I am doing good so far I am still having quite a bit of pain from the drain spot. Dr Hodges said I would tho because it was in a very muscular spot, so I am still drinking my pain juice. Have not had much output from the drain either,and it has turned from red blood to a kinda yellow looking fluid. I hope that isn't a bad thing,I don't go back to see the doc's until nov 28 at 8:30 am. Brenda and I have been getting a good nights sleep, we slept until almost 10 today. Today I want to start doing more walking around the house. I can't wait to be able to get back in the gym and resume my weight training. I love to weight training I got started on it way back in JR.high school and was on the power lifting team in high school. As soon as I can get my legs to heal I also want to start hitting the pool I love to swim. I was a life guard for many years. Glad Melissa is doing ok, and Andrew keep flying along my friend. LOVE YOU ALL Alan
Hey there Alan,
Glad to see your doing good. Sorry about that pain bud, Im pretty fortunet I dont have a drain so Im pretty much pain free. I'm like you too I cant wait to get back to a gym and do the weights, I loved goin to the gym before I got married and even after I got married. There's a nice one in my area but no pool, I really would love to do water arobics they say those are so good for ya. Well anyway Im so glad to hear your doing good. Hopefully one day soon we'll get down to springfield and holler atcha. Im about 3 1/2 hours from there I believe. Keep on truckin my friend.
So good to hear you're getting sleep. I hear lots of folks say they sleep in their recliner and we don't have a recliner!!! I know I can make a pillow recliner in my spare room so I really am not too worried. I just want to get this show on the road and I'm so very thankful to God that I'm getting surgery so quickly. I'm going to keep going to HHI until my surgery and then I'm switching to Nixa because it is only $12.00 a month there since DH is a member. I love Hammons because people there are not young and in Spandex and I don't feel like a freak but $38.00 a month difference is quite a chunk!!! I know you are going to do so awesome. Hope you can come on the 27th. Would love for DH to meet you. Hugs to you and Brenda.