuming a carpet that probably hasn't seen a dust bunny since it has been laid, dusting things that you can see yourself in, and having a home cooked meal on the table with all of it being piping hot at 5:30 when dad comes home from the perfect job. Oh oh oh oh, I KNOW HOW SHE DID IT, she had Samantha from Bewitched in the left apron pocket and Genie from I Dream Of Genie in the other!!! As you can see, I am completely off my rocker this late at night, but it is so much fun to be silly. We all need a good laugh once in awhile. I hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday and don't forget to smile, laugh, and enjoy life.
Good Morning all, Yes I am up before noon today. I have been fighting this cold bug and guess I finally got most of my sleep in because of it I feel a little better but still not completely over it. Kat how are you feeling? I wish I was as energetic and excited about gettin ready for the holiday. But right now I still have some loose ends to tie up after the end of my last relationship. I wish everyone a nice weekend. Jan your place sound wonderful, I can almost envision it lit up at night with your decorations and lights. Maybe after I get a good dose of my grandkids I'll be more in the holiday spirit, a 15 and 13 year old can really liven things up.
The cold is still here, but it is slowly getting better. My husband went and got some of that new Theraflu Warming Relief. It tastes horrible, horrible, but it feels so good going down. I have just been so tired. I am also getting really anxious about my surgery. It is kind of an exciting anxiety. I will be packing my bags soon, just so I will be prepared and not forget anything in the rush to get out the door. I just hope this blasted cold is gone soon. Time for me to crawl into the bed and try to get better....
Good Morning - bunch of early birds around here today
I'm just getting around and have a busy day planned running errands and such, then meeting hubby in KC to shop a bit before we go pick daughter up at the airport.
It is so nice to have this four day break and actually get caught up with laundry, etc.
Kat - I can't believe all your late night energy. It reminds me of one of my sisters, she is like that. Your house sounds beautiful. We need to get our tree up. We usually go get a live one on my son's birthday - Dec 7. But I should be dragging out the decoraction boxes about now.
Jan - sounds like your re-modeling your house too! You guys are the project King and Queen. Good luck with your flooring. That laminate goes down really easy and looks nice and is very easy to care for.
Happy Saturday All!
Gooood Morning Missssssssouri :P
What a niceeee day it was yesturday and is gonna be even nicer today :D I could live with this weather all winter lol. I didnt do to much yesturday, finished putting up the outside lites and such then relaxed the rest of the day. Im feeling so good that I just wanna keep doing things but then I still get wore out easy, guess only being a lil over a week outta surgery will do that to ya lol.
Yes Jan we had a great time at the nursing home, they always enjoy someones company, esp on a holiday. The FIL really enjoyed us being there, the nurse on his wing said he kept asking if we were still coming all morning lol bless his heart. I still cant believe how full I got after just eating a couple bits of taters and a couple bits of thined out dressing, amazing how well the new tummy works. I been so fortunete not to have any complications with eating so far, my tummy has handled everything i've put through it, which isnt much yet lol, I guess the B-100 with Thiamine really works on keeping nausea down.
Today we're gonna concentrate on organizing our shedd, when we moved we just kind of put things in and now we cant find anything lol.
Jan your guest house sounds like it's coming right along, we'll have to come visit the "Cook Bed and Breakfast" LoL
Julia I hope ya get to feelin totally better soon, those silly colds seem to like to drag us down at times.
Kat your one silly gurl lol My wife is like you sometimes, she stays up all night doing things, esp when it comes to holiday cooking, she says she can bake better without me getting into things LoL This year there wont be none of that tho, she's gonna make me a SF Sweet tater pie for christmas tho, I should be able to have a bite of that without the crust MmmMmm
Colette sure hope ya had a good Thanksgiving, I think boutcha often when I'm sittin here in the puter room, that baloon ya brought me in the hospital is still just a floating in the air lol
Anyone heard from Benny, is he still having his surgery in Dec??
How's Melissa?? Anyone have an update on how she's doing??
Alan how ya doin bud?? Ya feeling good after surgery??
Hey CardsFan, where do you get your liquad Thiamine?? I've looked all over around here and in farmington and no one seems to have it.
Well the wife just got back from the post office so it's time to go get my walk in and get my day going, hope everyone has a goooood weekend.