Surgery Wed 22nd
Hey everyone!
I'm going in the day before Thanksgiving for my BA. My second round of plastic surgery! : ) I'm excited!!! Funny that some folks even use a fake name to go in for this surgery(so no one will know!) and here I am BLABBING it to the world! lol After the WLS most of you ladies know what we're left with so you can imagine what a GIFT this surgery will be!
I told Claudette and Glenna I'll be ready to do the wet t-shirt contests with them!
Hey if we can't have some humor then what?????
I'll also be having a little revision done from my LBL where I've got some uneveness on the hips. SO anyway, I'll be in and out same day and taking it easy over the holiday.
I've not had time to get on here but have been keeping updated on all the surgeries and praying for you all! So glad to hear and read tonight that everyone is doing pretty good!!
I'm adding a portrait to my profile, it's of my grandma and her new husband of 2 yrs..he's over 92 and she's 82. I drew this off a photo I took of them when I went to CA a couple of months ago. I LOVE to do art, drawing, painting, but hadn't drawn a portrait in 17yrs. Thinking I'm going to get going on this again! Forgot how much I love it. : )
HAPPY THANKSGIVING everyone~!!~!!!!
I've been gone all day today so I'm getting on here late. I hadn't forgot your upcoming surgery tomorrow though.
I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and will be praying for you.
Give us a call when you feel like talking and we'll be waiting for an update.
Claudette and I will have your t-shirt ready for you. lol
We love ya' girlfriend.
Talk to you soon.