Just a quick note to say Thank You all so much for all your prayers!!!!!! I am slowly but surely coming out of the woods. And starting to feel like my ol self again. Dr. R came in tonight as I was hurling my guts up. He stated this would take me sevral month to come back from this. So needless to say I will be taken it nice and easy for quite awhile. I know this isnt a long post but I wanted to at least pop in and post and say Thank you all for everything!!!!! I know be still in the hospital until wed at the earliest. I am so sorry I scared you all out that. Never planned for it to go anything like this. I will try and get back on line again tommorow!!!! I Love each and Everyone of YOU so Much!!! Words can never decribe what you all mean to me.
God Bless
Oh Melissa sweetie how wonderful to see your sweet face and to hear from you directly. My knees are starting to get calloused from calling out to God for you. Love you and praying you get home soon. Try to get your strength back up to a decent level so you can go home . I know when you went in you were just wanting relief from pain and certainly didnt expect any of this to happen. take care and so good to hear directly from you sweetie. love you Jan
MEL MEL!!!!!
Thank GOD! It is so good to see you g/f! Like Momma Jan says, we all want you to get on home and get to recouping and resting.
I hope Janet will stop by and see you today, if you are feeling like company. So, everything going on with you, Dr. R. thinks is just part of it? Goodness, we've been so worried.
Hopefully, you can write back....I hope Terry let you hear my message I left for you on your cell phone the other day. I remember what it felt like to be "out of it" and don't want to be calling and buggin' you too much. Everyone has been great at keeping the rest of us up to date.
Love you!
How great it was to check the MO Board this morning and find you had posted! We have all been praying so hard for you to recover. The Lord is FAITHFUL! We will continue to pray for your complete recovery.
Now you do what the doctor tells you to do and take care of yourself. I hope you can go home in time for Thanksgiving. I know we all have many blessings in our lives that we take for granted. Family, friends, homes, etc. I hope that all of us will remember just how good the Lord has been to us this past year and thank Him for his many blessings!
Have a Blessed Thanksgiving Day!
Debbie D.
Oh, little Melissa, It is so good to see and hear you on the board. There have been many, many, many prayers sent up about you and our God is faithful and hears and answers our prayers. Praise Him.
Take extra good care of yourself and we'll do our part by keeping the prayers coming your way.
Hugs and love to you.